
Xheneral/General => Wittenberg => Topic started by: King Txec on October 25, 2022, 10:18:46 AM

Title: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on October 25, 2022, 10:18:46 AM

Attention Citizens of Talossa!

The rules for the upcoming election are available here: http://www.talossa.ca/files/electionrules.php. These rules are an addition to Talossan law regarding elections, specifically OrgLaw Sections III,IV and V and Lexhatx title B. Be aware that not every detail of the law has been explicitly included in the rules so knowledge of the relevant laws might be useful.

The rules can also be found on the rules page of the database.

This thread serves to announce and inform Parties, Senatorial Candidates, King and Provinces about what needs to happen before the election and as a way for parties and candidates to register.


Sir Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretary of State

1. Timetable (month of recess has been called and the dates adjusted)
13 January 23:59 TST (-6 UTC) - Registration deadline Political Parties.
14 January 23:59 TST - Registration deadline Senatorial Candidates.
15 January, morning - Balloting Day, all citizens receive their ballots.
1 February 19:30 TST - Election deadline, results are announced.
14 February - Certification deadline
28 February - Party fee deadline to sit in the Cosa during the first Clark

2. Information for Parties
In the upcoming election the 200 seats of the 58th Cosa will be elected.

For a party to be able to obtain seats in the 58th Cosa two things need to happen.
1. You need to register with the chancery. This needs to happen at least 24 hours before balloting day!

Registration should include:
* Full Party name
* Party Initials
* 50 word statement
* Party Leader(s)
* Candidate list (this is optional, but if no list is supplied only the party leader is allowed to receive seats (see Lex.b.2.3 for the full rules regarding party lists).
* Party platform URL (optional)

All of the above can be done by posting in this thread, sending me a pm or sending an email to talossachancery@gmail.com. (Information can be updated at any time before the deadline, but the initial registration needs to include at least all the mandatory parts).
Candidate lists and Platform URLs can still be provided/updated the day before balloting day.

The Chancery has a list of approximately 51 citizen email addresses that parties can only contact via The Chancery. The Chancery will send out a maximum of TWO emails per party. If you are a party leader, please email the Chancery at talossachancery@gmail.com EXACTLY what you want sent out. Please allow 48 hours notice. The Chancery will email exactly what you send (no editing). The Chancery will not target specific citizens and will not send out more than one email per party per week.

2. You need to pay a fee. This needs to happen before assigning cosa seats.
The fee is 6¤40 ($10 USD) and needs to be paid to the Bürgermeister of Inland Revenue, Txec dal Nordselva. Contact him to find out more about the best way to pay the fee. Parties can appear on the ballot before the fee has been paid.

3. Information regarding referenda statements (King + existing parties)
In addition, parties that currently hold cosa seats may provide a statement of up to 50 words for each referendum either in favour or against the bill.

In addition, the King may provide a 150 word statement for each amendment that was passed after the Ziu overruled an earlier objection.

This can be done by posting in this thread, sending me a pm or sending an email to talossachancery@gmail.com. Please do not wait until the last minute for this as they may have to be manually added to the ballot by the database admin

4. Information for Senatorial Candidates
Three Senate seats will be contested during the upcoming elections: Atatürk (3 cosa terms), Benito (3 cosa terms), and Vuode (3 cosa terms)
Some of these will be conducted by the provinces themselves. Others will be conducted by the chancery. A list will be included in this post with the most up to date information about which elections are conducted by the chancery.

If elections are conducted by the chancery, the election will use IRV and allow write-in candidates, but candidates do get the opportunity to be listed on the ballot. All you have to do to appear on the ballot is register with the chancery. This can be done by posting in this thread, sending me a pm or sending an email to talossachancery@gmail.com.

In order to appear on the ballot you have to register before the start of the elections.

5. Information for Provinces
The chancery provides the option for provinces to have their Senate and Assembly elections conducted by the chancery. Additionally in the case of assembly elections, provinces may provide supplementary instructions to the voters (this could be a description of the relevant provincial law, whether to vote for a party or person, a list of provincially registered parties, etc). The chancery requests that provincial representatives supply this information (what elections should be conducted, voting instructions) to the chancery. I will also look at relevant provincial law and post a thread in each province asking for details. If no information is provided by the province (in whatever form) the default option will be to include an option for a provincial assembly vote, but NOT to conduct the senatorial election, as this requires an explicit request from the province.

6. Assembly elections (Could be subject to change until balloting day.) -Pending confirmation by the provinces
Atatürk - Election conducted by the chancery.
Benito - Election conducted by the chancery. Instructions: "For the Benito Legislative Assembly, please vote for a party, or PRESENT if you wish to cast a null ballot."
Cézembre - Election conducted by the province.
Fîovâ - Election for the Prasidïeu conducted by the Chancery. Instructions: "Ranked choice voting, same as for Senators.
Florencia - Election conducted by the chancery. Instructions: "Vote for a party or vote "present""
Maricopa - No election, all citizen can claim a seat in the Cabana.
Maritiimi Maxhestic - No election, all citizens can claim a seat in the Provincial assembly during the election.
Vuode - No election, all citizens can claim a seat in the Estats Xhenerais during the election..

7. Senate elections (Could be subject to change until balloting day.)
Benito (3 cosa terms) - Election conducted by the chancery.
Vuode (3 cosa terms) - Election conducted by the province.
Atatürk (3 cosa terms) - Election conducted by the Chancery.

Registration Status

Currently Declared Senate Candidates

Currently Registered Parties
Page updated 1/10/23 5:05 AM Pacific Time
Title: Re: [Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: xpb on November 21, 2022, 01:49:02 PM
Given https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=1930.0#msg15854 a statement of December 2022 recess, are the dates now advanced a month?
Title: Re: [Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on November 22, 2022, 11:38:40 AM
Quote from: xpb on November 21, 2022, 01:49:02 PMGiven https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=1930.0#msg15854 a statement of December 2022 recess, are the dates now advanced a month?

Yes, I've adjusted my posting to reflect the month of recess.
Title: Re: [Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on November 28, 2022, 05:06:53 PM
Important Updates for the Upcoming General Election
Title: Re: [Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on December 02, 2022, 10:35:11 PM
As Başbakan of Ataturk i confirm, and officially request that the Chancery conducts the elections for Ataturk on our behalf, as indicated above.
Title: Re: [Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Danihel Txechescu on December 03, 2022, 12:27:03 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă on October 25, 2022, 10:18:46 AMIF ANY OF THE INFORMATION BELOW IS INCORRECT, PLEASE NOTIFY ME ASAP.
1. Timetable (month of recess has been called and the dates adjusted)
13 January 23:59 TST (-5 UTC) - Registration deadline Political Parties.

I believe that's UTC-0600.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2022, 06:52:26 PM
Sir SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

I have submitted the party registration for the TNC along with my monthly personal donation to the Treasury. The total of the payment should be $25 from Brandon Copeland or Our Commonwealth.

I also have sent you a PM indicating that TNC members Tric'hard Lenxheir (Vuode) and @Muhammed Yasir (Ataturk) are running for the Senats.

Cosa candidate list and party statement to come soon.

Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on December 28, 2022, 10:41:06 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2022, 06:52:26 PMSir SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

I have submitted the party registration for the TNC along with my monthly personal donation to the Treasury. The total of the payment should be $25 from Brandon Copeland or Our Commonwealth.

I also have sent you a PM indicating that TNC members Tric'hard Lenxheir (Vuode) and @Muhammed Yasir (Ataturk) are running for the Senats.

Cosa candidate list and party statement to come soon.


Thank you. As I stated in the PM you sent me, I do need to receive something from S:reu Yasir indicating his intention to run. I don't doubt the veracity, but it must come from him (and a graphic in a signature is not an explicit declaration).
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on December 28, 2022, 10:46:23 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2022, 06:52:26 PMSir SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

I have submitted the party registration for the TNC along with my monthly personal donation to the Treasury. The total of the payment should be $25 from Brandon Copeland or Our Commonwealth.

Just to confirm as the wording is a little unclear: the $25 you sent the treasury (which has been received) includes the party registration fee?

Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 28, 2022, 10:53:53 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă on December 28, 2022, 10:46:23 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2022, 06:52:26 PMSir SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

I have submitted the party registration for the TNC along with my monthly personal donation to the Treasury. The total of the payment should be $25 from Brandon Copeland or Our Commonwealth.

Just to confirm as the wording is a little unclear: the $25 you sent the treasury (which has been received) includes the party registration fee?


Yes that is correct, Sir SoS. I've reached out to @Muhammed Yasir to confirm as well.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 29, 2022, 11:36:14 AM
Sir SoS, here's the TNC Cosa candidate list:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
Dame Litz Cjantscheir
Eovart Xhorxh
Muhammed Yasir
Txosue Eiric Roibeardescu
Braneu Excelsio
Tric'hard Lenxheir
Carlus Eovart Vilacafat
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: esbornatfiglheu on December 29, 2022, 12:32:24 PM
I wish to stand for the Senate Seat in Benito.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Munditenens Tresplet on December 30, 2022, 11:40:09 PM
* Full Party name: The Independent Monarchist
* Party Initials: DIEN
* 50 word statement: The Kingdom needs its King. The Cosâ needs its Dien.
* Party Leader(s): Munditenens Tresplet
* Candidate list: Refused.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Muhammed Yasir on December 31, 2022, 08:51:39 AM
I'd like to represent TNC in the senate for Ataturk region.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on December 31, 2022, 10:12:23 AM
Nómină pien del parti: Parti Tafialistà
Initziais del parti: PT
Stätsmint da 50 mocts: Această secziun c'e apschta laßadă blanc.
Ducaziun del parti: Marcel Tafial
List da candidätsilor: Marcel Tafial, Lüc da Schir
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 07, 2023, 12:29:46 PM
Sir SOS,

Here is the TNC's 50-word statement:

QuoteWe stand for a free and fun Kingdom, with closer relationships between everyone.  We should accept crypto donations, publish information on immigration and budget, actually use our language, and reform the Cabinet to reflect real priorities.  Talossa should be a land of infinite vision and opportunity.

Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on January 07, 2023, 08:06:58 PM
This is the FreeDems 50 word statement and Candidate list

"The King must go! A Free Democrat majority will push for a new Head of State who is active and politically neutral. Seneschal Ian Plätschisch led a successful government in the last Cosa, but we need to remove the Royal roadblock to really get things done and have more fun!"

1. Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir
2. Miestră Schivă
3. Açafat dal Val
4. Üc Tärfă
5. M. P. Furxhéir
(possibly more to come)
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 08, 2023, 12:21:48 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 07, 2023, 12:29:46 PMSir SOS,

Here is the TNC's 50-word statement:

QuoteWe stand for a free and fun Kingdom, with closer relationships between everyone.  We should accept crypto donations, publish information on immigration and budget, actually use our language, and reform the Cabinet to reflect real priorities.  Talossa should be a land of infinite vision and opportunity.

Sir SOS,

After internal discussion based on the new information and public objections from knowledgeable Talossans the TNC has decided to revise our party statement to indicate we no longer propose the acceptance of donations via crypto. Our revised statement reads as follows:

QuoteWe stand for a free and fun Kingdom, with closer relationships between everyone.  We should publish information on immigration and budget, actually use our language, and reform the Cabinet to reflect real priorities. Talossa should be a land of infinite vision and opportunity.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 09, 2023, 12:05:47 PM
Just a friendly reminder: We are in the last week before ballots are sent out. If any information needs to be updated time is running very short.

Also, as a reminder, certain deadlines are quickly approaching:

13 January 23:59 TST (-6 UTC) - Registration deadline Political Parties.
14 January 23:59 TST - Registration deadline Senatorial Candidates.

These deadlines are important to not be missed.

NOTE: Any changes or updates made prior to this post have been seen and entered, but its always best to double check!

Thank you

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on January 09, 2023, 11:06:39 PM
Quote from: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on January 07, 2023, 08:06:58 PMThis is the FreeDems 50 word statement and Candidate list

"The King must go! A Free Democrat majority will push for a new Head of State who is active and politically neutral. Seneschal Ian Plätschisch led a successful government in the last Cosa, but we need to remove the Royal roadblock to really get things done and have more fun!"

1. Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir
2. Miestră Schivă
3. Açafat dal Val
4. Üc Tärfă
5. M. P. Furxhéir
(possibly more to come)

We would like to amend our Canditate list to :-

1. Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir
2. Miestră Schivă
3. Açafat dal Val
4. Üc Tärfă
5. Bradley Higgs
6. M. P. Furxhéir
(possibly more to come)
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:16:02 PM
Could you add the TNC platform to our registration, please, @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă ?

Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 12, 2023, 01:21:54 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:16:02 PMCould you add the TNC platform to our registration, please, @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă ?


Do you mean add the link as your party website?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:30:22 PM
Well, the first post says we can add a link to our party platform; our platform is on that page.  That's an option to include, right?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 12, 2023, 01:35:56 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:30:22 PMWell, the first post says we can add a link to our party platform; our platform is on that page.  That's an option to include, right?
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

Here is the link to our platform on our party website

In case, there is concern about using the wiki
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 12, 2023, 01:38:51 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:30:22 PMWell, the first post says we can add a link to our party platform; our platform is on that page.  That's an option to include, right?

Yes we are talking about the same thing. In the party registration on the database there is a place to add a URL, and I added the Wiki as requested. Do you now want the URL from Brenier to be the official URL?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:41:24 PM
He's in charge, so yes.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:41:52 PM
Thank you very much, by the way!
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 12, 2023, 01:42:17 PM
Here is what the party registration screen looks like in case of confusion:

(https://i.ibb.co/CP8VrZT/TNC-registration.png) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 12, 2023, 01:43:59 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 12, 2023, 01:35:56 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 12, 2023, 01:30:22 PMWell, the first post says we can add a link to our party platform; our platform is on that page.  That's an option to include, right?
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă

Here is the link to our platform on our party website

In case, there is concern about using the wiki

No concern with the Wiki, but I believe you all want the quoted link so I updated the database to reflect that.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 12, 2023, 02:50:00 PM
Thank you to the Baron and Sir SoS!
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 13, 2023, 12:15:07 PM
Just as a friendly reminder, TODAY January 13, 2023 is the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY for any parties to UPDATE or REGISTER for the 58th General Election. Any updates received after midnight TST will be ignored.

Also, TOMORROW January 14, 2023 is the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY for Senatorial candidates registrations as well as ANY OTHER UPDATES to the election. After that point, I will be activating the election on Sunday, January 15 before noon, Pacific time (probably earlier but just in case I'm sleeping off my birthday celebrations I'll give myself a little grace!).

Sir Txec dal Nordselva
Secretary of State
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Sir Ian Plätschisch on January 13, 2023, 09:14:28 PM
I would like to add the following amendment statements to the Free Democrat registration (as Secretary of the party, hopefully I am authorized to do so):

RZ19: The current process for selecting the Seneschal often results in a lot of wasted time . This amendment speeds it up without changing the outcome.

RZ27: Right now, Dandelions (children of Talossan citizens) automatically become citizens themselves. But when a parent loses citizenship, any minor children they may have keep theirs - and we can't contact them to confirm if they want it. This amendment means Dandelions must CONSENT to become citizens upon their 14th birthday.

Link to Platform: https://wiki.talossa.com/Free_Democrats_of_Talossa#Party_Policy
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Mic’haglh Autófil, O.Be on January 13, 2023, 11:28:54 PM
Full Party Name: Parti da Reformaziun

Party Initials: PdR

50-Word Statement: "The PdR Continues to advocate for rational responses to political issues facing the nation, and for reforms that make for a more equal society in which Talossans can participate. The difference between government before our involvement and with our involvement show that we will push for results for you."

Party Leader: Mic'haglh Autofil

Candidate list:

Party Platform URL: Click Here for the Goods! (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRhvjXprBGqLKumB144Wl6VXyHDFWH6QGCtoZ3EkzM8ZiDJBddpEU9WfUWGnjd4bSSl2TGs2CpEsPn0/pub)

Edit -- Statement on RZ19: "This amendment streamlines the process by which the Seneschal is chosen, and uses the same method already in place which is used to select the Tuischac'h. This commonsense reform is worth supporting."
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 14, 2023, 03:45:47 AM
All party registrations have been entered and finalized.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 15, 2023, 06:36:05 AM
Was the PdR registration too late, or why aren't they on the ballot?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 15, 2023, 10:02:28 AM
They were registered in time and show as a registered party in the database. They should be on the ballot, but I've also not seen the ballot as my own was one of them that could not get sent.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 15, 2023, 10:07:04 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on January 15, 2023, 10:02:28 AMThey were registered in time and show as a registered party in the database. They should be on the ballot, but I've also not seen the ballot as my own was one of them that could not get sent.

I asked because the polling station posts lists only four registered parties (TNC, DIEN, FreeDem, PT) amd I was wondering if the PdR were left out deliberately or by accident.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 15, 2023, 10:11:31 AM
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 15, 2023, 10:07:04 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on January 15, 2023, 10:02:28 AMThey were registered in time and show as a registered party in the database. They should be on the ballot, but I've also not seen the ballot as my own was one of them that could not get sent.

I asked because the polling station posts lists only four registered parties (TNC, DIEN, FreeDem, PT) amd I was wondering if the PdR were left out deliberately or by accident.

Entirely my fault. I prepared  that posting before they registered 30 minutes before the deadline. I thought I had updated the document but I guess not. I've fixed the Witt post. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 15, 2023, 07:35:10 PM
A problem exists with the database that makes it currently unable to send ballots to anyone with a gmail account. As soon as I tried to send ballots this morning, I noticed that they all bounced back. I immediately alerted MPF and he is working on a solution.

Any citizen who contacts me via email or better still via Witt PM can request their PSC which will allow them to vote on the database.

I will alert everyone as soon as ballots are able to be emailed. My sincere apologies, as the Chancery could not have foreseen this amid all the usual preparation for the election.

- Sir Txec dal Nordselva
Secretary of State
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 15, 2023, 07:44:32 PM
Is there any way anyone can help?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 15, 2023, 08:35:57 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 15, 2023, 07:44:32 PMIs there any way anyone can help?

MPF is the one who needs help as he works to fix the problem.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 16, 2023, 06:50:46 AM
There's 170 voters. If two people helped you, we'd only need to manually send 57 emails. That's very doable. Is that maybe a good way to go right now?
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 16, 2023, 07:10:56 AM
The problem is that each voter has a unique PSC which would have to be inserted as well as specific information per province. I don't have a generic ballot that can be sent either as it is formed automatically by the database. I don't have the ability to login and manually generate ballots. Perhaps MPF has this ability but I do not have total control of the database and never have. There are many things I cannot do. I'm not making excuses, but I don't know how I could do it.

Then there's the whole issue of PSC and the privacy of them. Anyone could vote for anyone else if they knew that number. That could throw the whole elections integrity out the window.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on January 16, 2023, 08:59:51 AM
Yeah, I guess it would just have to be directions on how to vote on Wittenberg either through PM or publicly. Just trying to think through possibilities, I guess.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 16, 2023, 10:20:14 AM
I appreciate the thought. I sent out a generic email with instructions this morning. I'm hoping the ballots themselves can go out soon.

Next election hopefully we'll have figured out a better method so we can avoid this in the future.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 18, 2023, 07:52:08 AM
Update: ballots were sent this morning and we've already seen an uptick in votes cast. Vote confirmations should also be going out. There is a bad link in the ballot directing voters to the polling station for the 57th Cosa. I will monitor that thread just in case.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on January 30, 2023, 05:07:08 PM
As a general update, we now have more votes in this General ELection than we did for the 57th Cosa General Election. Voting closes in just over 48 hours from now.
Title: Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Preparing for the 58th Cosa General Election
Post by: King Txec on February 02, 2023, 07:57:40 AM
As a point of information, the Electoral Commission has begun its work certifying the election results. All results are unofficial until this has been completed, unless the EC fails to certify, which will most likely not happen. Please keep in mind there could be minor changes until the work is completed.

I will notify the kingdom once this critical process is completed. Until then, work will continue on seating a new Cosa.


Sir Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretár d'Estat