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Messages - Glüc da Dhi S.H.

Honestly I'm already regretting this. I don't really have the time to write all new bits about every elections and the chance Ill finish it this time is very small. We'll see...

If anyone wants to help by diving into the history of a selected number of elections and writing a small summary let me know.
For starters I'm just gonna copy paste some stuff I wrote last time, beginning with number...


Elections to the 20th Cosa - August 1995.

One election before Ben was apparently unjustifiably worried about the possibility of a leftist victory for the Vacillation Party. After that convincingly failed to happen, it even more convincingly failed to happen this time. Even after voting their own PM, John McGarry out of office, the PC, now lead by Geoffrey Toumayan, comfortably kept it's majority with no competent opposition to challenge them, because the VP didn't even manage to get on the ballot. According to Ár Päts the few votes cast for the VP were actually illegal for some vague reason relating to their voters not voting fast enough or something, but they were counted anyway with the help of an intervention by the CpI. Two prominent opposition politician didn't manage to vote. The PC was still in charge, business continued as usual. Looking back, it seems unlikely that anyone would care about this particular election. Whatever.

Turnout 17 (+2, db)*

Progressive Conservative Party (PC): 164 seats (+44, AP)**
Vacillation Party (VP) : 36 seats (-4, AP)**

* AP lists turnout as 11, but gives the same seats

** According to the db the previous result was PC 160 and VP nonexistent which would mean PC (+4) and VP (+36/new) instead
YoU wOn'T bElIeVe ThE nUmBeR 1!  ::)

Anyway, as mentioned before, I started doing this a couple years ago and then didn't get very far. Im gonna try again and see how far we get this year.

Over the next months I will be ranking all Talossan elections (not counting 1981 and 1983) from meaningless to era-defining political shifts. Just because I can (maybe).
It's gonna be entirely subjective.
It will not be entirely accurate. I don't know all that much about anything before I became a citizen. I will base myself mostly on Ár Päts and the database for that, but both are not always entirely accurate. The various pieces of data also sometimes contradict each other. The perspective put forth by Ár Päts is very one-dimensional and should probably not be trusted as a historical source and I only did a quick reading of everything. Feel free to correct me if I've got it wrong. Feel also free to argue about the ranking.
I'm not considering Senate results in this, mostly there is a lot of data missing about earlier senate elections and it's very difficult to interpret these results without fully understanding the ideological position of the candidates. I'm just looking at the Cosa elections.

It's not necessarily a ranking of how suprising the results were. Results can be surprisingly boring or be a completely expected landslide. There's also no fixed rule about causality. An big change election might itself change the course of Talossan history or simply reflect major changes that happened earlier.

Obviously I'm a bit biased towards elections I've experienced myself, but I'll try to at least somewhat spread out the results over the different eras. (Of course some periods are simply more interesting electorally than others.)

Anyway, predictions, alternative rankings etc are very welcome.

Oh, and here is a poll to get a sense of what might the consensus view of what may have been the biggest political revolutions:
You can find it on the old forum. Actually the reason I thought of doing this again was because Lüc was sending stuff from and I was talking about how one of the problems with switching was that now newer citizen wont easily access all the history and culture that is stored there.

Two things though:
1. I got a lot less far than I thought I did (even though I already decided on the full order).
2. If I do this again Im going to just copy paste the texts for the elections that I did already write up, so spoiler alert...
Im thinking about redoing my series ranking all Talossan elections by how much they changed the Talossan political landscape (probably with a different name, as the old format might be seen as being in bad taste considering current events). More on that later (maybe).

Before I get to that though, Im interested to know what current views are on the subject. Obviously not everyone will have studied Talossan electoral history. That's fine. I'm just interested in which elections are currently viewed as landmark elections by the people interested in the topic. Maybe this will shift after Ive done my series, or not...

You can vote on 1, 2, or 3 options.
Oof. That hurts A LOT. Some of these names have significantly contributed to making Talossa more enjoyable.

These lists are never fun, but this has to be the most painful one yet.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 24, 2023, 05:27:47 PMIf the value of our bribe increases sufficiently, will you rescind this endorsement?
No! Never! I have integrity! But eeh, just out of interest though, what kind of value were your thinking about? Purely hypothetically speaking of course... I'm listening, I mean, just out of curiousity obviously.
As the King Lüc Party (KLüP) will not be fielding a list for the Cosa this election, we have opted to formally endorse the Parti Tafialistà ticket and encourage all of our mindless pocket voters to vote PT.


1. The status quo on the monarchy (including and especially the current Monarch not being called Lüc) simply isn't working. We realise Lüc isn't actually running for King, but a return to the Cosa has to be considered a good first step.
2. I don't understand el glheþ, which makes it easier to remain blissfully unaware of whatever bad ideas Marcel/the PT might have, whereas the bad ideas of the parties that prefer communicating in English are painfully obvious.
3. We are really worried if the TNC win again the FreeDems will again punish all of Talossa by pledging to vote against good bills. (Also the bribe we received from the TNC in the form of cryptocurrency lost all its value over the past 4 hours.)

The Parti Tafialistà is not responsible for the content of this advertising
(If that wasn't clear already)
Yeah, I appreciated the explanations from the PT. There were some surprising answers*, so it would have been interesting to read the thoughts behind. these.

*For example, I thought FreeDem governments have so far taken a more interventionist approach on culture, so their answer on the culture question surprised me. Then again, haven't been paying much attention lately.
This is great! Many thanks for making this!

I got

PT 48/82
Dien 46/82
TNC 41/82
FreeDem 41/82

so no major differences there based on just the score, though I was quite interested in some of the details. Overall it does confirm a long trend for me of being more or less politically homeless with no party to feel particularly strongly about, which is fine.
I got my ballot. Many thanks for fixing this!
Wittenberg / Re: TNC 58th GE 50-Word Statement
January 07, 2023, 04:40:59 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 07, 2023, 12:40:24 PMWe should accept crypto donations

Well, TNC is out :(
It is done. Good game everyone. Many thanks to Braneu for organising!

(btw, "holy macaroni" has become a bit of a meme between Lüc and myself)
Well that's embarrassing... I read the title of last years thread and mistook it for this year, and figured eh why not. Should have paid more attention. Apologies for the confusion.