
Las Provinçuns/The Provinces => Cézembre => Topic started by: xpb on August 22, 2023, 12:35:21 PM

Title: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on August 22, 2023, 12:35:21 PM
As per https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=2568.0

1. Timetable
14 September 23:59 TST - Registration deadline Senatorial Candidates.
15 September, morning - Balloting Day, all citizens receive their ballots.

From the CAG [Cézembre Administrative Guide - attached] regarding Lord/Lady Warden (a.k.a. Senator)

Article 8. The chancery is requested to conduct elections to l'Etats. Elections to l'Etats shall be conducted at the same time as elections to the Cosâ and in accordance with the national election laws and rules. The Sénéchal (or the Governor-General in case the Sénéchal has been absent for more than one week) may request the chancery not to conduct those elections in no less than one week before balloting day. If the Sénéchal (or Governor-General) makes such a request, the Sénéchal (or the Governor-General) shall conduct the elections in accordance with provincial election laws and rules.

As Sénéchal this request to the chancery not to conduct those elections was made July 13, 2023, 08:59:33 PM in the aforementioned discussion thread (https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=2568.0).

Chapter V- The Lord Warden

Article 17. Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden. He/she will be elected whenever this is required by the Organic Law, in an election conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent, in accordance with provincial statutes. If no provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord Warden exist, or if the provisions of provincial law regarding the election of a Lord Warden cannot be implemented for practical reasons, or if provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord are in conflict with this Constitution or the Organic Law, the Sénéchal or his appointed agent will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the election in accordance with National Law.

As Sénéchal the request to the chancery not to conduct those elections was made July 13, 2023, 08:59:33 PM in the aforementioned discussion thread (https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=2568.0).

Article 15. Elections, as described in articles 10 and 11 will start no earlier than one week and no later than two weeks after the election deadline of Talossan general elections or after a resolution has been approved by a majority of the l'Etats de Cézembre removing the previous Sénéchal or should the Sénéchal, resign, die or be unable to fulfill his duties for any reason.

The election will take place in an official voting thread, or via the electionbuddy.com system [which has been tested and found satisfactory and conformant to the requirements of the constitution], or via email, or telephone, or postal mail as any individual Cézembre citizen may desire when the official ballot is issued. [Note: electionbuddy can be used without cost for up to 20 voters, and the current population of Cézembre is 16 as listed on talossa.ca currently and reflected in the CAG].  Postal ballots may be directed to Cézembre Land Office, Post Office Box 3037, High Mar Station, Boulder. Colorado 80307-3037 USA.

As per Cézembre law, the election of l'Etats and Sénéchal shall occur after the general election timeframe (article 15), but to conform to the organic law, the election for Lord Warden shall occur during the general election timeframe (article 17).

Please make nominations for Lord Warden in this thread on or before 14 September 23:59 TST
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: Glüc on August 22, 2023, 01:00:27 PM
I nominate myself as a candidate for Lord Warden.

I do not intend to campaign. I do intend to answer questions if I can. I would not recommend anyone vote for me.

If elected I will read every bill and vote on every clark. I will be independent and not blindly follow the instructions of any party or caucus. Most likely I won't do much else. I suppose this would be a marginal improvement over our current senate representation, but is it good enough?

I'm blissfully unaware of recent political developments and I hope to keep it that way. I look forward to getting roundly defeated by a better candidate.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: Glüc on August 24, 2023, 08:49:10 AM
Quote from: xpb on August 22, 2023, 12:35:21 PMThe election will take place in an official voting thread, or via the electionbuddy.com system [which has been tested and found satisfactory and conformant to the requirements of the constitution], or via email, or telephone, or postal mail as any individual Cézembre citizen may desire when the official ballot is issued. [Note: electionbuddy can be used without cost for up to 20 voters, and the current population of Cézembre is 16 as listed on talossa.ca currently and reflected in the CAG].  Postal ballots may be directed to Cézembre Land Office, Post Office Box 3037, High Mar Station, Boulder. Colorado 80307-3037 USA.

Just to confirm, will the votes in the case of more two candidates be ranked and the result calculated using IRV?
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on August 26, 2023, 03:18:52 PM
Quote from: Glüc da Dhi S.H. on August 24, 2023, 08:49:10 AM
Quote from: xpb on August 22, 2023, 12:35:21 PMThe election will take place in an official voting thread, or via the electionbuddy.com system [which has been tested and found satisfactory and conformant to the requirements of the constitution], or via email, or telephone, or postal mail as any individual Cézembre citizen may desire when the official ballot is issued. [Note: electionbuddy can be used without cost for up to 20 voters, and the current population of Cézembre is 16 as listed on talossa.ca currently and reflected in the CAG].  Postal ballots may be directed to Cézembre Land Office, Post Office Box 3037, High Mar Station, Boulder. Colorado 80307-3037 USA.

Just to confirm, will the votes in the case of more two candidates be ranked and the result calculated using IRV?

I do not see any provision for IRV in current laws for voting for Lord Warden.  The Electionbuddy system will support IRV but the current law indicates that citizens would vote for one candidate of their choice, and the candidate which receives the majority of votes would be elected.  There is no provision for plurality or multiple phases of voting.  There is a provision for IRV only specifically for Sénéchal (A8: The Sénéchal Elections Act.)  There was a IRV specified in for the A9: The 51st Cosa Lord Warden Election Act, which I interpret as specific to that one election unless amended by l'Etats or the citizens, for which I see no record of additional action.

The province elections are slated to take place as per statute after the elections at the level of the realm where this could be implemented for that specific office.  The elections for L'Etats would proportionally assign seats based upon votes received by each candidate as per article 9.

It is indeed a moot point if there are less than 3 candidates for Lord Warden among our 16 citizens, however, l'Etats, or a citizen initiative could potentially modify the law for future elections either by amending A9 or making other clarifications to the somewhat ambiguous laws of Cézembre.  There is always the opportunity for replacement of the Sénéchal at an election (which has been offered multiple times) and when the time comes again perhaps another person will step forward to interpret and implement the law.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on August 26, 2023, 08:49:32 PM
I have sent email of the opening of nominations to the last known email address I have for current citizens.

as per Cézembre law
"Before the election starts, the person conducting the election must request and be granted access to the Cézembrean section of the electoral database, in accordance with the Provincial Minions Act."

I have requested a review of the existing list by the SoS such that all are found to be current, as any electionbuddy.com codes will be sent to the email address of each citizen should they wish to use a secret ballot, while any citizen always has the option to vote in public within these forums.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: Glüc on August 27, 2023, 05:10:30 AM
Quote from: xpb on August 26, 2023, 03:18:52 PMthe current law indicates that citizens would vote for one candidate of their choice, and the candidate which receives the majority of votes would be elected.
Which law is that?
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on August 27, 2023, 08:41:32 AM
Quote from: Glüc da Dhi S.H. on August 27, 2023, 05:10:30 AM
Quote from: xpb on August 26, 2023, 03:18:52 PMthe current law indicates that citizens would vote for one candidate of their choice, and the candidate which receives the majority of votes would be elected.
Which law is that?

The law that specifies that the Sénéchal may conduct elections when not involved as a candidate.

As the Sénéchal I see specification for the election of Sénéchal and for the election of the Lord Warden for the 51st Cosa which include IRV, but I do not see any specification that all elections must be IRV within Cézembre. 

My interpretation as Sénéchal for things in an election to be kept at the most basic level as possible: that of one person giving one vote for one other person -- which I shall use in absence of other specific directive.  l'Etats or the citizens may choose to enhance or clarify the law in the future, and a future Sénéchal may choose to conduct the election in some other manner, to be kept as fair as the simplest form.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: þerxh Sant-Enogat on September 07, 2023, 07:22:38 AM
To create a bit of competition, I hereby propose my candidacy for the position of Lord Warden.
I'm new in Talossan politics. I will vote with a constant view to improve attractivity and interesting activities in the Kingdom, happiness and human relations between citizens, transparency and efficiency in our Institutions.
I will continue to prove my involvement, for the benefit of all citizens in our beloved province and in the kingdom.
These principles will also guide me in my new position of Party Leader for the TNC.
It's a pity that I candidate against Glüc, who, among many other qualities, has proven to have a great taste in music ! I wish him good luck and will be happy to work with him for the benefit of our province, whatever the outcome is for us.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: King Txec on September 07, 2023, 07:29:42 AM
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on September 07, 2023, 07:22:38 AMTo create a bit of competition, I hereby propose my candidacy for the position of Lord Warden.
I'm new in Talossan politics. I will vote with a constant view to improve attractivity and interesting activities in the Kingdom, happiness and human relations between citizens, transparency and efficiency in our Institutions.
I will continue to prove my involvement, for the benefit of all citizens in our beloved province and in the kingdom.
These principles will also guide me in my new position of Party Leader for the TNC.
It's a pity that I candidate against Glüc, who, among many other qualities, has proven to have a great taste in music ! I wish him good luck and will be happy to work with him for the benefit of our province, whatever the outcome is for us.

As a side note from the Chancery: Article 3, Section 2 of the Organic Law states that no Senator may actually vote until having been a citizen for at least one year, or the Seneschal or Secretary of State for at least six months.

I will accept your candidacy but if you are elected, you will not be allowed to vote in the Senate until after May 10, 2024.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: þerxh Sant-Enogat on September 07, 2023, 07:44:38 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on September 07, 2023, 07:29:42 AMI will accept your candidacy but if you are elected, you will not be allowed to vote in the Senate.
Thanks for this important information. Not voting for 8 months would not be fair nor respectful for the electors of my Province and Talossan democratic principles, I therefore withdraw my nomination ! (shortest ever Senator campaign..)
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on September 12, 2023, 04:32:29 PM
Calling again for nominations.  None have been received via email and a 2nd prompt will be sent out via that mechanism.
Title: Re: Nominations open for Lord Warden (a.k.a. Senator)
Post by: xpb on September 15, 2023, 08:51:26 PM
It has been more than 24 hours from the announced end of nominations, and no additional nominations have been received either in this thread or via email.