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Messages - Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu

With that fix, I can't find anything particularly problematic in the Criminal Reform Bill.  Nice catch.  So I think we should greenlight it to the Clark.
I am indeed ready.
The NPW respectfully declines to nominate a Seneschal candidate.
The NPW seats in the Cosa are hereby appointed:

11- @Iason Taiwos
NPW has now paid their fee.
Quote from: GV on June 02, 2021, 01:25:50 AM
Nominations for Mençéi for the 56th Cosâ are open until Wednesday 9 June 2021 2000 CDT at which point I will open voting.

So... why are nominations closed already?  It's currently 9 June 6:33.

I'll nominate myself, in this case.
Quote from: Iason Taiwos on June 03, 2021, 08:14:32 PM
The Cjováni minority in Benito hereby withdraw from all political activity in our province.

I mean, that is one solution.  Though the Cjováni culture and people are an important part of Benito, we all must do what we feel is necessary.  I honestly thought folks weren't particularly interested.
Pursuant to the above, and given the NPW's projected numbers, I would like to appoint provincial seats as follows:

8 seats- @Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu
3 seats- @Istefan Perþonest

No single party, no matter how unanimous the support, should hold total sway.  IT is my hope that S:reu Perþonest will represent the voices of those who did not assign their preference as the NPW, and continue to offer his helpful and conscientious viewpoint to the running of our great province.

Given seat assignments, we also name S:reu Bornatfiglheu as Maestro of Benito for the coming term.
To Whom it May Concern,

The Ministry of Culture, pursuant to El Lexhatx D.2.7.2, in recognition of his services to and abilities with the Talossan language, do name @Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial as Ladintsch Naziunal.

Wittenberg / Re: Charity work
May 30, 2021, 08:51:46 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 30, 2021, 05:45:08 PM
If you had to know anything or be intelligent to be a leader in Talossa, there would be no leadership at all, lo

I was Minister of culture, but have the intelligence of lukewarm dog food.  So don't worry about knowledge.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 27, 2021, 07:46:13 AM
Quote from: Béneditsch Ardpresteir on May 27, 2021, 12:51:33 AM
I fail to understand why the 'Republicans' had to rejoin the Kingdom.

The only reason that comes to mind - to destroy the social fabric of the nation and claim it for themselves; and go down in history as the Liberatadors ;)

I think you overestimate your own importance in the Republican thought process, to be honest.  It seems really arrogant to claim we rejoined the Regipats in order to piss on your good time.
Quote from: DixhetFira on May 24, 2021, 08:52:17 PM
But "electing" a monarch is no different than electing a President.

The thing is, this is simply untrue.  Should we start calling John "President Woolley" since he was elected?  Or the old kings of Jerusalem?  Or the Holy Roman Emperor?  Elective monarchy is an old institution.  Possibly older than hereditary primogeniture. 

And if the opposition is rooted in the fixed term of the position.  7 years is a lifetime in Talossa, as with any micronation.  SCA Kings/Queens serve for fixed periods and then move on, or repeat their service depending.  Though they are chosen via trial by combat, as opposed to election.

While I support the compromise, I'm not wedded to it.  John needs to go, above all.  And the continual "Well... this new president" rhetoric is poorly-formed mieda.  It is arguing in bad faith, and I am disgusted by those that continue to do so.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 23, 2021, 05:01:41 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 23, 2021, 03:48:33 PM
Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on May 23, 2021, 10:01:25 AM
Awards and honours, excepting possibly the grants of arms should not be automatic or granted just willy-nilly.  That would truly rob them of import.

What I wonder, though, is perhaps there could be a nobility starter pack, for lack of a better term.  Something that gets people started in that train of action.  Like, a list of 5-6 accomplishments (or similar) earns you a Baronetcy (I think that's the lowest noble rank, but whatever).  That gives a way to get started to people who are interested in nobility and peerage.  Then anything beyond that is for extraordinary service (or just being the king's buddy as the case may be, since it is at their discretion).

I know this is similar to the Zuav system. But that could provide a scaffold for the entire Talossan honours system.  Be they military, noble, or scholarly.

While as you know I have something of an allergy to feudal titles, I understand that many others love and treasure them. I like the idea of a cursus honorum in Talossa, that you can earn rank (for bragging rights only, no monetary gain or political privileges) by public service. But on the other hand, when we discussed this last time, some said it really was turning Talossa into an RPG. So this is definitely where I want the next Government to go re: "keeping the interest of newbies once they're citizens", but we need a plan and someone to carry it out.

Honestly, I think it should start even to qualify for citizenship. Bring back the civics test!

I mean, ultimately the training wheels have to come off and people will need to figure out how to ride their own hobby-horses.  Whether that be political reform, media, or whatever it is that they want to do.  But some sort of "starter" experience might be just the thing.  I keep thinking about games that do indeed have a central quest and progression... but that most players eventually wind up making their own fun.

Does that mean a touch of gamification?  Perhaps, and I'm not sure that is necessarily a bad thing.  "From Esquire to Baronet" as a Talossan starter "mission."  Get people acquainted with how things work.  Maybe that's before they become eligible for arms?  Honestly, we might have a thing or two to learn from the SCA structure.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 23, 2021, 10:01:25 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 21, 2021, 09:26:55 PM
Speaking as someone who has spent a lot of time doing and creating various cultural things in our country, including some very recently, I can say that it's very hard.  There's not much support, either in real terms or even emotional ones, and it can feel like you're shouting into a void.  When I ran a D&D game or when I revamped the Zuavs, there was no infrastructure to support and not a lot of real community at the start.  (Not that other people aren't involved and contributing in an amazing way.)  And I'm not trying to whine about it, since I liked it and it was interesting, but it's hard to keep that up for long without burning out.  That's true about the pseudo-feudal things, too.

Awards and honours, excepting possibly the grants of arms should not be automatic or granted just willy-nilly.  That would truly rob them of import.

What I wonder, though, is perhaps there could be a nobility starter pack, for lack of a better term.  Something that gets people started in that train of action.  Like, a list of 5-6 accomplishments (or similar) earns you a Baronetcy (I think that's the lowest noble rank, but whatever).  That gives a way to get started to people who are interested in nobility and peerage.  Then anything beyond that is for extraordinary service (or just being the king's buddy as the case may be, since it is at their discretion).

I know this is similar to the Zuav system. But that could provide a scaffold for the entire Talossan honours system.  Be they military, noble, or scholarly.