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Friends can't be citizens or can they

Started by Bråneu Excelsio, August 26, 2022, 06:21:51 PM

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Bråneu Excelsio

I have tried to get friends of mine to join Talossa but boy oh boy are they stubborn. Or maybe I'm the stubborn one.

"People trying to prove each other wrong all day every day? Is that it?"
"No, dude, we have provinces and you will be assigned to Florencia since you're from British Columbia, I proposed townships in my prov-"
"So I won't share the province with you?"
"Noo but "
"nah dude why the hell why can't I?"
"Look, this is the legal code, it says in here that..."
"Can I go to jail?"
"...Talossan jail, I think"
"I can't explain, forget it."

How many times has this happened to you?

Audrada Roibeardet

This has happened every single time I've tried to explain Talossa to people. They are completely dumbfounded by the entire concept of Talossa. That's why I stopped trying.

Ián Tamorán S.H.

It's as understandable as "Alice in Wonderland" - and as delightful. Can you explain Asterix or The Incredible Hulk or I, Robot or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or pretty well any perceptive and surreal story in our long literary history? No, you can't.

And you can't explain Talossa either.

No matter - just tell people it is fun and eccentric and full of the most interesting and bizarre people from all round the world, and tell people that it is loved and hated by its citizens who argue amongst themselves all the time - but will defend it staunchly from outside attack, and that it has a core, central language that very few of its citizens speak.

Can you go to jail? Read some of the laws and see just how odd the country is - laugh... and join!
Quality through Thought
Turris Fortis Mihi Deus

Think the best, say the best, and you will be the best.

Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

If I were to attempt to explain Talossa to someone, apart from boring them with micronationalism, I would say it's "part model government, part charity, part multimedia art collective, and part worldbuilding exercise". Even this really only covers it to an extent.
  Votetz PdR -- Mac'htici Idéăs, Mac'htici Resultaes! -- Powerful Ideas, Powerful Results!
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Cäps Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun