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Nimlet Session XXI (Nov 2023-June 2024)

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, November 06, 2023, 01:29:08 PM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada

I rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-03

Whereas, there has been recurring discussion on an apolitical Chancery, and

Whereas, this discussion began after the incumbent Secretary of State took office as the leader of a national partisan organization, and

Whereas, it is advisable that the nation's election administrator be free of even the appearance of partiality.

Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia, endorses legal reform(s) of the Chancery to make it an apolitical institution.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on November 27th at 8:40 TST.

Nimis gaudiam habeo


I'm still oppose to it.

I propose a new resolution 2023-02 that I can support in order to reach out to you for a deal.

The ball is in your side

Mximo Carbonèl
Mximo Carbonèl
Florencia Senator

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: mximo on November 20, 2023, 11:40:01 AMI'm still oppose to it.

I propose a new resolution 2023-02 that I can support in order to reach out to you for a deal.

The ball is in your side

Mximo Carbonèl

The bill you propose merely restates my own whereas clauses and deletes the actual proposal. It's an insult. No deal.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 20, 2023, 08:14:52 AMI move the following motion:


Whereas, Florencia has a proud tradition of supporting the institution of the Talossan monarchy, and Whereas, the question of monarchy reform has been a perennial subject of election campaigning.
Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia encourages the Ziu to act without delay on the matter.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia

I forgot to clarify, discussion period on Resolution 2023-02 ends on November 26th 2023 at 2226 TST.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 16, 2023, 04:53:06 PMI rise to submit the following legislation for consideration by the House of Shepherds:

Resolution 2023-01

Whereas, Florencia has a proud tradition of supporting the institution of the Talossan monarchy, and

Whereas, the question of monarchy reform has been a perennial subject of election campaigning, and

Whereas, one potential reform is to restore a method of royal succession.

Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia, endorses the following proposed method and encourages the Ziu to act without delay:

  • We support a new method of royal succession wherein the Monarch is asked to ensure there are always no less than five appointees to the Sabor (Privy Council). Upon a vacancy on the throne without a Designated Successor, the Ziu selects a new Monarch from the membership of the Sabor. Selection by the Ziu is successful with a two-thirds majority in both the Cosa and the Senats. Approval, by simple majority, is then required by nationwide referendum. A sitting Monarch may choose a Designated Successor from amongst the Sabor who will also need approval under the same process. The Designated Successor may be removed by the same process as the Monarch.
  • Should this process be instituted we recommend that King John propose Sir Txec dal Nordselva as his Designated Successor to the Ziu and for approval by nationwide referendum.
  • Connected to this, we support King John giving the nation a timeline for a transition for his Designated Successor. Or the instituting of a mandatory retirement age of 75 years for the Monarch of Talossa.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Resolution 2023-01 is open for discussion in the House of Shepherds for one week. Discussion period ends on November 23 at 16:52 TST.

The discussion period has closed now. We move to voting:

Current votes received are as follows:

1 vote Per: Breneir Tzaracomprada
7 votes Non: Mximo Carbonel
No vote has been received from FreeDems member Acafat del Val

Voting closes in one week at November 30, 2023 at 1924 TST.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 21, 2023, 02:16:04 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 20, 2023, 08:14:52 AMI move the following motion:


Whereas, Florencia has a proud tradition of supporting the institution of the Talossan monarchy, and Whereas, the question of monarchy reform has been a perennial subject of election campaigning.
Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia encourages the Ziu to act without delay on the matter.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia

I forgot to clarify, discussion period on Resolution 2023-02 ends on November 26th 2023 at 2226 TST.

Discussion period has closed on Resolution 2023-02. We now move to voting. Voting will close on December 4th, 2023 at 1652 TST. We currently have the following votes recorded:

7 votes (Per): @mximo
1 vote (Non): Breneir Tzaracomprada
No vote recorded: Acafat del Val

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 20, 2023, 08:39:09 AMI rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-03

Whereas, there has been recurring discussion on an apolitical Chancery, and

Whereas, this discussion began after the incumbent Secretary of State took office as the leader of a national partisan organization, and

Whereas, it is advisable that the nation's election administrator be free of even the appearance of partiality.

Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia, endorses legal reform(s) of the Chancery to make it an apolitical institution.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on November 27th at 8:40 TST.

Discussion period has closed on Resolution 2023-03. We now move to voting. Voting will close on December 4, 2023 at 1657 TST. Votes received are as follows:

No vote recorded: Acafat del Val
8 votes (Per): Breneir Tzaracomprada, Mximo Carbonel

Nimis gaudiam habeo


Mximo Carbonèl
Florencia Senator

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 23, 2023, 07:25:16 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 16, 2023, 04:53:06 PMI rise to submit the following legislation for consideration by the House of Shepherds:

Resolution 2023-01

Whereas, Florencia has a proud tradition of supporting the institution of the Talossan monarchy, and

Whereas, the question of monarchy reform has been a perennial subject of election campaigning, and

Whereas, one potential reform is to restore a method of royal succession.

Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia, endorses the following proposed method and encourages the Ziu to act without delay:

  • We support a new method of royal succession wherein the Monarch is asked to ensure there are always no less than five appointees to the Sabor (Privy Council). Upon a vacancy on the throne without a Designated Successor, the Ziu selects a new Monarch from the membership of the Sabor. Selection by the Ziu is successful with a two-thirds majority in both the Cosa and the Senats. Approval, by simple majority, is then required by nationwide referendum. A sitting Monarch may choose a Designated Successor from amongst the Sabor who will also need approval under the same process. The Designated Successor may be removed by the same process as the Monarch.
  • Should this process be instituted we recommend that King John propose Sir Txec dal Nordselva as his Designated Successor to the Ziu and for approval by nationwide referendum.
  • Connected to this, we support King John giving the nation a timeline for a transition for his Designated Successor. Or the instituting of a mandatory retirement age of 75 years for the Monarch of Talossa.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Resolution 2023-01 is open for discussion in the House of Shepherds for one week. Discussion period ends on November 23 at 16:52 TST.

The discussion period has closed now. We move to voting:

Current votes received are as follows:

1 vote Per: Breneir Tzaracomprada
7 votes Non: Mximo Carbonel
No vote has been received from FreeDems member Acafat del Val

Voting closes in one week at November 30, 2023 at 1924 TST.

The voting period for Resolution 2023-01 has closed. The House of Shepherds has rejected it by a 1 Per to 7 Non vote. There was no vote from Acafat dal Val.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 27, 2023, 04:53:38 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 21, 2023, 02:16:04 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 20, 2023, 08:14:52 AMI move the following motion:


Whereas, Florencia has a proud tradition of supporting the institution of the Talossan monarchy, and Whereas, the question of monarchy reform has been a perennial subject of election campaigning.
Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia encourages the Ziu to act without delay on the matter.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia

I forgot to clarify, discussion period on Resolution 2023-02 ends on November 26th 2023 at 2226 TST.

Discussion period has closed on Resolution 2023-02. We now move to voting. Voting will close on December 4th, 2023 at 1652 TST. We currently have the following votes recorded:

7 votes (Per): @mximo
1 vote (Non): Breneir Tzaracomprada
No vote recorded: Acafat del Val

The voting period for Resolution 2023-02 has closed. The House of Shepherds has approved it by a 7 Per to 1 Non vote. There was, again, no vote from Acafat dal Val.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 27, 2023, 04:57:33 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on November 20, 2023, 08:39:09 AMI rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-03

Whereas, there has been recurring discussion on an apolitical Chancery, and

Whereas, this discussion began after the incumbent Secretary of State took office as the leader of a national partisan organization, and

Whereas, it is advisable that the nation's election administrator be free of even the appearance of partiality.

Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Shepherds of Florencia, endorses legal reform(s) of the Chancery to make it an apolitical institution.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on November 27th at 8:40 TST.

Discussion period has closed on Resolution 2023-03. We now move to voting. Voting will close on December 4, 2023 at 1657 TST. Votes received are as follows:

No vote recorded: Acafat del Val
8 votes (Per): Breneir Tzaracomprada, Mximo Carbonel

The voting period for Resolution 2023-03 has closed. The House of Shepherds has approved it by a 8 Per to 0 Non vote. There was, again, no vote from the FreeDems member Acafat dal Val.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

I rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-04

Whereas, Florencia, as the home province of the King, takes pride in its strongly royalist heritage, and

Whereas, the active presence of the King in the nation's affairs is of vital importance to the maintenance of a healthy constitutional monarchy, and

Whereas, in a healthy constitutional monarchy the King is to be seen and heard so that he may be known by the people of the realm.

Therefore, the House of Shepherds of Florencia, hereby encourages King John to increase his participation on Wittenberg, particularly in his home province, and other Talossan Fora.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on December 12th at 1630 TST.

Nimis gaudiam habeo


Mximo Carbonèl
Florencia Senator

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 05, 2023, 04:32:16 PMI rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-04

Whereas, Florencia, as the home province of the King, takes pride in its strongly royalist heritage, and

Whereas, the active presence of the King in the nation's affairs is of vital importance to the maintenance of a healthy constitutional monarchy, and

Whereas, in a healthy constitutional monarchy the King is to be seen and heard so that he may be known by the people of the realm.

Therefore, the House of Shepherds of Florencia, hereby encourages King John to increase his participation on Wittenberg, particularly in his home province, and other Talossan Fora.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on December 12th at 1630 TST.

The discussion period has closed now.
We move to voting:

Current votes received are as follows:

8 votes Per: Mximo Carbonel, Breneir Tzaracomprada
No vote has been received from FreeDems member Acafat del Val

Voting closes in one week at December 19, 2023 at 1857 TST.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 12, 2023, 06:57:46 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 05, 2023, 04:32:16 PMI rise to propose the following resolution:

Resolution 2023-04

Whereas, Florencia, as the home province of the King, takes pride in its strongly royalist heritage, and

Whereas, the active presence of the King in the nation's affairs is of vital importance to the maintenance of a healthy constitutional monarchy, and

Whereas, in a healthy constitutional monarchy the King is to be seen and heard so that he may be known by the people of the realm.

Therefore, the House of Shepherds of Florencia, hereby encourages King John to increase his participation on Wittenberg, particularly in his home province, and other Talossan Fora.

Submitted by Breneir Tzaracomprada
Governor of Florencia
Royalist People's Party

Discussion period ends on December 12th at 1630 TST.

The discussion period has closed now.
We move to voting:

Current votes received are as follows:

8 votes Per: Mximo Carbonel, Breneir Tzaracomprada
No vote has been received from FreeDems member Acafat del Val

Voting closes in one week at December 19, 2023 at 1857 TST.

The voting period for Resolution 2023-04 has closed. The House of Shepherds has approved it by a 8 Per to 0 Non vote. There was, again, no vote from the FreeDems member Acafat del Val.

Nimis gaudiam habeo