
Xheneral/General => Wittenberg => Topic started by: mximo on May 03, 2024, 11:25:52 PM

Title: You couldn't just leave or resign
Post by: mximo on May 03, 2024, 11:25:52 PM
Azul John,

You couldn't just leave or resign. I've been back in the kingdom for over 10 years now. In those 10 years, I have no good memories of you. Just endless vetoes, even more absences, and no real participation other than showcasing your dominance as king. Not even giving a speech for our independence day, a tradition of ours.

Now what do I see behind closed doors? You're exerting pressure to appoint your successor. Of course, you tell us your advisors approve of this. We understand, some advisors dream of becoming the caliph instead of the caliph, just like good old Iznogood. It's disheartening to see even my republican friends in the Cosa scheming in the shadows to push through a succession law after blocking parliament and shutting us out  of participating in this important debate. Here comes our dear former prime minister, tinkering with a fine succession law for us, and of course, giving the king the power to choose his successor. Why not hold an election to find a new king or queen? Why not consulted? Do we really need a king? Isn't it time for a debate? And you, Mr. Absent King, couldn't you just abdicate and finally give us some fresh air?

I demand a democratic debate on the future of the monarchy. Besides, don't we have an election starting? We've been living without a king for years, and we're doing just fine. Couldn't we have waited to have the debate during the election? Was there really an urgency?

Therefore, I will vote against this law, even if the king, of course, might not abdicate if things don't go his way again.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia
Title: Re: You couldn't just leave or resign
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 04, 2024, 10:03:29 PM
2003: Intransigent monarchist and even at that stage, inveterate party-jumper. See G. Valcádac'h, A Nation Sundered (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tkPfJZWnop153bl1Djy3bgUib6LOrHQ3/view), pp. 42 onwards. Bonus quote: "THE KING SHOULD REMOVE YOUR HEAD OFF THE TOP OF YOUR BODY"

2013: Intransigent Republican (https://talossa.proboards.com/post/105543). Quits the then-ZRT because we weren't Republican enough (actually because we got tired of his unreliability on Cosă votes and his continuous demands)

2022: Joins the TNC on a platform of defending the monarchy (against the FreeDem's THE KING MUST GO campaign):
Quote from: mximo on December 03, 2022, 02:30:42 PMNo party is really republican anymore and as a democrat I note that the population by referendum said no to a republic.

2024: After the TNC comes to a consensus with the Free Democrats on monarchical reform...
Quote from: mximo on May 03, 2024, 11:25:52 PMWhy not hold an election to find a new king or queen? Why not consulted? Do we really need a king? Isn't it time for a debate? And you, Mr. Absent King, couldn't you just abdicate and finally give us some fresh air?

I demand a democratic debate on the future of the monarchy. Besides, don't we have an election starting? We've been living without a king for years, and we're doing just fine

Meanwhile, this is what I said 18 months ago:
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on December 02, 2022, 07:32:46 PMColonel Carbonèl's record of political inconsistency and controversial statements is absolutely a fair point to raise if the TNC think an alliance with him is something that will attract, rather than repel, votes.

A theme that the Free Democrats will certainly be raising in the upcoming election is: what exactly does the TNC stand for these days?