
Xheneral/General => Wittenberg => Topic started by: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 02:05:56 PM

Title: AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas
Post by: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 02:05:56 PM
I made a promise to AD that I'd post this somewhere else, so here I am...

Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I have an idea!

  • Remove the monarchy entirely, and replace it with an elected head of state, not unlike Ireland, Italy, or India? Note that the election may be indirect  ;)
  • I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTvRn1BmgcMv6Ta70rtSSZ1S9EHaSuMHiLuj2FUS0rsEsS2KaJ6Al15Zv_rWkiF8kIQZWsRI5jcGLHM/pub)...
But maybe you meant some promises that are less contentious?

  • Rewrite the OrgLaw and El Lexhatx, which are both in a terribly sorry state (if we cared about the rule of law, that is).
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Make the Ziu unicameral and living.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Expand Witt formally onto Discord, encourage transparent political participation, and discourage private forums.

    • (Even though game theory says that violently bitter, toxic, and aggressive partisanship in Talossa is inevitable, I would like to think that we could benefit from some coordination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordination_game) towards a better outcome.)
    • (Honestly, does Talossa as a whole benefit when parties connive and conspire in closed forums? As a matter of law there is nothing to be done about it, because citizens have a general right to free association, but perhaps the Government could use its pulpit to change minds.)
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Have a heraldry bonanza! Make some new flags. Make some coats of arms. Add some pizzazz to the website.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Liberalize the law, so that it is more informal and more accessible, and so that greater numbers of citizens may be effective pro se litigants in front of lay judges.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Abolish provinces completely, or make them ceremonial, not unlike English counties (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceremonial_counties_of_England).
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Revamp the database, so that it is more accessible not only to its users but also its administrators (just ask the @Chancery).
  • Remove the monarchy.
How's that for a place to begin brainstorming?  8)
Title: Re: AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas
Post by: Mic’haglh Autófil, O.Be on March 18, 2022, 02:46:43 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I have an idea!

  • Remove the monarchy entirely, and replace it with an elected head of state, not unlike Ireland, Italy, or India? Note that the election may be indirect  ;)
  • I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTvRn1BmgcMv6Ta70rtSSZ1S9EHaSuMHiLuj2FUS0rsEsS2KaJ6Al15Zv_rWkiF8kIQZWsRI5jcGLHM/pub)...

I mean, I would rather get something instead of nothing, but that doesn't mean you stop pushing for the thing you were initially fighting for, either.  ;)

QuoteBut maybe you meant some promises that are less contentious?

  • Rewrite the OrgLaw and El Lexhatx, which are both in a terribly sorry state (if we cared about the rule of law, that is). I'm down
  • Remove the monarchy. Yes.
  • Make the Ziu unicameral and living. On board with unicameral, Living Cosas seem difficult to do on a regular basis though, given the nature of the Talossan diaspora
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Expand Witt formally onto Discord, encourage transparent political participation, and discourage private forums. Hard yes.

    • (Even though game theory says that violently bitter, toxic, and aggressive partisanship in Talossa is inevitable, I would like to think that we could benefit from some coordination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordination_game) towards a better outcome.)
    • (Honestly, does Talossa as a whole benefit when parties connive and conspire in closed forums? As a matter of law there is nothing to be done about it, because citizens have a general right to free association, but perhaps the Government could use its pulpit to change minds.)
  • Remove the monarchy. Agreed
  • Have a heraldry bonanza! Make some new flags. Make some coats of arms. Add some pizzazz to the website. Insert the "Am I a joke to you?" meme here
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Liberalize the law, so that it is more informal and more accessible, and so that greater numbers of citizens may be effective pro se litigants in front of lay judges.
  • Remove the monarchy. Sensing a pattern here
  • Abolish provinces completely, or make them ceremonial, not unlike English counties (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceremonial_counties_of_England).
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Revamp the database, so that it is more accessible not only to its users but also its administrators (just ask the @Chancery).
  • Remove the monarchy.
How's that for a place to begin brainstorming?  8)
Title: Re: AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on March 18, 2022, 03:58:45 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTvRn1BmgcMv6Ta70rtSSZ1S9EHaSuMHiLuj2FUS0rsEsS2KaJ6Al15Zv_rWkiF8kIQZWsRI5jcGLHM/pub)...

Let's be scrupulously honest - the FreeDems have never been a Republican party. That was our predecessor, the ZRT. The FreeDems have always been a party of "compromise between Republicans and pro-democracy Monarchists". And you're right, the Reformaziunistaes are explicitly Republican.

However, just like US Republicans shriek that anything to the left of Ronald Reagan is full-blown Communism, so Talossan Monarchists believe that any reform to the monarchy is identical to Republicanism. So it's impossible to have a sensible conversation in this country.
Title: Re: AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas
Post by: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 04:02:32 PM
I am happy to be corrected! It is a fair point, though one which offers no relief to Dien, it seems  ;)
Title: Re: AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on March 18, 2022, 04:13:29 PM
As I remember, there were two people in the FreeDems who balked at the party leadership's insistence that all MCs should support the Compromise proposal. Dien balked because he's a principled Monarchist; someone else, I believe, balked because he's a balls-out die-in-a-ditch Republican. Only one of those people quit and started their own party, though...

The other issue is that Dien had a different idea of what FreeDems "agnosticism" on the constitutional issue meant. He believed it meant complete freedom of conscience - Republicans would be Republicans, Monarchists Monarchists, and there would be no attempt to "whip" them. Latter-day party leaderships rejected that interpretation in favour of the Compromise approach. I suppose this election is the "last chance" for that approach, in that if we don't get the 2/3 majority for the Compromise in the Cosa then, hutsch-o, we're back to