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Topics - GV

May I congratulate S:reu Istefan Perþonest  on the unique honor of being nominated to the Uppermost Cort. To be considered worthy of a functionally lifetime appointment to the highest judicial body of our nation is by itself humbling. I would like to acknowledge and compliment his contributions to the nation of Talossa over the many years, and I wish him well on his nomination.

As Mençei, I would like to see continue the importance and prestige of the Senate through the political process. As such, I believe, it is incumbent on this body to carry on the very novel but still monumentally crucial tradition of scrutiny of judicial nominees,  no less in the form of a public hearing.

This hearing by the Senate will be conducted in a similar - albeit slightly modified - manner as the previous one done just some months ago in January. For example, we will be using a Special Committee rather than a Committee of the Whole. I have enumerated below the actual rules, and I intend that the hearing will commence in earnest not later than Monday 12 October 2020.

I invite cordially that fellow Members of this House make their communications here in this Committee exclusively in place of any other medium, if not to each other then at least to me.

Any other Citizen of Talossa may speak here without qualification, provided that they first seek and receive confirmation of that privilege from myself or the Deputy Mençei. For this purpose, a PM is preferred.

To my esteemed colleagues of this right honorable House, greetings:

Having received of Istefan Perþonest

a nomination of S:reu Alexandreu Davinescu
to the Uppermost Cort of the Kingdom of Talossa;


Seeing the necessity of a hearing on the matter,
In respect of our traditions,
By veneration for our Duties to this Nation, and
For the purpose to see due process and undertake just scrutiny;

I, as our Mençei, do hereby convene

a Special Committee
to consider and report upon the qualifications of the Nominee.

Rules of this Special Committee [REVISED per my post to that effect found later on in this thread.  You will know it when you see it. - GV]:

1. The Members of the Committee shall be exclusively the duly elected and seated Members of the Senate of the Kingdom of Talossa. None else shall have equal privileges.

2. The business of the Committee shall not preclude the Senate from conducting its normal business.

3. The Mençei shall be the Chairman of the Committee, and the Deputy Mençei the Deputy Chairman, who shall have plenary and conclusive powers upon and during all its business.

4. The sole purpose of the Committee is to realize a public hearing of the nomination of S:reuIstefan Perþonest  to the Uppermost Cort of the Kingdom of Talossa, and its powers shall extend not beyond the scope or the bona fide interests thereof.

5. The sole goal of the hearing of the Committee is to scrutinize the qualifications of the nominee and ascertain his ability or fitness to service as a Puisne Justice of the Uppermost Cort. The Committee shall report its findings on those matters to both the entire Senate and the public of Talossa at large.

6. The Committee may elect in its ultimate report whether to endorse for or to endorse against the nomination, but it shall be not requisite or binding. The Committee shall be adjourned sine die upon the deliverance of its report to the Mençei or Deputy Mençei.

7. A Quorum shall be unnecessary, but the power to make finals decisions with respect to the Committee or its business shall be reserved to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

8. The Chairman or Deputy Chairman shall publish and maintain a schedule for the hearing, which shall control the sequence, time, and privileges of speeches. The schedule shall be impermanent and respond accordingly to ongoing circumstances.

9. Any Member of the Committee or non-Member who may wish to speak during the hearing shall make a request for it to this Wittenberg thread at least two (2) days in advance to the Chairman or Deputy Chairman, who shall approve, modify, or deny the request publicly on this Wittenberg thread.

10. Members of the Committee shall have precedence in all manners over non-Members with regard to the sequence, time, and privileges of their speeches. Each Member shall have no less than one equal opportunity to speak with regard to other Members.

11. Speeches shall be germane, and shall be inquisitive of and directed to the nominee. Questions shall be asked of the nominee and answers provided by him, and the dialogue between the nominee and the speaker shall remain courteous.

12. A Member of the Committee may invite guests to use up some or all of a scheduled speech, but sufficient notice thereof shall be given in advance to the Chairman or Deputy Chairman. Guest speakers shall respect this privilege, which may be denied by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman in whichever manner they find proper.

13. The Committee shall begin its business immediately, but the first scheduled speech of the hearing shall occur not sooner than Monday 12 October 2020.

14. The first speech of the hearing shall be reserved to the nominee himself, unless he reject this privilege knowingly and willfully, so that he may make his own introduction. The Chairman or Deputy Chairman may invite that the nominee make the final speech.

15. The Committee shall finish its business and submit its report to the Senate and the public of Talossa at least before if not sooner than Thursday 29 October 2020 235959 Talossan time.

Thank you all very much!

GV, Mençei
I would use a Lüc-clone if I could, but any of you will do.  Who would like to be our secretary to keep your presiding officer (me) on-point?  Many thanks in advance!

Thanks, all, for your confidence in me being our presiding officer for a second time.  Having been made such the last time was odd, and I did not think I would have the post again.

In the next few days, I will get an Senäts Order Paper together for the October 2020 Clark.

GV, Mençéi
Wittenberg / King John, the world is waiting!
September 24, 2020, 08:11:04 PM
Copy/pasted from his memberpage:

Date Registered:
    Witt XIV 06 December 2019, 17:48:56
Local Time:
    Witt XIV 24 September 2020, 20:06:28
Last Active:
    Witt XIV 01 August 2020, 17:58:21

John, we know you are in good health, and we hope there is not a personal / family issue keeping you from being able to do your job as monarch.

If you are unable to do your job as King right now, appoint a regent.  A simple email or witt post will suffice.

Many thanks!

GV, Senator-Fiôvâ
Secondary Scribe is directed to double-check my work, particularly in regard to the judiciary one.

Still looking for a Tertiary and Quarternary Scribe to assist me and the Secondary Scribe in our work.  Your duties are the same as the Secondary Scribe's: check, double-check, and triple-check the Principal Scribe's (me) work.

Many thanks in advance!

GV, Scribe
Wittenberg / My short history is now on the Wiki.
August 06, 2020, 08:51:27 PM

Enjoy, all!  I will update it from time to time.
Thanks, everyone, for the great interest shown in my 'short history' of Talossa.  It was done in the course of one night over a period of about six hours and is not intended to endure as a permanent document.  It accomplishes the goal, however, of a provisional single document telling briefly the whole of Talossan history.

My vision for all of you is for all of you - every single one of you - to create your own detailed Talossan biographies with your opinions, your thoughts, your commentary, and your putting together the fine details of things I would miss here or there. 

Naturally, I am most interested in the 2002-2007 period in the Kingdom.  A history of the Republic will have to be a separate project, and I am really not the one to write that story.  The best people to write that would be Kane, Miestrâ, Mike L., Ián A., Carlüs X., and Dieter.

This is a project that cannot be done in a few weeks - the creation of multiple detailed commentaries, opinions, etc., and all of this must be done with the recognition that up to Reunision, we can be more objective about things.  Post-Reunision and in certain aspects of the 2005-2011 period, none of us can have a truly objective point of view.

I will incorporate all of the primary-source documents you all can put together from your own memories into my own work, and I hope you will find cause to be able to do the same with mine.  One of my goals for my own big, huge Talossa book is to rewrite 'A Nation Sundered' in such a way the original emotional impact can be preserved while re-telling the story of the Joint Statement and many other details far more coherently than I did the first time in 2005 when I put out the first edition.

I believe all of this work on your part and mine will take three years from today, and in the light of COVID and other things now being a permanent part of our lives, I am strongly considering jettisonning the '42 Project' and starting over from scratch with a new Archives overall plan.  That being said, I still consider the '42 Project' to have been a great success.

More to come...

GV, Royal Archivist


Absolute bare-bones retelling of the whole of Talossan history from start to finish - this is my provisional work in advance of my full-blown to come (eventually) - enjoy!
RUMP, neo-RUMP, or whatever, put up or shut up.

I defend your right to do Talossa as you please, but where are your brilliant ideas to bring more people to our country and make them want to stay?

Where are you all in the day-to-day workings of the Kingdom?  Imagine how easy it would be to have permanent secretary spots be filled constantly because *both* halves of the country do even a little bit of Talossa every day.

Too many people are 'phoning in' and look at Talossa as a fantasy-fiefdom game.  Too few are taking this beautiful thing seriously. 

Where are the RUMP Talossan speakers?  Where are the storytellers?  Where are the musicians adding to Talossan culture?  By the way, behind the scenes, I am doing my part to preserve Talossan documents.

When I was Progressive Conservative leader nigh-on two decades ago (has it been that long? - yikes), we too had our share of pocket votes.  But we also had the most active party in the land with many members active on Witt and doing even a little bit of Talossa every day.

I get the feeling the RUMP now continues to exist only to be a troll-bro party.  In its day, it *was* the activity in Talossa and contained the great part of its energy, leading the way in rebuilding the Kingdom.  But I suppose the RUMP-ghosts (and you know who you are) will come out of the woodwork to strike down every single referendum on this ballot, offering no solutions to the issues these referenda seek to address, but making very sure neo-Penguinea cannot have its way and keeping the Talossa of 2005-2011, the old Talossa, and the only real Talossa to many people, alive and well, cobwebs and dust and all.

FILLED by Txec Nordselva ca 8 July 2020: Secondary Scribe of Abbavilla
Duties: Double-check the work of the Scribe and, at the Scribe's discretion, have a go at scribing a Clark or two in each Cosâ and being someone who can step in should the Scribe need it.

Job title: Tertiary Scribe of Abbavilla
Duties: same as the Secondary, but lower in the chain of command - as Tertiary, you will provide an extra level of redundancy and will be scribing some, too.  You will also double-check the scribing work done on the Clark.

Job title: Quarternary Scribe of Abbavilla
Duties: And still more redundancy!  You, too, will double-check all scribing done each month and will, along with the other scribes, make sure the updations to El Lex and the OrgLaw are pin-point accurate.

Not a lot of work is required, but in an age of 'unprecedented' this, that, and that, we need redundancy, we need shared experience, and we need people who can mess with WikiCode easier than GV can.

PM me with my great thanks in advance!

GV, [Principal] Scribe
An online-friendly version of Ben Madison's National Atlas now exists and is available at - enjoy!
Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu had a lovely chat just now in our first Café Talossa.

And next Tuesday, I want to see more of you, and I will do a better job at getting you all Zoom links.

If you want to chill out on Zoom for Café Talossa next Tuesday 23 June 2020 at 8pm Central, let me know on this thread as well as your preferred means of communication for the Zoom-meeting link.

Thanks, ESB, for being able to show up - we had a nice visit.  (And I'll remember to get a screenshot next time, too!)

See you all next week!

Get it at the link above - my first-ever Talossan periodical...  The Talossan Royal Archives keeps chugging along...
El Senäts/The Senate / Best wishes to Lüc!
June 14, 2020, 07:31:56 PM
He was great to work with, and I hope fate brings him back to Talossa sooner rather than later.
I'm having issues logging into the Wiki to put a link to the library, but here is what that link will be:

Note these editions of Oraclâ have all names of everyone not a public figure translated into Talossan per the Book of Names, 8th Edition.  This is the first time in probably fifteen years I have had the extant Oraclâ available online and publicly.

One request: anyone with issues 79-83 are asked to get them to me, as I have lost all my files pertaining to those.  It may be those issues have never existed and that in 2015 I skipped to issue 84 in error.  Thanks, all!

And thanks to the beautiful soul who years ago made the .pdf of issues 64-78 currently housed in the WikiLibrary, as I had lost my own files for issues 72-78.

RZ27 - The UC Inactivity Definition Bill -- PËR
RZ28 - The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment -- PËR

GV, Fiôvâ
May 1 June forever be in Talossa remembered as a day when a group of people spoke truth to power.


While I've been away from Witt this past month, profound work has been going on with the Royal Archives, particularly in the last week.  Highlights include:

- www.libraryoftalossa redirects to the Talossa Wiki Library, which has now been designated the official catalog of the Talossan Royal Archives as it should have always been.  This page has been massively updated with new and name-translated material with much more to come.
- 'Invasion of the Androids' for the first time is available in an online-friendly presentation.  TNN and JJ's other work will be available in time.
- Immense behind-the-scenes reorganization of GV's digital archives.

I can now say, finally, the Royal Archives are in such a state if I were to be abducted by aliens, anyone coming across them could make sense of them.  Continued work on more organization is ongoing. 

I began the revamping of the archives in September 2018.  In that time, we've come a long, long way.

GV, RArchivist
I have made a snap-decision to not log onto Witt until 1 June, at which point the scribing of the Clark will take place as usual.  Usual backups from, Witt, and the Wiki will go on as usual.  The King, PM, and other Scribe-critical people know how to get ahold of me, and I've voted in the Clark already for this month.

I've just disovered something: the first Clarks ever voted on in September and October 1987 featured a combined sixty-three bills!  I'm glad for the people who scribed all that all those years ago.

Nothing funny has happened with me, but I've decided I must spend the rest of the oodles of time I've left in quarantine productively doing more non-Talossan stuff - lol.  See ya'll in June!

GV, Scribe etc.
The March 2020 and April 2020 Clarks have been scribed.  Many apologies for the delay re March.  Quarantine-brain.

No meaningful work on the Clarkives I can report on this update...

A lot of random stuff this month - the quarantine has allowed me to work on a lot of nagging Talossan projects.

Date of publication of this update: 4 May 2020

+ + +

As I write this, I am have the names-translations into Talossa done for all know extant editions of Àr Päts: the new 2003 Comprehensive Edition, the 2004 Edition, the 2005 Edition, and the 2008 Free Edition.

For Talossan scholarship and historical preservation, this is a major milestone-project now nearly completed.

+ + +

proposed Royal Archives classifications as of 27 April 2020

Public: those items vetted for Talossan-language names and online-friendly - This stuff goes into the Talossan Public Archives.

Secret: Everything going to the Public Archives as well as urtexts of everything.  Such urtexts (officially deisgnated or not) are in the original language of their writing in all respects, including the use of original-language names.  These urtexts are never to be made publicly available by any means, including online presentation.

Compartmentalized: There are a few documents, all in my possession afaik, which contain personal information too sensitive for even the Secret Archives.  These items are meant for as few people as possible and only for those eyes which need to see them.

Knowledge of their existence, a general summary of their contents, and as well as those individuals who need direct access to them remain with the Royal Archivist, Monarch, and Prime Minister.

+ + +

As previously announced now redirects to

The Library of Talossa is an organ of the Talossan Royal Archives, but it is also a depository for the Scribe of Abbavilla.

As always, I must and do stress work on the Library of Talossa is ongoing - a forever-project.

A major decision having been made, however, is to do what I think people previously have intended to do with the Wiki Library / Library of Talossa and use the Dewey Decimal System.  I had thought of classifying the J**nakiv completely separate from everything else (even the 900 section for History), but that would be a bit janky.  JJ's stuff will be physically stored separate from other things, but will be classified as everything else will be per Dewey.

As to the precise 'edition' of the Dewey system I will use, that is up in the air, as once I start putting together call number classifications, I do not intend to change them.  Therefore, once I start classifying documents, the Dewey 'edition' used for the Royal Archives will be 'locked-in' for a very long time with little or no respect to future editions unless a transcendent new classification paradigm is thought up in Dewey circles.

This will necessitate a complete eventual reworking of the Library of Talossa Wiki page - LOL.

+ + +


The protocol outlined in last month's update is going well.  As of the date of this update being published, the Royal Archives has yet to extract from these archives the secret private-messages which keep these files from being made public.

+ + +


The Royal Archives White Paper is currently outdated, and I am currently strongly considering chucking it altogether in favor of keeping and updating that information directly on the Wiki.

+ + +


DONE 1. Creation of an archive of all extant Witt VIII combined with the 2002-2003 PM archives of GV, Mximo, and XConâ
DONE 2. PM / Witt VIII archives in the new edition of the Water Street Codex
DONE 3. Catching up with the TalossaWiki Digest of Laws

IN PROGRESS 4. Clarkives primary sources list
IN PROGRESS 5. Witt XI archiving

This past month, I completed the first pass-through of getting .html 'single-file' archives for all 13897 Wittenberg XI threads.  This past month saw the full closure of that Witt, and the thread-count forever ends at 13897 with Alexander Davïnescu making the final post and (presumably) 'flipping the switch', closing off the ability to reply to threads.  Glüc (I believe) had a few weeks prior turned off the ability to make new threads.

This month has also seen the reorganization of the Wittenberg XI archives on my local machine.  Currently, iCloud archives this stuff to the cloud, but uploading to GoogleDrive and other platforms will be forthcoming.  Uploading all this data (gigs upon gigs) will be a real pain, but it needs to get done, and eventually it will be.

+ + +

As for the CLARKIVES, I have come to realize that is a project that builds on primary source documents and is not a primary source in and of itself.  Therefore, in my mind, that can be put onto a back-burner for now, but I know it's one that needs to be done sooner rather than later.

My focus as Archvist right now needs and must be the collecting of primary-source documents.  I will soon work on creating a policy as to how the Royal Archives classifies a document as 'primary' or 'secondary' source.


Of course, all of these are in concert with the 42 Project.

CANCELLED - Library on Wiki now Library of Talossa.  The old project was... 1. Sync Wiki Library with the Library of Talossa...

...into the Library of Talossa on GoogleDrive and the Library of Talossa on the TalossaWiki - This will mean keeping two iterations of the Library of Talossa.  Redirect to the Wiki and on the Wiki, put a link to the GoogleDrive. 

See also if I can put a link from the GoogleDrive to the Wiki.

2. Clarkives continue to be a work in progress, but the archives of the GV, MPC, and XC PMships from 2002-2003 has been made independent of the Clarkives - a huge step toward the  eventual completion of the Clarkives

3. A fully-fleshed-out academic census of all extant editions of Àr Päts with the creation of talossan-name translations for all of these. - I need only to complete my part of making new online editions, and the world will see this work once more.

DONE 4. A final census and vetted talossan-name translation for the Big History (1992 edition, last corrected in 1994) - 2nd only to the GV et al PMship archives, this was the most tedious Talossan project I have ever done.

The results of that labor will soon see the light of day in the Library.

+ + +

My chief Talossan goal for the quarantine has been the completion of the combined Witt VIII extant / PM GV, MPC, & XC 2002-2003 PM archive, known as the 2nd Edition of the Water Street Codex.  To wrap my brain around the utter tedium and exact nature of this project required oodles of unbroken time.

+ + +

The quarantine, at least for my Talossan life, continues to be incredibly productive with a number of really nagging projects getting done at last...  Compared to where I was even a year ago, I am astonished with how much I've been able to get done with Danihél's help with the name-translations.

Many thanks, all!

GV, Scribe etc.

+ + + + +

Talossa Database System (administered and created by MPF)

El Lexhatx

The Library of TAlossa aka the Talossan Public Archives on the TalossaWiki

The 42 Project

The Talossan Royal Archives White Paper (currently outdated) - everything you ever wanted to know about the Talossan Royal Archives

<end of update>

RZ23: Për
RZ24: Abstain
RZ25: Abstain
RZ26: Për - When John is no longer monarch (may that be in God's good timing) and if the people want Patrick to succeed him, they can elect him directly or in somesuch fashion

GV, Fiôvâ