[Prime Dictate] Emergency Funding for Webhosting Costs

Started by Sir Ian Plätschisch, June 26, 2022, 08:28:57 PM

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Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

It seems like everyone in every respect did their best here, and are to be commended for dealing with a time sensitive and annoying problem. A price hike shouldn't come with 12 hours notice, or be implemented partially over the course of a day.

We get a good deal on hosting from DoRoyal, compensating for how much were overpaying for domain names, but we might want to think about lodging an official complaint about how this was handled.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 30, 2022, 06:37:40 PM
We get a good deal on hosting from DoRoyal, compensating for how much were overpaying for domain names, but we might want to think about lodging an official complaint about how this was handled.

I'm going to commend this idea to Cabinet's attention (and the Burgermeister's since it would have to be written in his name)

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Miestră Schivă, UrN

More on how I got confused. When I took over at STUFF/Tech, the attached was the screen I looked at to see what needed renewal. You can understand why, looking at this screen, I thought the domain names were up for renewal on 18th October, rather than 2 July. It was on a different screen (the "Renew Domains" screen) that the actual due dates were revealed. I suppose, on the basis of our experience, the renewal date for our web hosting is a few months down the track, which is why Istefan doesn't see any way to pay for it now. It's all very confusing and I was dropped in it by the fact that no-one else in the Government's orbit was interested in taking on the Tech portfolio.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Istefan Perþonest

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 30, 2022, 07:00:33 PM
More on how I got confused. When I took over at STUFF/Tech, the attached was the screen I looked at to see what needed renewal. You can understand why, looking at this screen, I thought the domain names were up for renewal on 18th October, rather than 2 July.
Yeah, this is part their fault, part mine.

The their-fault part is that they based the renewal dates there not on when the domains expired, but when the domains were transferred from the previous administering body to DoRoyal. (Back when the King was handing this privately instead of the Kingdom, he had bought the domains in July and renewed them in July, but the transfer of the domains from the King's hosting to DoRoyal happened in October.) They've apparently acknowledged this on their part, and have decided to renew our other two domains (the ones not authorized in this PD) for free, which is nice enough.

The my-fault part is that I noticed that back last October and that we were okay though this July, and accordingly pulled the pin on the renewal panic back then, but I did not make noise about this early in June even though I knew it was coming up. I've got issues that explain why I didn't (I've had some physical health issues lately on top of my mental health ones), but I still should have said something.

On the general hosting renewal, there just isn't a place I could find to pay an invoice that hasn't been sent. They'll invoice on the auto-renewal, and I'll pay it then, same as I did last year.
Istefan Éovart Perþonest
Puisne Judge of the Uppermost Cort
Cunstavál of Fiôvâ


Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 30, 2022, 05:02:27 PM
Quote from: xpb on June 30, 2022, 04:13:03 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 30, 2022, 03:32:34 PM
The issue is that the King has not endorsed the PD. We cannot release funds unless the King endorses the PD.

So one issue is release of existing funds to pay, which needs authorization.  Another according to PDR Ltd. https://publicdomainregistry.com/renew/ is that the registrar provided notice on or about 3 June and it is now 30 June.

XPB, I followed the link and it took me to their general site. I am assuming I need to use the search bar to see the specific website information. Does the site indicate who was the recipient of notice on 3 June?

The whois entry for each of the domains has the name, phone, and email address for the administrator via https://www.whois.com/whois/talossa.com

Not sure about the hosting details