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Topics - Eðo Grischun

Vuode / Article III, Section 5
June 26, 2024, 12:59:09 AM
I, Eðo Grischun, hereby claim my right to be seated in the next Grand Session of the Estats Xhenerais
Wittenberg / Today, I have cast my vote.
March 22, 2022, 04:32:45 PM
Today, I have cast my vote.

I have voted for the FREE DEMOCRATS to remain in government.

Currently, the nation faces many challenges and no other party has my confidence in meeting those challenges and solving them.

Please join me and VOTE FREEDEM.
Ministry of STUFF requires web savvy people to apply for positions of Permanent Secretary to help look after the nation's website assets and infrastructure.

An interest and knowledge in website maintenance type stuff is ideal, but not strictly essential as long as you are keen to learn the kind of stuff required.

The main web site is built on WordPress, with some hacks and plugins here and there.  The Wiki is built on MediaWiki.  These are the two main bits of software you will be working with.

You would be maintaining the websites on an ongoing basis, helping to improve them over time, reacting to problems when they arise and fixing them and making any changes and updates to sites as required.

If this is for you then please get in touch.
** Extraordinary/Exceptional Party Convention**

An Exceptional Convention is being called by myself and the Party Secretary to fill the role of Party President following my resignation of same.

The Election period will begin at 00.01 (Talossa Time) on Thursday 15th April 2021

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FROM NOW UNTIL THE ELECTION BEGINS. Nominations should be made in the following thread:

The election period shall close at 00.00 (Talossa Time) on Thursday 29th April 2021


From the party constitution:

"An Exceptional Convention may be called ... by a simple majority vote of the party's officers."


"All members of the party shall be eligible to both vote in elections to and stand for the above offices. Fourteen days' notice should be given prior to these elections being held on the forum used for conducting party business, and nominations should open when this notice is given."
Wittenberg / Website Plans
January 10, 2021, 03:59:49 PM
Following on from the other threads that have mentioned that I have been working with the Chancery on some website stuff...

PREFACE:  Things are in a very early stage of development.  When I say things have been "done" they have been done on a test site that I have created.  The test site has a "cloned" version of Wittenberg so that things can be coded and tested without putting our national websites at risk.  The only thing that has been carried out in a live environment on THIS Wittenberg is the installation of a particular plugin.  This plugin is key and extremely important to the plans.  It was imperative to install the plugin to run a brief test to ensure that it works with the current setup of Wittenberg.  A full backup was carried out of Wittenberg's domain and database before this test was carried out.  The test was carried out a couple of hours ago (some of you might have noticed the appearance of Wittenberg drastically changed for a period of about one minute while it was switched on). The plugin did not conflict with the other plugins we have installed and it caused no problems with the template/theme.  The test was successful.  The plugin has been switched back off, but still resides dormant in the background.  Development will now continue and conclude on the test site.

Our web technologies and services are pretty disjointed.  We have multiple systems in different places which all require multiple levels of administrative maintenance.  From a front-end user point of view they all require multiple logins and accounts.  It is also challenging trying to get people to use all the services when things are spread out over multiple webspaces.  I know some of us have the dream where Talossa grows arms and legs and has tens of websites covering all manner of things, but lets be realistic - we have a very small citizenry, thus a pretty small userbase.  My proposed solution is to draw things back in.  Centralisation.

Wittenberg is built on SMF software (Simple Machines Forum), which is written in PHP coding.  The framework of SMF is highly versatile and offers a fantastic backbone to build from and to build around.  The plans I am working on will put this software at the heart of the finished product.  This doesn't mean that Wittenberg, as in Witt Forum, becomes the be all and end all.  The forum will remain the forum, but the software that powers the forum will play a much bigger role.

The first phase will be to integrate the forum with the national webspace.  The "firewall" that separates the website on and Wittenberg will be pulled down.  The National Webspace uses WordPress to power it. That will stop being the case.  SMF will be installed on the main root server at the webhost instead and using an SMF plugin, known as a portal, we will link the national website with Wittenberg forums.  This means the National Webspace will have the same templates and themes as Wittenberg and both systems will run from the same backend databases.  All the content that we have on the website at present will be preserved. 

So, what benefits does this bring?  The first main benefit, which will become the most important when we get to later phases of development, will be that both systems will utilise a single user account and login.  By having a Witt account you will also have a website account.  They will be one and the same. When you login to your account you will be logged into both Wittenberg and the main website at the same time.

This leads to our next major benefit.  By having a singular account spanning these services, then the features of the account are accessible wherever you are and whatever you are doing.  Today, I completed, and successfully tested, the integration of the Witt PM system with the national webspace.  Witt PMs will be accessible while you are browsing the National Webspace pages.  So, while you are navigating website pages for information you will have instant access to the PM system.  This might not seem like a big deal, but by successfully achieving this milestone it proves that more useful integrations can also be achieved.

The next benefit, which I have sort of already touched on, will be the ability to navigate around the national webspace and Wittenberg, forward and back, without leaving one or the other.  They will be integrated together.  Both Wittenberg and the webspace will be powered by the same software package, albeit ported.  They will appear and operate as if they are one and the same.  The experience of browsing one or the other and jumping between the two will be seamless.  You can be reading a Hopper debate and from that same page you can access and read a copy of El Lexhatx without having to open new browser tabs to navigate to a different website.

These integrations can be built upon and expanded upon in any number of ways.  Eiric will be able to maintain La Chronica using the same login and account that he uses to access Witt.  He can do that without leaving the overall integrated experience.  Officials can post to the Jobs Board by using the same account login that they access everything else with.  People can see the posted jobs without having to leave Wittenberg.

Phase 2 of these developments will be the further integration of all of the above with the Chancery services.  We will marry the above described system to the Chancery Database.  Citizens who use the database for Clark voting, Bill submission and even voting in elections will be able to do all that, again, with their single Talossan login/account.  We will also work to make the Database system more user friendly, again, by porting it to SMF. 

By the end, the National Webspace, the Chancery Database and Wittenberg will all operate as one integrated system.  They will all be reconfigured so that SMF operates as the backbone to them.  Every citizen will be able to access all services with a single login and when staff changes occur it will be easy to reassign accesses and permissions.

Questions and comments welcome.  Thanks.
The recent staffing changes in government have been updated on the Wiki.

This is the first time my previously announced website reforms have had a chance to be put into action.  The changes made to the Wiki have been automatically fed to the National Webspace and all relevant info has updated itself without any human interaction. Aces!

The Seneschals list has also been updated to reflect recent changes.
La Raßemblă

Coming Soon: The Ministry of STUFF will be organising a great big whopping Zoom gathering for all Talossans.  Well ... we will be organising a Zoom gathering, but whether or not it becomes great, big or whopping (or a combination thereof) is entirely up to YOU! So, please, please, please show your Talossan patriotism and help make this event one to remember.

As you might know, the Ministry of STUFF recently delivered TalossaNET to the nation; a fully featured social networking site for Talossa.  TalossaNET was built with a Zoom video chat integration, so this will be the venue for this great big whopping event.

TalossaNET's video chat integrations will allow us to host the live event and record it for posterity by storing a saved recording for future viewing and downloading as well as saving a transcript log of the accompanying text chat.

You will be able to participate in the event whether or not you have a webcam or mic.  You can join in with full video chat, but you can also just join with microphone audio or even just take part as a text chat participant.


Still to be decided is the when.  Please let us know your preferred dates and times.  We will collate the information that everybody gives and (hopefully) come up with a date and time that will allow for the greatest level of participation.

From now until the event we will also be drafting, for lack of a better term, an agenda for the event.  Some kind of outline for the event host(s) to work from to let the event flow smoothly.  Please also let us know what sort of things you would like to see happen during such an event and we will do our best to accommodate. 

We will also need event hosts!  To a degree this will entail some moderating, but I'd prefer to think of the role as more like that of a 'chat show host'.  Somebody who can help keep things flowing and moving.  Someone with loads of chatty skillz who can prevent dead air and be able to steer the overall session(s) using the "agenda" to guide them.  Think this is for you?  Get in touch!

The plans are not set in stone yet.  This post serves as the initial announcement to start to get the hype train a'rolling.  So, get hyped, get excited and get ready for La Raßemblă!  Coming soon in 2021.

The Prime Ministry recently completed the second Talossan Activity Survey and from that the Seneschal published a report which contained several projects to be pursued by the various Cabinet Ministries.  One such task set to myself in STUFF was "Promoting non Wittenberg ways for Talossans to meet up. The Ministry of STUFF will accelerate and prioritise plans for a Talossan social media system and promote live video and Instant Messaging interactions between Talossans.

I have been working on this in recent weeks.  After many countless hours of work I am ready to release Talossa's newest web asset:


I believe this new website will be the next big leap forward for Talossan community interaction and will help move us away from the mindset of being "just a forum board". 

The features of this new website are as follows:

SOCIAL NETWORKING:  The "homepage" of the site is a social media style Activity Feed, which is a "wall" featuring all the latest updates from other citizens.  On this page, much like any other social network, you can post status updates, share photos and media, share documents, post links, etc.  This page, at its widest setting, will display news and status updates from all other citizens and groups, but over time, it will tailor itself to your own individual usage (ie: updates from your groups and contacts will display for you, while omitting updates from groups you opt not to belong to).  This page also has many layers of filtering allowing you to hone the results at any given time to find specific updates better.

"LIKES" SYSTEM:  As an extension of the above, there is a "likes" system which allows you to +1/ thumbs up posts all over the site.

NOTIFICATIONS SYSTEM: Never be out of the loop again!  The site features a "notification bell", which will send you notifications of things that affect you in some way (eg: someone commented on one of your posts).  There are also many account settings so that you can tailor which notifications you receive and which you don't and there are also many options for you to receive email notifications.

MESSAGING SYSTEM:  As it says on the tin really.  The site features PM/DM functions.

SOCIAL GROUPS:  This is a feature I am very excited about.  Citizens can form their own groups and sub-communities.  Any citizen can create and admin a group.  Groups can be set to public, private and hidden.  Group admins have control over how invites are handled. Each group has its own Activity Feed and comms tools .  The example on how this could be used that I gave before was the D&D stuff.  Dungeon Masters could create D&D groups on this site, have their own activity feed for their own status updates and conversations, and then they could use the integrated ZOOM features to host video conferences and chats for their games.  The in-site and email notifications system can be utilised by the group so that everyone is kept up to date with the happenings of the group.  The potential here is huge.  Groups can be created for pretty much anything.  Political parties, cultural projects, organisations, events, committees, games rooms, whatever you can think of.

VIDEO CHATS: Yes! Video conferencing has been integrated into the site via an API with ZOOM.  At present I have this set as a feature of the above mentioned social groups, but it can also be set to create a site-wide open room, which we might make use of at some point in the future.  For now, any social group can set up it's own Zoom meetings and then use the other site features to promote the event, including the activity feeds and notifications systems.  This could be massive!  The system will record and store all videos and also save a copy of the text-chat transcripts.  These are saved to cloud for safekeeping, but you also have the option to download them too. 

CO-BLOG:  CO-BLOG is short for Community Blog.  Every site member can post blog articles on whatever they feel like talking about.  The blog articles are all displayed within a single blog directory, which can be honed to categories for easier sorting.  Citizens can "like" your blog articles and each article page features a comments/discussion section.  Blog articles spit into the main Activity Feeds and you can receive notifications of new comments and likes on your articles.

CO-DOCS:  This is similar in nature to, say, GoogleDOCS.  Citizens can create a document then assign editing rights to other citizens so that a team of people can all work on a single document.  Each citizen has their own Co-Docs Directory and each 'social group' also has their own directory.  Could be a highly useful tool for many, many purposes.

EVENTS:  Simple events calendar system.  You can create events and then promote them via the other social media tools previously mentioned.

TO-DO LISTS:  This isn't really tied into the social media side of the site, but I figured it might be a nice tool to include.  Every citizen can build their own to-do lists.  Each Social group also has a joint to-do list if they want to work together to complete a set of tasks.

DEVICE RESPONSIVE: The site is best viewed and used on desktop, but it does reshape itself for phones and tablets.  It is impossible for me to test every conceivable display layout, so if anybody encounters anything strange then please report it to me with details of which device, browser and screen resolution you had the issue with so that I can hack in a fix.

The site is ready to go-live.  However, it might always be a work in progress.  New features will be added in as time goes by (for example, I want to start working on an IM chat system and further down the line I want to work on enhancing the notifications system to allow for push notifications to browsers and phones).  One major thing that might change is the site name.  Suggestions are welcome if the current site name doesn't work for you all.  But, we will see.  We can treat it as an advanced and ongoing Beta. It is more than good enough for now though.

I truly hope that you all find this useful and that it helps you to build better and stronger Talossan connections.  As you start using the site if you have suggestions on how it could be improved or have ideas on features or whatever, then please get in touch with me and let me know what you want from this and I will do my best to tailor the site to your wants and needs.

At present, the site might not give you its full potential impact due to the fact that it is empty with no members.  I have created a "Joe Bloggs" account as well as my own account to test things and put a little content on the site, but it will take you to fully flesh it all out. 

Have fun and enjoy. 

I believe I am now ready to go to sleep for several days.



The Minister of STUFF is authorised to create and enter into licensing agreements with third parties in relation to the operation and control of all national web assets.  In these agreements the Ministry of STUFF shall be the licensor and the third party shall be the licensee.

Any web asset that is surplus to requirements may be licenced to a licensee for a particular purpose and, during the term of that licence agreement, the licensee shall have control over the named web asset(s) for the specific purposes as outlined in the agreement.

Licence agreements must also be in place between the Ministry of STUFF and any third party that requests accounts or access to File Transfer Protocol (FTP), database systems, any server level technology (including webhosting control panels), any backend email systems, any subdomain, any domain, any backend dashboards for website installations where such access would give significant levels of control, any social media accounts, and any other internet based system, be it a system wholly owned by the Kingdom or not, where such levels of access is significant. 

All licence agreements shall be publicly posted and shall contain the exact terms of agreement and, whenever possible, shall be of a defined term with an expiry date, either fixed or renewable.  Upon expiry of a licence agreement that is not being renewed the Ministry of STUFF must ensure that all account accesses relating to the agreement are revoked.

Before a licence agreement can be finalised the licensee must provide a copy of identity documents that must show the legal name and address of the licensee.  These documents must be verified by both the Ministry of STUFF and the Chancery.

During the term of a licence agreement the licensee shall not be permitted to transfer the agreement to any other party. 

The existence of a licence agreement does not, and cannot, transfer ownership of any web asset.
WHEREAS The Kingdom of Talossa's Monarchy is no longer hereditary, thus LEX.L.10 is now pointless, so

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Ziu assembled that Article L Section 10 of El Lexhatx, which currently reads:

QuoteThe Heir to the Throne shall be styled Prince (or, if female, Princess) of Prospect.

is hereby stricken from law.
Wittenberg / Domain transfers complete
October 24, 2020, 10:48:58 AM
The web domains of kingdomoftalossa. net, org & com, and have now completed.

Redirects should still be working as they were before.

WHEREAS it was a plank of the coalition government to introduce legislative proposals that seek to create explicit cultural duties for the Monarch, and

WHEREAS the law was amended so that a regular State Opening of the Cosa would be held, and

WHEREAS my intention was that the word Cosa in that paragraph referred to the Opening of the Cosa Session not just the Cosa House, and

WHEREAS if the Cosa House makes this their own affair then in times when the Seneschal, Leader of the Opposition, leader of the third party or Cabinet members are not sitting members of the Cosa they may not be able to attend and participate, so

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx H.1 which currently reads:

Following each General Election there shall be an official "State Opening of the Cosa". At the start of the State Opening, the new Seneschal shall be sworn to the office publicly.  The Sovereign shall then deliver a speech outlining the Government's legislative agenda and programme for the term. The contents of this speech shall be communicated to the Sovereign by the incoming Seneschal prior to the ceremony. The Seneschal may announce Cabinet Ministers during the ceremony. A rebuttal by the Leader of the Opposition shall follow, which may be followed by a further rebuttal by the leader of the third largest party. When practical, the State Opening shall be held during an official Living Cosă for which food and drink shall be featured and as many Talossans as possible shall be invited to attend.

is hereby amended to read:

Following each General Election there shall be an official "State Opening of the Ziu". At the start of the State Opening, the new Seneschal shall be sworn to the office publicly.  The Sovereign shall then deliver a speech outlining the Government's legislative agenda and programme for the term. The contents of this speech shall be communicated to the Sovereign by the incoming Seneschal prior to the ceremony. The Seneschal may announce Cabinet Ministers during the ceremony. A rebuttal by the Leader of the Opposition shall follow, which may be followed by a further rebuttal by the leader of the third largest party. When practical, the State Opening may include an official Living Cosă (and 'Living Senats') in which food and drink shall be featured and as many Talossans as possible shall be invited to attend. The event shall be organised and conducted by the Speakers of both Houses of the Ziu, working in coordination and cooperation with each other.
I am hopeful and almost sure the answer will be yes to this question, but could the Speaker of the Cosa confirm whether Senators are invited to attend and observe the live feeds of the State Opening of the Cosa?
The Webspace / Notice of possible downtime on domains
October 18, 2020, 10:03:57 AM
The domain transfer process is about to go ahead.

This is notice that there will likely be a little bit of downtime on the incoming domain names during the transfer.

The affected domains are:

The main website at (along with all subdomains: Wittenberg, Wiki, Oversteir, et al) will be unaffected.
Staff of the Royal Society,

The webpage on for the Royal Society has been updated with as much verifiable and up to date information that could be easily found.

Please review this update and let me know if anything needs changed, added, removed, etc.

Staff of the College of Arms,

The webpage on for the college has been updated with as much verifiable and up to date information that could be easily found.

Please review this update and let me know if anything needs changed, added, removed, etc.

WHEREAS as the new Minister of the Interior it is my duty to review the sections of law that relate to my office, and

WHEREAS in doing so, I found bits that would better off just being repealed, and

WHERAS some of it is just wildly out of date including references to the Civil Service Commission and a weird bit about the Interior Minister to be known as the War Minister in times of war, which is no longer relevant as Defence is its own Ministry again, and

WHEREAS, once again, a shorter Lexhatx is a better Lexhatx, so;

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx D.2.3 and all of its subsections, which currently read:

Quote2.3 The Interior Minister (or, during times of war, the War Minister), who shall manage Defence and Immigration and head the following Bureaus. The Minister may appoint Deputy Ministers to be in charge of each Bureau, and the Civil Service Commission may appoint Permanent Secretaries to each Bureau, to work under the direction of the Minister and any Deputy Ministries. The Interior Minister shall also be the liaison between the Kingdom Government and the provincial governments. (53RZ28) (53RZ22)
2.3.1. El Büreu dàl Înmigraziun (the Bureau of Immigration), which shall be responsible for the execution of the nation's laws appertaining to immigration of new citizens into the realm and shall work to attempt to increase quality and quantity of immigration applications. This Bureau shall work closely with the Chancery and its Bureau of the Census to ensure that all incoming citizens are properly processed through immigration as provided by law. (54RZ20) (53RZ28) EL Grexhiglh dal Citaxhienità Noveu (the New Citizens' Coterie (or, in short, NCC)), which shall be a department within the Bureau of Immigration and shall be responsible for the integration of new citizens into their new Talossan lives and shall work to find ways to most effectively involve new citizens in Talossan affairs. (54RZ20) (53RZ28)
D. The NCC shall publish a series of information packs aimed at new citizens and shall ensure that these packs are publicly available at all times. (54RZ20)
D. The NCC shall operate a service to be known as 'El Lüverveu' (The Librarian), where new citizens can easily request directions to information on any area of Talossanity, Talossan culture or Talossan history via a simple online form. The NCC shall then endeavor to supply the new citizen with directions to the correct place(s) and source(s) of such information requested. (54RZ20)
D. The NCC shall operate a service to be known the 'TalossAssistant Programme', where new and prospective citizens are guided into Talossan life by existing citizens. This programme may operate under whichever design best fits the needs of immigration services at any given time. (54RZ20)
2.3.2 El Büreu dels Afáes Înphätseschti (Bureau of Home Affairs) which shall be responsible for the order and well-being of the homeland and its environs. This Bureau shall provide a public presence in or near the Greater Talossan Area, shall assist in the organization of Living Cosâs, shall provide governmental assistance to the organizers of an annual TalossaFest celebration, and to all citizens making the Haxh, and shall take care to guide the Seneschal and other ministers in ever maintaining the connection and bond of Talossans worldwide to their homeland. (53RZ28) The Bureau of Home Affairs shall include the Departamenteu dels Afáes Cestoûreschti (Department of Cestour Affairs), led by the 'Piaçatéir Naziunál' and assisted by bureaucrats known as C'huescoûrs (or "Binkies"), who shall see to it that the interests of Cestours within the homeland receive the proper attention of the government. (53RZ28)

are hereby stricken in full and replaced with the following:

2.3 The Interior Minister, who shall: oversee immigration policy and head the Bureau of Immigration; act as the liaison between the national government and the provincial governments; assist in the organisation of Living Cosâs; provide governmental assistance to the organisers of TalossaFest celebrations; provide governmental assistance to all citizens making the Haxh; provide counsel to the Seneschal and other ministers in ever maintaining the connection and bond of Talossans worldwide to their homeland; and shall, generally, be responsible for the order and well-being of the homeland and its environs.

2.3.1. El Büreu dàl Înmigraziun (the Bureau of Immigration), which shall be responsible for the execution of the nation's laws appertaining to immigration of new citizens into the realm and shall work to attempt to increase quality and quantity of immigration applications. This bureau shall be responsible for the integration of new citizens into their new Talossan lives and shall work to find ways to most effectively involve new citizens in Talossan affairs. This Bureau shall work closely with the Chancery and its Bureau of the Census to ensure that all incoming citizens are properly processed through immigration as provided by law.

Uréu q'estadra så,
The Right Honourable Éovart Grischun - Senator (Vuode) and Minister of the Interior
LEX.D.2.10.4. and are the property of the government and shall be run by the ministry of STUFF.

Upon my appointment as Minister of STUFF, and following discussions held with the Seneschal, I opened a dialogue with King John to discuss the Kingdoms' web domain assets.  The domain is hosted on a webhost account in the name of the king, and not in the name of the Talossan Web Registrant, who is an officer of the Ministry of STUFF, and who should currently be the named agent on all web domains owned and operated by the government.  To achieve full compliance with statutory law, the domain needs to be transferred from the King's old webhost account to the webhost account held in trust by the Talossan Web Registrant, who is currently Istefan Perþonest.  This account is currently also where and all related subdomains is hosted.

The Seneschal actually has access to the old webhost account.  Legally, the Seneschal could initiate the domain transfer unilaterally without even consulting with the King.  However, we felt that a having a conversation with the King and have him work with us would have been the better action to take.  And, so, I began my aforementioned dialogue with the King.

El Lexhatx only explicitly mentions the domains of and, but in conversation with the King it was discovered that other domain names are also held in his name.  These are,, and  The king agreed that all these domains should be transferred to government control.

About a month has passed since I last heard from the King on this matter.  Several communications with the King have since gone unanswered.  Today, the King has named a Regent to act in his name.  I would ask the Regent to help me complete the required tasks, however, I fear that the Regent will be unable to do so as he probably has not been given access to the webhost accounts in question.

The King has left me in the difficult position of being in legal limbo on this.  The domains controlled by the government must be in the name of the officer of my Ministry, but I am unable to achieve compliance with the law until the domain transfer is complete.  This leads me to making the decision that I shall press ahead without further communication with or action of the King.

Therefore, I, as Minister of STUFF, hereby make the executive decision to initiate the domain transfer procedure and request that the Seneschal accesses the account of the old webhost and forwards to my office the domain transfer epp code (aka domain transfer auth code, aka domain transfer authorisation code).

@Miestră Schivă, UrN  - Seneschal
@King John
@Sir Alexandreu Davinescu - Regent
The Crown's obstructionism and non-feasance is now preventing my Ministry from completing work on governmental projects, not to mention preventing the Ministry from ensuring compliance with the law (LEX.D.2.10)

I last heard from the King on the matter that we were dealing with just over two weeks ago.  Within the last fortnight I have sent the King two emails, plus he has been contacted via sms text direct to his phone.  These points of contact have yet to yield so much as confirmation of receipt.  As a result, my Ministry is now in limbo on the particular matter at hand.  I cannot move forward with the project and I am currently, technically legally, in breach of the law because I cannot bring the current status of our webdomains to be in line with what El LEX demands without his action.

Seriously, at what point is enough actually going to be enough?  It's no longer just a matter of the King failing to perform his own duties and damaging his own office; he is now preventing a governmental minister from performing their duty and potentially damaging the office of someone other than himself.

This is not on!

I, hereby, publicly demand that @King John responds to my communications immediately else I will begin legal action to seek remedy.
Wittenberg / [STUFF] Website is now "quantum entangled"
October 10, 2020, 01:45:29 PM
A major update to the site has been implemented which "quantumly entangles" it with the TalossaWiki. 

This is fracking cool!

A number of pages on the website have had some code added to them that links those pages to data on the Wiki.  This means when something changes on the Wiki then the associated page on will automatically get updated with that change without the need for any further human interaction.  This will prevent certain webpages falling out of date and will also reduce the amount of work required by future Ministers of STUFF or Website PermSecs.

Phase one of this project is complete, which sees all the Cabinet Ministry pages on now having a "quantum link" to the Ministry pages on the Wiki.  The 'sidebar infobox' for each Ministry from each relevant Wiki page now appears on the respective website pages of and whenever the information within that box changes on the Wiki (such as a new office holder being appointed) the change will instantly and automatically reflect on the main website pages without any further human interaction!

These pages on are now 'timeless'

Additionally, The pages on for the OrgLaw and El Lexhatx have had the same treatment.  These pages now contain a "reference copy" of the law, which, again, is "quantumly entangled" to it's respective Wiki page.  Whenever the Scribe of Abbavilla updates the OrgLaw and LEX on the Wiki then the pages on for the OrgLaw and LEX will update themselves with those changes in real time!  How freakin' cool is that?

The next step in this project will be to do the same with the Civil Service pages (Secretary of State, Scribe, Archivist, et al.) and then do a deep dive and identify any other pages where this system could work and do it there too. 

This is a major leap forward for our website and helps future proof it so that the information contained on it is less likely to fall out of date, and it reduces the overall number of pages that require a manual update whenever a change happens.


Other changes to the website that have been made recently:

1 - A page redesign has happened on all the pages where the new "quantum" system has been added.  This redesign has amended the layout a bit to make things fit together better and to also bring some uniformity to the pages (before this change, the Ministry pages all looked wildly different from each other).

2 - A "contact us" page has been created and added to the main menubar.  This new page lists the public emails for the chief offices of State and Government.  (Credit for this goes to the new PermSec for WebMonkey Business, @Adam Grigoriu )

3 - The top menu bar and page-tree structure (or sitemap) has been changed a little.  This is primarily to ensure that there is room for things to fit nice and neat.  The changes made here are:
3.1 - The menu items "The King" and "The Realm" have been merged into a single menu item "King & Country".  Within that menu item the 2 previous items of "The King" and "The Realm" now appear as sub-items.
3.2 -  A new menu item titled "Law" has been created and within that you will find "The Judiciary" (which has been moved there from the "Government" menu item) and also the pages for OrgLaw and LEX.
3.3 - The aforementioned "Contacts" page had been added to the menu.

4 - The Pages for "The King" and "King John" have been merged into one single page.  There was very little benefit to having them be separate and the only reason things were like that was that it was a hangover from the transfer from the old site.  So, now those pages are one single page, with a bit of a layout redesign, and things looks a bit neater.

5 - The page for "History of the Monarchy" has had the layout design updated to look a bit nicer and also a lot of the content text has been edited to read more like an informative articles and less like the copy and paste mess that much of it read like before.  Some bias was removed and some present tense passages (related to King John) made to be past tense.