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Messages - Glüc da Dhi S.H.

Cézembre / Senechal elections
January 29, 2020, 04:41:37 AM
@Amada Merþedes
can I point you to this matter, which needs your attention:
It is my pleasure to open call for bills of the February 2020 Clark.

Eventually, the clark can be viewed in real time here: (for the votes)

and here: (for the bills )

It is NOT too late to submit bills, of course, as you have OFFICIALLY until the morning of the 31th of this month, provided your bills have been in the Hopper before end of business day the 26th, of course. I will make the Clark on February 1st's morning and bills submitted up to a few hours before that will probably also be taken.

PLEASE note that in order to support a bill, you need to:

1 ) Be a Senator, the Secretary of State or the King
2 ) Have been nominated as a Cosa Member for the upcoming Clark BEFORE the 26th,

To vote on the Clark, you will have 3 options:

1 ) You will be able to vote in the Clark thread (which will be created later on the 1st of January), or in a separate Senate voting thread, as usual. I will enter your votes in the DB.

2 ) You will be able to vote directly in the database, using your usernumber and DB password (which you can retrieve at: using the PSC of the election) or by login via Facebook (which requires manual activation on my part).

3 ) Votes cast on the Senate/Cosa boards on new Witt will also be counted.

[p][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/p]

Glüc da Dhi
Secretary of State

!IMPORTANT: Bills will still need to have been posted in the hopper on Old Witt!
Azul citizens of Talossa. The Chancery is currently hiring for a number of positions. I do not expect to fill all of the listed positions. I do also not expect to accept all applications., but feel free to apply anyway.

Sadly, there is little reward I can offer. All positions are voluntary, which means there is no financial compensation. You will however have a chance to serve your community, perhaps get more tasks in the future and if you do well be considered for even more respectable offices (all of which also unpaid presumably.)

Workload and requirements depend on the position. In generally you are expected to be a citizen of Talossa in good standing, be reliable (not suddenly go AWOL) and either have knowledge of or be interested in learning about the laws and traditions that are related to your office. You are also expected to be a regular visitor of witt. Many of the functions require you to have access to sensible information, which means you need to be highly trustworthy. Depending on the position partisan activity (campaigning, filling a party office) is either discouraged or not allowed. Being a party member is allowed for all functions, but in some cases discouraged. Many of the positions also require you to deal with me and accepting that your decisions may sometimes be overruled. Communication skills and showing initiative are also generally a pre.

New citizens are advised to apply for State Elf in charge of the Hopper or State Elf in charge of Preparations.

Apply by replying to this post, sending me a pm, facebook/whatsapp message or email. Please include what position or positions you are interested in and how much time you expect to be able to spend on this.

•   Wittenberg admin (x1)
You will be, together with the other admins, enforcing Wittiquette (yet to be created) on new Witt in accordance with the moderation guide (yet to be created). You will also move, (un)sticky and/or (un)announce acting on the requests of various officeholders. Finally, you will be a member of the adminboard which decides on the enforcement on wittiquette and will eventually be asked to evaluate and update Wittiquette.

•   Second deputy Secretary of State
You will conduct approximately half of all clarks (entering and checking bills, entering votes, posting results). In addition you may be asked to conduct elections and censuses if the Secretary of State is available.
Finally you are expected to take on at least one of the tasks associated with a State Elf function (see below).

•   State Elf in charge of Wittenberg
You will be the main administrator of the new Wittenberg forum. You will take on regular admin duties (see above) and be a member of the admin board. In addition you will eventually be tasked with evaluating an updating the admin hierarchy, hiring and firing of admins, communication with CpI/Ziu admins and officeholders, board structure  and communication with the technical forum staff (secretary to the cabinet). (Essentially you will be responsible for all functions the chancery is given by the Ziu relating to wittenberg, but you will still report to/be bound by the decisions of the Secretary of State).

•   State Elf in charge of Legal affairs.
You will represent the Chancery in some legal cases. You will also be asked to provide legal advice when a member of the Chancery is in doubt about the interpretation of the law. Finally you will occasionally evaluate whether chancery practices are compliant with the law and report to the Secretary of State about this.

•   State Elf in charge of Citizenship
You will issue grants of citizenship following petitions (after checking a prospective citizen has met all the requirements. You will update wittenberg profiles accordingly. You will also restore citizenship when requested and remove citizens who struck out from the rolls following elections.

•   State Elf in charge of preparations.
You will review internal and public discussion following elections and referenda, stay up to date about election laws being passed and submit recommendations on potential changes in advance of a census or referenda. If approved you will work with the database admin to implement these changes.

•   State Elf in charge of Emails
You  will keep a manual list of various email databases, subscriptions and opt-outs and opt-ins. You will email government emails to the appropriate email list. Eventually are expected to submit recommendations to the SoS and the Ziu to clean up the current email list mess.

Filled•   State Elf in charge of Provincial Assignment
You will keep track of provincial assignments. Particularly whether locations provided in the census match current provincial assignment and contact citizens about whether they would like to change province.

•   State Elf in charge of the Hopper.
You will update a public list of bills in the hopper and make early determinations on the Organicity, proper layout and votes required to pass. You will remove bills from the list that have been in the hopper too long.