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Topics - Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D.

If there were a process for an online business being promoted and persistently accessible through a main Talossan website, and if that were reciprocated by the business to donate a fixed percentage of net sales to the Talossan government, is that something that would be welcomed? or has it be tried and has not flourished?
Talossan Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Whiskey Society (TSFFWS) is here by re-established. Membership is free, casual, and based exclusively on participation.

An initial discussion:

Dune and Intentional Social Change

Earlier this year a second attempt was made to bring the story of Dune to a cinematic environment by Denis Villeneuve. The decision was made to split the complicated first novel into two films. Thus, the first film felt intentionally like half a film, a drawback to this approach, but an understandable one given the complexity of the source material, and the narrative failure of the David Lynch Dune movie. I say narrative failure as Lynch's film was visually entertaining and fascinating, yet the narrative veered so far from the source material as to have lost its meaning.

In the most recent adaptation of Dune some critics complained that it was a movie that once again glorified the idea of a white male Messiah rescuing native people from oppression. Anyone who would write that clearly doesn't understand the entirety of the initial trilogy of the Dune story, which is most aggressively anti-white male Messiah of any kind, and clearly shows the consequences of indulging in such fantasy.

For me the most important elements of the original dune trilogy, and yes I know there's more but they're so far removed for me from the original narrative as not to inspire my interest, was the thoughtful meditation on how religion is the handmaiden of political power, whether that power be established or of a revolutionary nature. It explored the incredible danger a movement or society encountered when it engages religious mythmaking as either a pathway to power or a way to safeguard power once attained.

The other most prominent feature of the Dune trilogy is the portrayal of how ecology and climate can directly and deeply affect culture, and cultural values. Some psychologist and developmental neurologists have pointed to the idea that one of the hardest things to do is to step outside of yourself and try to understand why you act the way that you do; essentially a conscious being trying to understand their own subconscious which is of course a difficult task. Cultures when they are at their best do this type of reflection as well, they can step outside of all of the variables that have shaped informed them and figure out what is worth keeping and what must be changed or outright exercised in order to advance as an ethical and surviving people.

I am curious as to if you think it's possible to do this. To be sure there are individuals who can step outside of their culture's frame of reference or outside of the narrative of those in control of the culture (for more on that please see the writings of Antonio Gramsci), but can an entire culture do that, or does it take a change of the cultural environment? In other words, for a culture to change does it have to undergo such a massive crisis that it has no choice but to change, where even that change is still being driven by the environment, or can it change by thoughtful choice and intention? Are we do doomed to be a reflection of our environment forever?
I just completed the English translation (obviously) of the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy and I cannot recommend it enough. Deeply inventive science fiction that blends the extreme end of our theoretical physics knowledge, with sociology and philosophy is a rare product. It's haunting and challenging. For me, it was both an incredible and all to possible depiction of interaction between societies not only with completely different biology and evolutionary environments, but significant technological differences.

The only major problem with the work is the complete lack of human sexuality or gender diversity. It strikes me that this may be an artifact of writing a novel for publication in the People's Republic of China.

Has anyone else read the series?

Also, is the Talossan Science Fiction & Whisky Society still a thing? 
Wittenberg / BYOB Tavern - Assessing Interest
April 06, 2022, 11:24:51 AM
Who would be interested in trying a monthly, live Zoom based hangout, where I as host would welcome folks, share a drink recipe and very short review, and then we can have a fun, open and barely guided conversation about entertainment, culture, announcing projects, hocking wares, etc., just NO POLITICS?

I would cover the cost of the service and entry would be free.
Wittenberg / National Anthem / Flag Waving Video
April 04, 2022, 11:08:32 AM
I hope this acceptable, and can be used for whatever event may be appropriate.

Wittenberg / Talossa 3099
April 01, 2022, 11:42:11 AM
With one week to go before I may officially petition for citizenship I'd like to present my first cultural endeavor and offering, an experimental short form web series entitled Talossa 3099. It is a science fiction exploration of the future of the kingdom and what an intentional community means when the limitations of our current world are lifted. The first six short episodes are now available and I will let everyone know as I create new episodes. I would love to have guest narrators if there is any interest. I look forward to your constructive thoughts as always.

Maritiimi-Maxhestic / Hello new, potential neighbors
March 25, 2022, 02:05:26 PM
Hello everyone.

I am a newly prospective citizen and if I understand provincial assignment correctly I believe that I would likely be assigned to Maritiimi-Maxhestic. I look forward to participating as a responsible citizen, with my personal goals focusing more on culture and knowledge and no more politics than a good citizen should.
In thinking about what lectures I could provide to the community, should my citizenship be approved, for which I'd be qualified and for which there maybe be some interest. Possible topics (all of which I have taught before) include:

Fundamentals of Ethical Leadership
Introduction to Critical Thought
Introduction to Formal Ethics

I would offer these lectures, with Q and A, on Zoom. I'd record them for later use by citizens.

What are your thoughts?

Esteemed Members of the Royal Society,

Should I be granted citizenship I should like to make application for membership in the society. I hold a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degree in history education and a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership. My dissertation can be reviewed at

What are the formal steps for membership?

Wittenberg / What Counts as Culture?
March 24, 2022, 08:08:45 AM
I have a question about the perception of what qualifies as Talossan culture. To be Talossan, does a work have to be uniquely Talossan, simply be created by a Talossan, or is it just whatever happens to gain currency within the community?