
Xheneral/General => Wittenberg => Topic started by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 10:32:30 AM

Title: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 10:32:30 AM
Azul fellow Talossans,

The leader of the TNC likes to through around words like "disgraceful," or "revisionist" when engaging with people he disagrees with. Personally, I think it is VERY disgraceful that a political party would continue to prop up an absentee king. It has been 42 days since King John even logged into Wittenberg. 42 days in which the lives of his people have gone unnoticed. 42 days when, if he cared, he would come on even once a week to find out what is going on in his kingdom. 42 days of celebrations. 42 days of tragedy. 42 days of...well...not seeming to really care.

Where has our king been in those 42 days? Who knows. I will say this one thing with absolute certainty - King John is ignoring his kingdom. 630 days ago I emailed our king asking him a question in relation to Maricopa. I received no reply. 656 days ago I emailed asking a question about the Chancery. I received no reply. 475 days ago I sent the king a PM here on Wittenberg, again about the Chancery. I received no reply.

People ask why the FreeDems, and myself in particular, are dissatisfied? I joined Talossa all those years ago because I like the idea of engaging in a real-life kingdom. King John used to engage. He used to be present. He is no longer. I don't presume to imply his motives, but given that the Queen of England, that 96 year old woman, still attempts to be seen and engage her people while our own king hasn't been seen or heard from in 42 days IS disgraceful.

I would love it if the king would do something...anything...but we get nothing. In truth, that whole regency was unnecessary, because as a people we've come to expect an absentee king. We wouldn't even have noticed.

If the TNC really cares about Talossa, as they claim to, they would engage in sensible discussions. What can we do about our absent king? Is 42 days an acceptable length of absence for a head of state? I don't think so.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post. How dare the Secretary of State post something political! How dare the Free Democrats, freely elected, boycott our bills. I don't really care. Flame me. Call me names, but answer the question: Is 42 days acceptable? I'm sure that question will not be answered, and that's ok also. For me, 42 days is 41 days too long.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 01, 2022, 11:00:30 AM
Is this the inactivity you are talking about?

Quote from: King John on April 20, 2022, 05:10:13 PM

2022/LXIII Tafsut Imazighen Pretzen

come del Coletx Rexhital Talossan d'Armeux
Abbavilla, Atatürk

NOI, IAN, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Péngöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, graitent el Regipäts es sieux citaxhiens es Cestours.  Noi sint rats es fiis àð actarh sür l'aðviçéu da Noastra Regeu Hamilta d'Armeux, da sieux Piersequinds, es dels altreux membreux del Coletx d'Armeux per affirmarh es anonçarh püblicmint els Þonörs Rexhitais qe Noi otorgent perventüra à qátor citaxhiens deneux del Regipäts Noastra.

TANDI QE hi tent venescu avant Üns certaes citaxhiens da Talossa perþonests es plicteschti qi requestent el favour Noastra, es qi tiennent petiziunat qe Noi, in virtù del pevarh Rexhital cunferat solamint à Nhoi, otorgadrent es cunferadrent à lhor, es à lors sovinds lexhitais, dallas armeux; es

TANDI QE Noi derivent dallas graçù es favour Rexhitais Noschtri embù el sarvoir es el pevarh à cunferarh dallas armeux come dallas cadais da Nhoi, es àð emestarh in tais facendas üna proclamaziun Rexhital avetz el Grült Saxhel del Regipäts; es

TANDI QE Noi apartì tiennent estescu clinats par acestilor citaxhiens, qi Noi toctziua tiennent trovat àð estarh preparats per la serviçù del Regipäts Noastra; nun

PER ACESTILOR RAZIUNS, avetz els pevarhen Rexhitais citats super, pa la circümspicença ampal, el sfäts ben, es l'adanaziun propra, Noi tiennent reconeiçat els favours zepictats aicì es tiennent cunferat àð acestilor citaxhiens qe os es lors sovinds lexhitimätsilor estadrent daincets els porteirs d'acestilor Armeux, es qe os tenadrent acestilor Armeux come lor drept, come c'e la privilexhù es l'üsonça Noastra, sanc la vía eda l'unfaþilità d'aucün perziun.

À Caleb Frenibuerg

Noi otorgent els Armeux

Per chevron Vert and Argent, in chief a hand couped and lion of the second, and in base a heart of the first.


À Mic'haglh Autófil

Noi otorgent els Armeux

Per bend sinister Or and Azure, a bend sinister Sable and Argent, between a bear rampant of the third armed of the fourth and a demi-cogwheel of thirteen teeth of the first.


À Tric'hard Lenxheir,

Noi otorgent els Armeux

Azure, a dragon sejant affronty upon a spoked wheel all Argent.


À Baron Alexandreu Davinescu,

Noi otorgent els miglhoriçaziun

Upon a helm with a mural crown a corbie, and the motto "COMPASSIONEM AUDENTIAM VERUMQUE QUAERAMUS."


OCSÅ qe c'estadra säpescu qe ça Noi piaça àð apüntar tres citaxhiéns deneux à noastra Coletx Rexhital dels Armeux, es Noi lor zirent àð estar fidéux àl principal es coraxhösen in la vischtă.

Mic'haglh Autófil com'el Estacat Lung

Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă com'el Precurseir dal Aquilă Rutx

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu com'el Precurseir dal Ceoară Priet

Zonescu sub Noastra mha Rexhital à la Cità da Centennial in Colorado li ziua veintlaiset d'Avrïu, estind el Festival da Tafsut Imazighen, in l'ár 2022 dal salvaziun, el qareinçe-tierçeu dal independençù da Talossa, es el seifdeschlaiset d'Ár röin.

— Ian Regeu


2022/XLIII Tafsut Imazighen Honours

as from the Royal Talossan College of Arms
Abbavilla, Atatürk

WE, JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, greet the Kingdom and her citizens and Cestours.  We are pleased and proud to act on the advice of Our Squirrel King of Arms, his pursuivants, and the other members of the College of Arms to affirm and announce publicly the Royal honours granted to four worthy citizens of Our Kingdom.

WHEREAS there have come before Us certain honourable and dutiful citizens of Talossa requesting Our favour, which loyal subjects have humbly petitioned that We, by virtue of the Royal power conferred only unto Us, might grant and confer unto them, and their lawful heirs, a coat of arms; and

WHEREAS We derive from Our Royal grace and favour both the commission and the power to confer achievements of arms as a gift from Us, and to issue in such matters a Royal proclamation with the Great Seal of the Kingdom; and

WHEREAS We are particularly inclined toward these citizens, whom We have always found ready in the service of Our Kingdom; now

THEREFORE, with the Royal powers cited above, upon ample consideration, good counsel, and proper knowledge, We have recognized the favours described herein and have conferred upon these citizens that they and their legitimate heirs should hereafter be bearers of the following coats of arms, and that they should therefore have these arms as right, as is Our privilege and custom, without leave or hindrance by anyone.

To Caleb Frenibuerg

We grant the arms

Per chevron Vert and Argent, in chief a hand couped and lion of the second, and in base a heart of the first.


To Mic'haglh Autófil

We grant the arms

Per bend sinister Or and Azure, a bend sinister Sable and Argent, between a bear rampant of the third armed of the fourth and a demi-cogwheel of thirteen teeth of the first.


To Tric'hard Lenxheir,

We grant the arms

Azure, a dragon sejant affronty upon a spoked wheel all Argent.


To Baron Alexandreu Davinescu,

We grant the improvement miglhoriçaziun

Upon a helm with a mural crown a corbie, and the motto "COMPASSIONEM AUDENTIAM VERUMQUE QUAERAMUS."


ALSO let it be known that it pleases Us to appoint three worthy citizens to our Royal College of Arms, and We bid them be true to principle and bold in vision.

Mic'haglh Autófil as the Long Fellow

Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă as the Rouge Eagle Herald

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu as the Noir Raven Herald

Given under Our hand Royal at the city of Centennial in Colorado this twentieth day of April, being the Festival of Tafsut Imazighen, in the year of salvation 2022, of the independence of Talossa the forty-third, and of Our reign the seventeenth.

— John Regeu
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 01, 2022, 11:01:41 AM
Or is it this one?

Quote from: King John on April 20, 2022, 05:23:45 PM

Tenth Anniversary of Reunision

Talossa is a nation; and more than that, a dream, a dream that belongs to no one person.

The dream and the nation were born in the heart of a boy in America's Milwaukee, long ago, but from the moment it left him and began to spread, that dream belonged to the world.  It belongs to friends of that boy, and those who have never known him.  It belongs to active and eager citizens, and former citizens who have drifted away.  It belongs to the friends of the throne, and those who oppose it.  Talossa is a dream of what the world could be, and that dream belongs to everyone who is Talossan in their heart.

At one time in our history, the reckless pride of a poor leader drove out from our body politic a great body of worthy citizens.  In the ensuing years, the Kingdom of Talossa and the Republic of Talossa lived mostly as strangers, or worse, as enemies.  Our hearts were cold toward each other; it took far too long for that chill to end.

Today, we celebrate ten years since Reunision, one of the greatest days in Talossan history.  It is a day on which we celebrate the dream of Talossa, and a unified spirit in service to that dream.  We celebrate the fact that no one owns this dream.  It lives in your heart.  And if you are ever away from your people, know that Talossa is still within you.

In the parable of the prodigal son, a boy leaves his father and travels far abroad.  He has great cheer in his travels, but soon finds himself miserable.  He resolves to return to his father, to grovel and beg forgiveness.  "I will arise and go to my father," the boy says to himself, "and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son."

The boy returns home, determined to abase himself.  But to his astonishment, as soon as he comes within sight of his home, "when he was yet a long way off", his father rushes to him with compassion and joy, covers him with kisses, and commands a feast.  When the boy's elder brother complains and wants to scorn the returning prodigal, the father says with a smile, "Thy brother was dead, and is alive again.  He was lost, and is found."

Reunision was the return to each other of all our prodigals.  The Republic returned to the Kingdom, and in the same measure the Kingdom returned to the Republic.  Let us remember the important thing: "Thy brother was dead, and is alive again.  He was lost, and is found."

Qe vivadra Talossa!

              —  John Regeu
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 11:17:25 AM
Yep. 42 days.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 11:18:46 AM
I checked back over the last term to see if there was a similar speech demanding the action and presence of the preceding Seneschal, who was also not a frequent-flyer here on Wittenberg.  I couldn't find one.

Look, we all know that His Majesty isn't very active, but he's become more and more active lately.  After a long period where he didn't participate much, he's begun regularly making speeches, making appointments, performing his legislative functions, and so on.  This is despite the fact that he's been faced with vicious attacks for years every time he says anything, a circumstance that has only lately begun to change -- plus the fact that most other Talossans don't want to spend much time on Witt, either!  So do I wish he were around more?  Yes.  But I'm happy that he's back and active, and I think it's kind of weird to get upset over this if you were willing to let eight months of our previous Seneschal slide with a smile.

I mean, I guess it's not weird -- it's understandable that the FDT would want to change the subject at this point from their legislative blockade.  But come on... after this last term, the FDT doesn't really have a leg to stand on, here.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 11:27:32 AM
I'm not talking about the Seneschal. I'm talking about the King. I prodded the Seneschal frequently, and he at least responded to me. I'm frustrated because it has been 42 days since the last post by the King. I'm frustrated because no one is actually answering my question. Is 42 days acceptable?

Listen, I like King John. I've met him and had dinner with him and Hooligan. He convinced me to try rocky mountain oysters and we enjoyed some adult beverages. He's a nice guy. I'm not impugning him I just want to engage with him more. Is that too much to ask for? I'd like to be able to send the King an email and know he'll respond. I don't expect daily check-ins. I'm not his employer.

You can call me a hypocrite (you didn't but it was certainly implied), or pretend my motives are political (they aren't). Do what you want. Call me ineffectual or whatever. I want that pomp that I thought I was getting (and we used to have much more of). I'm sure some people have not been kind, I'm not one of them. I'm always respectful and thoughtful. I am also frustrated and I get to be.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 11:30:04 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 11:18:46 AMI mean, I guess it's not weird -- it's understandable that the FDT would want to change the subject at this point from their legislative blockade.  But come on... after this last term, the FDT doesn't really have a leg to stand on, here.

You can call my post what you want, but it's not a change in subject. I've been considering posting this long before we even talked about a boycott.

By the way, and you know this, it is not FDT. It is FreeDems. Thanks.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Sir Ian Plätschisch on June 01, 2022, 02:21:20 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 01, 2022, 11:00:30 AM
Is this the inactivity you are talking about?

Quote from: King John on April 20, 2022, 05:10:13 PM
This is one of the best self-owns I have seen in a while
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Sir Ian Plätschisch on June 01, 2022, 02:22:55 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 11:18:46 AMbut he's become more and more active lately. 
It is really saying something that not posting anything for over a month is your definition of "more and more active lately"
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 11:18:46 AM
it's understandable that the FDT would want to change the subject at this point from their legislative blockade. 

a) Your continual insistence on misnaming our party is what they call a "microaggression", please stop it.

b) Why would we want to draw attention away from the boycott? If we weren't happy with it; if we thought it were damaging to us; we wouldn't be doing it. Obviously your party are under the impression that it's going to make us look bad, rather than your party's reaction looking hysterical and foolish; we shall all see.

c) None of you will actually defend the King's level of activity - just like none of you will actually explain what kind of  "monarchy reform" you have in mind. Just the same response to both - "whataboutism" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism)* and venomous contempt. And for the same reason - you can't defend the King. You don't want any reform.

d) If the King were your political opponent - rather than the guy who gives you personally noble titles, Regencies, and shoots down constitutional amendments you disapprove of - you wouldn't tolerate this for a second.

* A: "The King's not active enough."
B: "What about the former Seneschál?"
A: "There's a reason he's the former Seneschál. Let's make him a former King."
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on June 01, 2022, 02:22:55 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 11:18:46 AMbut he's become more and more active lately. 
It is really saying something that not posting anything for over a month is your definition of "more and more active lately"
Well, he was less active than that before, so it's a marked improvement.  I hope that it continues.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
a) Your continual insistence on misnaming our party is what they call a "microaggression", please stop it.

You have referred to me with mocking names for years.  "Baron of Beef," "Baron von Tollbooth," etc etc.  How about you stop with the aggression and I stop with the microaggression?

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
b) Why would we want to draw attention away from the boycott?

Because we refused to immediately cave to your demands and now you look foolish, and will only look more foolish as you persist in trying to dictate terms at the cost of useful and necessary legislation?

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PMIf we weren't happy with it; if we thought it were damaging to us; we wouldn't be doing it.

This is less obvious than you might think.  I mean, we just spent eight months where your party kept loudly declaring that of course the Seneschal was around and active and closely watching everything, and how dare anyone suggest otherwise.  And now you're just blithely handwaving that away -- "Oh golly everyone knows that our previous leader, who we supported by lying to the public, was inactive, but that's irrelevant now."  You guys have pretty clear public standards about how active is active enough, based on last term.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PMObviously your party are under the impression that it's going to make us look bad, rather than your party's reaction looking hysterical and foolish; we shall all see.

I personally think it's hysterical and foolish to escalate to a nationwide legislative blockade because your one message, unnoticed and seemingly asked without any followup, wasn't answered quickly enough.  I think that you thought it was going to be met with capitulation, and that you didn't expect defiance.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on June 01, 2022, 04:35:38 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
a) Your continual insistence on misnaming our party is what they call a "microaggression", please stop it.

You have referred to me with mocking names for years.  "Baron of Beef," "Baron von Tollbooth," etc etc.  How about you stop with the aggression and I stop with the microaggression?

Thanks for the confirmation that you're doing it on purpose to needle us. Yes, me mocking your noble title is on purpose, to needle you, because I think the process by which you got it was rotten. So I suppose we'll both carry now that's established.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
b) Why would we want to draw attention away from the boycott?

Because we refused to immediately cave to your demands and now you look foolish,

... you really thought that this had to be resolved within 24 hours for it to be effective? Well, obviously we have a different strategic outlook.

Quotewe just spent eight months where your party kept loudly declaring that of course the Seneschal was around and active and closely watching everything,

Senator Davinescu was held politically accountable for his inactivity. It lost the Free Democrats votes. Because of our electoral laws, we were not in a position to replace the Seneschal without triggering an early election (and I hope we get a chance to change that), so I'm not sure what you think publicly throwing him under the bus would have done. Because Senator Davinescu was politically accountable. The King is not, and you have devoted your entire Talossan life to ensuring he never will be.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PMyour one message, unnoticed and seemingly asked without any followup, wasn't answered quickly enough.

Of course! Because Breneir was going to come up with the monarchy reform proposal that was promised without prodding! Eventually! There was no way the TNC were just going to ditch the whole issue and hope no-one noticed!  ;D
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 04:49:29 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 04:35:38 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
a) Your continual insistence on misnaming our party is what they call a "microaggression", please stop it.

You have referred to me with mocking names for years.  "Baron of Beef," "Baron von Tollbooth," etc etc.  How about you stop with the aggression and I stop with the microaggression?

Thanks for the confirmation that you're doing it on purpose to needle us. Yes, me mocking your noble title is on purpose, to needle you, because I think the process by which you got it was rotten. So I suppose we'll both carry now that's established.

I'm doing it because it's faster and easier than writing "FreeDems," and because it's a habit.  It also happens to be the party's initials!  I don't feel particularly obliged to help with your party's efforts at branding themselves.

I'm not sure anyone was mystified about whether your childish name-calling was meant to annoy me.  And as an alternative, you could be civil and I will oblige you by using your party's preferred branding.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 04:35:38 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 03:35:43 PM
b) Why would we want to draw attention away from the boycott?

Because we refused to immediately cave to your demands and now you look foolish,

... you really thought that this had to be resolved within 24 hours for it to be effective? Well, obviously we have a different strategic outlook.

No, I just think you guys assumed your threats would work immediately.  I think your position is hilarious and untenable.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 04:35:38 PM
Quotewe just spent eight months where your party kept loudly declaring that of course the Seneschal was around and active and closely watching everything,

Senator Davinescu was held politically accountable for his inactivity.
Ah yes, the dire fate of having his colleagues lie to cover for him for months and then being kept in the Cabinet to continue to run important projects.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 01, 2022, 04:35:38 PM
Quoteyour one message, unnoticed and seemingly asked without any followup, wasn't answered quickly enough.

Of course! Because Breneir was going to come up with the monarchy reform proposal that was promised without prodding! Eventually! There was no way the TNC were just going to ditch the whole issue and hope no-one noticed!  ;D
What a reasonable attitude -- assume that doing something like "bumping the single post you made" will fail, and then escalate right to threats and a vow to block all legislation for eight months.  Completely sane.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 05:04:34 PM
Still no answer to my question, but lots of other comments about things I didn't ask about.

QuoteIs 42 days acceptable? I'm sure that question will not be answered, and that's ok also. For me, 42 days is 41 days too long.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 05:05:58 PM
I answered several times? I think it's not acceptable, and I want him to check in more, and I'm encouraged that he is becoming more active lately.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: King Txec on June 01, 2022, 05:10:39 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 05:05:58 PM
I answered several times? I think it's not acceptable, and I want him to check in more, and I'm encouraged that he is becoming more active lately.

You don't think its acceptable, but there is no consequence? Is this a case of "it's just King John being King John?" The truth be told, I wouldn't even complain if he just logged in a few times a month. Life is busy...but he's our KING and not an ordinary citizen.

Edit: I don't think it's unreasonable to expect something more from the guy who can veto any bill he pleases. No mere Seneschal or MC or SoS can do that. Just the king.
Title: Re: 42 Days and Counting
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 05:25:01 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on June 01, 2022, 05:10:39 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 05:05:58 PM
I answered several times? I think it's not acceptable, and I want him to check in more, and I'm encouraged that he is becoming more active lately.

You don't think its acceptable, but there is no consequence? Is this a case of "it's just King John being King John?" The truth be told, I wouldn't even complain if he just logged in a few times a month. Life is busy...but he's our KING and not an ordinary citizen.

I am glad he's becoming more active lately, and so it hardly makes sense to try to come up with some retribution for not being very active.  I honestly can't think of Talossan who could have done a better job at being the king than His Majesty.  And neither can you.

The man took a solemn oath many years ago and has stubbornly tried to do what's right, even if he hasn't been around as much as I'd like lately.  He doesn't lash out, he gives out his personal phone number for contact, and he has several times kept a steady head and done his job when it mattered most.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on June 01, 2022, 05:10:39 PM
Edit: I don't think it's unreasonable to expect something more from the guy who can veto any bill he pleases. No mere Seneschal or MC or SoS can do that. Just the king.

The Seneschal can personally just announce laws at will, requiring only one counter-signature.  The SoS is trusted with everyone's personal information and voting record and almost the entire administrative state.  But you're right, the throne still has a power remaining to it.