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Appointment of Talossan Web Registrant

Started by Danihel Txechescu, March 08, 2023, 04:08:53 PM

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Danihel Txechescu


Appointment of Talossan Web Registrant
With many thanks to Dr. Txec dal Nordselva for his continuous, generous and reliable service as the Talossan Web Registrant, I hereby relieve him of those duties and simultaneously instruct myself, Danihel Txechescu, to occupy that same chair and desk.

L'Apüntamaintsch del Rexhistréu Web del Regipäts
Avetz muitas graschcias à D:r Txec dal Nordselva per sieu serviçù continuös, mundrapunt, es sigür in sieu capacità àl Rexhistréu Web del Regipäts, perventüra lo liveréu d'acestilor deveirs es simultanmint se praiçeitéu àð ocuparh la misma cadeira es püpitra.

Danihel Txechescu

Reposting as it was eaten up by the void.

I'll be here all day to answer any questions, of which I've heard there's more than one.

Danihel Txechescu

I'll open the floor by saying that even though there is this nominal appointment, *there has been no change in practical terms* since we are dealing with other more important issues at the moment. For that (and his continuous support) I thank @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB, since he's been around with a helping hand while we deal with all of the hosting mess. I cannot say less of @Lüc. I promise you we're on to good things that will benefit our Kingdom.

I stand by my decision to separate the Web Registrant (technical role I take upon) and the Burgermaster (the best cook there is North of the Rio Bravo). I have heard there are concerns and have received that feedback as valuable information for risk management and mitigation. We'll deal that risk accordingly, even for worst case scenarios.

While I understand some problems have happened in the past due to contacts MIA (specifically for payments), that's not going to be of concern for us. As I've said elsewhere, I want to move some services out of our current provider, DoRoyal, in light of the current situation. By mere virtue of moving our domains away from them onto a better registrar, we'll be 1) saving some money as we're offered better rates, and we'll be 2) extending the expiration date of all domains until July 2024.

Now, I understand the Web Registrant can be a multi-year role. I'm really not concerned about the future, I'm here for the long term, and not only am I willing to serve for such long term, but the renewal or dealing with technical details will be at the entire disposal of whoever a future government (or SoS, or His Maj, or the aliens) decide to appoint in the future as Web Registrant. As stated, I have a mission here and my plan is to improve things and to leave them in better shape on my departure.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Danihel Txechescu on March 08, 2023, 04:33:25 PMNow, I understand the Web Registrant can be a multi-year role. I'm really not concerned about the future, I'm here for the long term, and not only am I willing to serve for such long term, but the renewal or dealing with technical details will be at the entire disposal of whoever a future government (or SoS, or His Maj, or the aliens) decide to appoint in the future as Web Registrant. As stated, I have a mission here and my plan is to improve things and to leave them in better shape on my departure.

You see, this is a bit of a worry to us, because you seem to be one of several people who "went on strike" during the years of centre-Left government, but came back into action as soon as the conservative-monarchist party regained office. If reformists or Republicans won the next election, that makes us worry that you'd just disappear again.

My attitude is that the senior figures in the Royal Civil Service and non-political appointments should be - not necessarily politically neutral Talossans - but those with a track record of working well with all shades of political opinion. Come to think of it, that's my preference for Head of State as well.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Danihel Txechescu

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on March 08, 2023, 06:48:31 PM
Quote from: Danihel Txechescu on March 08, 2023, 04:33:25 PMNow, I understand the Web Registrant can be a multi-year role. I'm really not concerned about the future, I'm here for the long term, and not only am I willing to serve for such long term, but the renewal or dealing with technical details will be at the entire disposal of whoever a future government (or SoS, or His Maj, or the aliens) decide to appoint in the future as Web Registrant. As stated, I have a mission here and my plan is to improve things and to leave them in better shape on my departure.

You see, this is a bit of a worry to us, because you seem to be one of several people who "went on strike" during the years of centre-Left government, but came back into action as soon as the conservative-monarchist party regained office. If reformists or Republicans won the next election, that makes us worry that you'd just disappear again.

My attitude is that the senior figures in the Royal Civil Service and non-political appointments should be - not necessarily politically neutral Talossans - but those with a track record of working well with all shades of political opinion. Come to think of it, that's my preference for Head of State as well.

That's fair and a valid concern. But believe it or not, nobody invited me to do anything technological for the realm before [1], and that's what I do for a living. Well, dealing with disastrous web hosting is not part of my job description, but I do work on tech stuff.

I think it's also worth nothing that I'm not part of the TNC. I was invited to join (like I've been approached by other parties in the past) but I am certain that politics is not for me, as I have a ton of other things to spend my time on, and the farthest away I can be from politics, the better.

It seems that this whole thing has been written with some political inks too -- I won't be part of that. I'll leave that to those who want to engage on partisan things, but I'll just do the needful to get these things done.

Also, please, don't get me wrong: I'm not dismissing your concerns. I hear them and take them into account. I just don't see a *technical* or *practical* problem happening any time soon. (It is risk #1 on my list, however.)

[1] I did help GV with name translation, from a tech angle, by automating that process in large texts. Still, I wasn't asked, I offered the help.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

QuoteI think it's also worth nothing that I'm not part of the TNC. I was invited to join (like I've been approached by other parties in the past) but I am certain that politics is not for me

That's... odd, given that you're a Cabinet Minister. The role of a Cabinet Minister is essentially a political one. Surely if you want to be non-political, you should be a Permanent Secretary of the same status as Lüc, answering to a political Cabinet Minister.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Danihel Txechescu

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on March 09, 2023, 09:03:34 PM
QuoteI think it's also worth nothing that I'm not part of the TNC. I was invited to join (like I've been approached by other parties in the past) but I am certain that politics is not for me

That's... odd, given that you're a Cabinet Minister. The role of a Cabinet Minister is essentially a political one. Surely if you want to be non-political, you should be a Permanent Secretary of the same status as Lüc, answering to a political Cabinet Minister.

Well, you might be wearing your political glasses, I'm not surprised it may look like so. But my job here is to take care of the ministry's portfolio and dictate _policies_, not politics. In the end, what I want to say is that if I can avoid a visit to the Ziu, I'll continue doing technological things.

I thank you for this sideline discussion -- I rarely get the air time.