[Terpelaziun] Defence Minister - September 2022

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, September 07, 2022, 08:45:46 AM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada

Honorable Tuischac'h,

This terpelaziun is for the Defence Minister. In your reply to the previous month's terpelaziun you mentioned the following activities:

QuoteI plan to completely reorganize the military of the Kingdom, which will allow citizens to enlist, or be commissioned based on macro-national education and experience.

I plan to create a structure that allows both officer and enlisted personnel to work together, and even offer small incentives based on the servicemember's respective branch of service. This will include military awards and badges, and a formal online training program that meets the servicemember's specific needs.

I plan to create a basic military introduction course, advanced military knowledge course, and offer speciality [sic] training for various components of the military.

As mentioned in my own reply, these are indeed exciting initiatives. Please provide guidance on the expected timeline for achieving progress on these initiatives.

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Honorable Tuischac'h,

Seeing that the Seneschal has appointed a new Defence Minister I will withdraw the standing terpelaziun and resubmit in two weeks to allow the new minister @Bråneu Excelsio to get their bearings.