
Las Intereçuns Speciais/Special Interests => El Glheþ Talossan => Topic started by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on April 02, 2020, 06:19:07 PM

Title: Announcements on the language
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on April 02, 2020, 06:19:07 PM
1) It is with great regret that I announce the resignation of @Iac Marscheir as Ladintsch Naziunal. Cxhn. Marscheir is overloaded with work outside Talossa now (a silver lining to the COVID-19 cloud) and can no longer fulfil the duties of the role.

As Minister of Culture, I am making the decision to disestablish the Permanent Secretary role of Ladintsch Naziunal, and to assume the statutory duties of Ladintsch Naziunal (as set out in El Lexhatx 2.7.2) myself for the time being.

2) It is with excitement that I announce that Lord Hooligan has transmitted to SIGN the incomplete proofs of the Third Edition of Ün Guizua Compläts àl Glheþ Talossan. An informal SIGN committee is being set up to discuss completing the text, including updating the spelling to the new SIGN rules. Any volunteers for this committee, please contact myself or @the SIGN Convenor.

3) I've seen an alpha-test version of the new Översteir, and it's beautiful, if not fully functional yet. :D