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Messages - Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Quote from: xpb on December 13, 2021, 09:31:42 PM
is there a 56th Cosă -- December Discussion Thread?

There isn't. Considering how the last clark's discussion thread got no engagement whatsoever, I figured it wouldn't make sense to continue with them. The thread you linked in the lobby is the SoS's voting thread.
Also while we're on the general topic of trying and failing to do fun things, my last attempt at a cultural project was an audio(visual) news format in Talossan, and nothing ever came of it because no one contacted me on the job board at TalossaNET during the three months that the posting was open by default. (Speaking of TalossaNET, I *think* its been overrun by spam and/or bot accounts lately, someone should take care of that...)
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on December 05, 2021, 10:05:26 PMHonestly, perhaps the tape can be cut without actually repealing anything. If everyone active just agrees to ignore it...

Ahh, the wonders of adhocracy!
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on December 04, 2021, 07:01:12 PMI'm not ready to give up on Talossa.  Are you?

Honestly, after having witnessed the absolute state of the Ziu, supposedly the main attraction of this country, yes.

Talossa is too complex to be saved by individual motivated people. There is only so much a single person can do to revitalise a given subsection of the country until they get frustrated by the apathetic supermajority's unwillingness to do anything except go through the motions and thus either burn themselves out in very unhealthy ways or become part of that supermajority themselves (or both, of course). That's why the promising programs and ideas you mentioned died.

The only people you will reach with speeches like this are the motivated individuals who are ultimately powerless to stop (let alone reverse) this development. And unless you want to do something about the supermajority's stranglehold on this country (which would potentially involve extreme measures like rescinding inactive people's citizenships en masse), maybe it's better to simply let Talossa run its course and die?
Dear colleagues, please come to order.

I hereby open this month's session of the Cosă. This month's topics are the following:

[table style="width:70%" border=1]
[tr][td]Date Däts[/td] [td]Topic Topic[/td] [td]Speakers Parleirs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]1 - 30[/td] [td]Recess
Spaßetxadă[/td] [td]--[/td][/tr]

No bills were clarked for this month. As such, no debates are expected to occur. However, Members may use this thread to raise points of order and similar affairs.

Members are still expected to vote on the Vote of Confidence. Please do so in the SoS's Voting Thread as usual.
Quote from: xpb on October 05, 2021, 11:06:21 AM
Just so I understand - the discussion is intended occur about a given bill between the specified dates?  I'm going to be traveling a bit just need to plan ahead.

That was the original intention, yes, but I might think about waiving this as well if the House is in agreement on that.

QuoteI realize the statement at the end is "Members of the Cosă will be free to comment on the bills in any order they like." but I want to respect the process established.
This is in reference to the system used in August, where Members were encouraged to pre-register their speeches so that I could order speeches fairly, but this didnt amount to anything. Therefore, there is no more fixed order that Members are expected to speak in.
Dear colleagues, please come to order.

I hereby open this month's session of the Cosă. This month's topics are the following:

[table style="width:70%" border=1]
[tr][td]Date Däts[/td] [td]Topic Topic[/td] [td]Author(s) Auþor(s)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]01 - 05[/td] [td]56RZ3: The Talossan Criminal Law Reform Bill #2
56RZ3: El Proxhet dal Reformaziun del Drept Penal Talossan n:reu 2
[/td] [td]Miestră Schivă, FREEDEMS[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]06 - 11[/td] [td]56RZ4: The Legislative Process Improvement Bill #1
56RZ4: El Proxhet dal Miglhoriçaziun dal Proceßă Lexhislatïu n:reu 1
[/td] [td]Miestră Schivă, FREEDEMS
Glüc da Dhi, KLüP[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]12 - 16[/td] [td]56RZ5: The 56th Cosa Budget
56RZ5: El Báxhet dal 56:téă Cosă
[/td] [td]Sen. Ian Plätschisch[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]17 - 21[/td] [td]56RZ6: The Big Fat Chocolate-Covered Waste of Time Bill
56RZ6: El Proxhet dal Grült Fäts Perdaziun da Temp Alsetour Cün Schocolat
[/td] [td]Miestră Schivă, FREEDEMS[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]22 - 31[/td] [td]Recess
Spaßetxadă[/td] [td]--[/td][/tr]

The first subject on the agenda is RZ3. Due to lack of engagement during the August Clark, there will be no fixed speaking order in future sessions. Members of the Cosă will be free to comment on the bills in any order they like.

Note that this is not a voting thread. The actual voting will take place as usual in the SoS's Voting Thread.
Same here, no objections.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on September 21, 2021, 04:24:05 PM
Probably not much to chew on here, but I should submit this pro-forma anyway!
Which version specifically, your own or Antaglha's?
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Ár glheþ in direct
September 17, 2021, 05:13:43 PM
I'm waiting for anyone else to tell me when they have the time for a voice chat since my own schedule is extremely irregular and its easier for me to adapt to other peoples' schedules than vice versa.

On that note: When do you have time, Miestră?
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Ár glheþ in direct
September 17, 2021, 01:32:15 PM
Quote from: xpb on September 01, 2021, 08:29:07 AM
One minor point of order is that the proxy I granted has expired for my votes thought to have been for the potential of leading opposition.  That also needed to be based in addition on a vote of confidence which was not exercised in the negative by the grantee, thus did not come to fruition.

That is correct. The current Leader, and only member, of the Opposition is the Honourable Muhammed Yasir from the Talossan National Congress.
Dear colleagues, please come to order.

This is a Month of Recess. As such, the timetable for this month is as follows:

[table style="width:70%" border=1]
[tr][td]Date Däts[/td] [td]Topic Topic[/td] [td]Speakers Parleirs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]1 - 30[/td] [td]Recess
Spaßetxadă[/td] [td]--[/td][/tr]

No debates are expected to occur this month. However, Members may use this thread to raise points of order and similar affairs.

The Cosă will properly reconvene on the First of October.
I ask the Most Honourable Txoteu Davinescu (who I can't @ because it wont let me), to respond until a week from now.