
El Ziu/The Ziu => La Cosă/The Cosa => Topic started by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on October 07, 2021, 04:21:59 PM

Title: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on October 07, 2021, 04:21:59 PM
The Attorney-General said she was going to apply for membership of the Bar. Can she give us any updates on what happened with this?

Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on October 07, 2021, 06:24:17 PM
@Miestră Schivă, UrN , if you please.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on October 08, 2021, 03:43:38 PM
I thank the Member for her question. The short version of the answer is: I have no idea what's happening.

The longer version of the answer is this. It has been my goal as A-Xh to help revive the Talossan Bar. Following the example of my party colleague, C. Nouacastra, I applied directly to the Uppermost Cort. Judge V. Marcianüs was kind enough to provide a written Bar exam - the details of which are confidential - which I completed on the 28th of August this year.

After that? Silence, at least officially. From what I can gather from unofficial sources, the issue is that my examination needs to be confirmed by a majority of the CpI - i.e. 3 of the current 4 justices - and only 2 of them have responded.

I must say that I am massively disappointed by this. The Uppermost Cort has always been something of a "retirement" position in Talossa, but this is ridiculous. There are of course procedures to remove a CpI Judge for inactivity, but my reading of the Organic Law and El Lex G.11 convinces me that that only applies to active cases - even though administering the Bar is also the role of the Uppermost Cort (by El Lex G.2).

Given that, my application for the Bar seems stuck in limbo until such point as one of the 2 absent Judges approves it, one of the 2 absent Judges is present enough to retire so that they may be replaced, or their terms expire in -oh, let me just calculate this - July 2025.

So we've got problems with the CpI. Sorry to not have better news.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:25:29 PM
What is the latest news in reform of the bar? Or even the Corts generally? For such a small country as Talossa, our legal code, legal system, and legal everything are embarrassingly labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, and opaque.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 18, 2022, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:25:29 PM
What is the latest news in reform of the bar? Or even the Corts generally? For such a small country as Talossa, our legal code, legal system, and legal everything are embarrassingly labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, and opaque.
I think it's great you're back to Talossa, but in fairness to Miestra, she has been the author of a huge amount of legislation to simplify and reform the way things like the criminal code and a bunch of other parts of the law work.  She incorporated the input of others and worked hard to make it happen, and it really improved things.  It has been a bright point of this Government.  You're coming in really hot and worked-up, but a ton of improvement has already happened, much of it over this past term.

There's more to do, especially with the bar, but credit where it's due.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:50:04 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 18, 2022, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:25:29 PM
What is the latest news in reform of the bar? Or even the Corts generally? For such a small country as Talossa, our legal code, legal system, and legal everything are embarrassingly labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, and opaque.
I think it's great you're back to Talossa, but in fairness to Miestra, she has been the author of a huge amount of legislation to simplify and reform the way things like the criminal code and a bunch of other parts of the law work.  She incorporated the input of others and worked hard to make it happen, and it really improved things.  It has been a bright point of this Government.  You're coming in really hot and worked-up, but a ton of improvement has already happened, much of it over this past term.

There's more to do, especially with the bar, but credit where it's due.

I don't mean to diminish any accomplishments of the incumbent Government – led, no less, by the party to which I am a member – but I felt it fair to ask for an update on bar reform. The law should be accessible, but isn't; judges should be more active, but aren't; and if someone wanted to seek justice under Talossan law at this very moment, they wouldn't even know how.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 18, 2022, 12:51:24 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:50:04 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 18, 2022, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:25:29 PM
What is the latest news in reform of the bar? Or even the Corts generally? For such a small country as Talossa, our legal code, legal system, and legal everything are embarrassingly labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, and opaque.
I think it's great you're back to Talossa, but in fairness to Miestra, she has been the author of a huge amount of legislation to simplify and reform the way things like the criminal code and a bunch of other parts of the law work.  She incorporated the input of others and worked hard to make it happen, and it really improved things.  It has been a bright point of this Government.  You're coming in really hot and worked-up, but a ton of improvement has already happened, much of it over this past term.

There's more to do, especially with the bar, but credit where it's due.

I don't mean to diminish any accomplishments of the incumbent Government – led, no less, by the party to which I am a member – but I felt it fair to ask for an update on bar reform. The law should be accessible, but isn't; judges should be more active, but aren't; and if someone wanted to seek justice under Talossan law at this very moment, they wouldn't even know how.

Fair enough.  I'm the Clerk of Courts -- I guess maybe I can help by being sure the procedures stuff is all updated?  Might be one way to make it more accessible.  I'll have a look.
Title: Re: TERPELAZIUN ÀL Avocat-Xheneral/Question for the Attorney-General
Post by: King Txec on March 18, 2022, 01:27:10 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:50:04 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 18, 2022, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 12:25:29 PM
What is the latest news in reform of the bar? Or even the Corts generally? For such a small country as Talossa, our legal code, legal system, and legal everything are embarrassingly labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, and opaque.
I think it's great you're back to Talossa, but in fairness to Miestra, she has been the author of a huge amount of legislation to simplify and reform the way things like the criminal code and a bunch of other parts of the law work.  She incorporated the input of others and worked hard to make it happen, and it really improved things.  It has been a bright point of this Government.  You're coming in really hot and worked-up, but a ton of improvement has already happened, much of it over this past term.

There's more to do, especially with the bar, but credit where it's due.

I don't mean to diminish any accomplishments of the incumbent Government – led, no less, by the party to which I am a member – but I felt it fair to ask for an update on bar reform. The law should be accessible, but isn't; judges should be more active, but aren't; and if someone wanted to seek justice under Talossan law at this very moment, they wouldn't even know how.

Speaking as the Administrator of Wittenberg, please don't derail threads or reopen those that have been resolved, such as a a terpelaziun.