
El Ziu/The Ziu => El Viestül/The Lobby => Topic started by: King Txec on August 01, 2022, 12:20:08 PM

Title: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: King Txec on August 01, 2022, 12:20:08 PM
The August 2022 Clark is now here.


Or here: www.talossa.ca/files/print_clark.php (this is the printer friendly version)

In PDF Form (which was made from the print_clark.php page):


or can vote online here: www.talossa.ca/files/clark_vote.php

Or in this thread, until the 21st of the month, at 19h30 TST.

Senators are allowed to create a single thread in the Senate chamber to post all of the Senate Votes that are not cast in this thread. Any votes not posted either using the form above, the current thread or the Senate thread might be ignored and void. Please do not vote by email or private messages.

When you vote, do not indicate any conditions which may make it sound like this vote isn't final: you can always change your vote later.

Please do not vote by email: We've had problems with email votes being caught in the spam filter.

All nominated Cosa Members and Senators have been emailed

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Dr. Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretár d'Estat
Title: 3rd Clark Voting Thread
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on August 01, 2022, 07:06:15 PM
RZ9, 10 and 12 - AUSTÁNEU. To be absolutely blunt, these kinds of resolutions are the kind of thing which makes me cringe about Talossa. While I agree in principle with at least 2 out of them (maybe with the 3rd, I haven't done the research), they're empty posturing, and not something I want to encourage Talossans to spend their time and energy on going forward. Something more concrete, like a law to authorise donations to the Ukrainian war effort, for example, would be something I could support. Or going the other way and actually declaring war, like KR1 in 1999 against Serbia, would least have humour value.

RZ11 - CONTRA. Making more work for the overloaded SoS is just vindictive at this point in time. I can see, however, that this would be a good thing for the Ministry of STUFF to do as a special edition of La C'hronica.

RZs 13 and 14 - PER
Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: Tric'hard Lenxheir on August 01, 2022, 08:58:05 PM
Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: xpb on August 14, 2022, 08:06:52 AM
My votes no the August Clark of the 57th Cosa

Për on RZ9 - Sense of the Ziu: Russian Aggression and Ukrainian Self-Determination

Për on RZ10 - Sense of the Ziu: Genocide in Xinjiang

Për on RZ11 - The Loud Town Crier Act

Për on RZ12 - Sense of the Ziu: Recognition of the Republic of Somaliland

Për on RZ13 - The Tear Down This Wall, Finally, Bill

Austáneu RZ14 - The Naming the National Teams Act

On the Vote of Confidence, I vote Non
Title: Re: 3rd Clark Voting Thread
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on August 14, 2022, 04:53:50 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on August 01, 2022, 07:06:15 PM
RZ9, 10 and 12 - AUSTÁNEU. To be absolutely blunt, these kinds of resolutions are the kind of thing which makes me cringe about Talossa. While I agree in principle with at least 2 out of them (maybe with the 3rd, I haven't done the research), they're empty posturing, and not something I want to encourage Talossans to spend their time and energy on going forward. Something more concrete, like a law to authorise donations to the Ukrainian war effort, for example, would be something I could support. Or going the other way and actually declaring war, like KR1 in 1999 against Serbia, would least have humour value.

RZ11 - CONTRA. Making more work for the overloaded SoS is just vindictive at this point in time. I can see, however, that this would be a good thing for the Ministry of STUFF to do as a special edition of La C'hronica.

RZs 13 and 14 - PER


Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on August 16, 2022, 06:47:56 PM
As to RZ9, Sense of the Ziu: Russian Aggression and Ukrainian Self-Determination, I vote per.  Messages from our nation to the world have been a tradition for forty years.

As to RZ10, Sense of the Ziu: Genocide in Xinjiang, I vote per

As to RZ11, The Loud Town Crier Act, I vote per, with the caveat that we may wish to revisit the implementation of the Secretary of State feels it's too onerous.

As to RZ12, Sense of the Ziu: Recognition of the Republic of Somaliland, I vote per

As to RZ13, The Tear Down This Wall, Finally, Bill, I abstain.

As to RZ14, The Naming the National Teams Act, I vote per

On the Vote of Confidence, I vote Non.
Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: Bråneu Excelsio, UrN on August 21, 2022, 12:46:33 PM
VoC: Abstain.
Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: Mic’haglh Autófil, O.Be on August 21, 2022, 02:56:52 PM

Title: Re: [Chancery] 57th Cosa - August Clark
Post by: King Txec on August 22, 2022, 08:31:40 AM
Results of the 3rd Clark

RZ11 was the only bill that failed.

MC Francesco Manzella failed to vote for the second time in a row and has lost his seats in the Cosa.

Dr. Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretár d'Estat