The first day of June is the anniversary of Reunision (https://wiki.talossa.com/Reunision), when Fiova and Fiovăns officialy came to be.
This Province is great and has the best symbols (https://wiki.talossa.com/Fiov%C4%83#Symbols_of_Fiov%C4%83).
We have the best chunk of the Talossan Territories as well, forever thankful to Maricopa and Mariitmi Maxhestic.
I invite you all fiovăns and non-fiovăns to share something related to our symbols in our provincial board in the next days :)
How do you live your life in the fiovăn way?
I will obviously share something coffee related myself hehe soon :)
Also the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Talossan Republic.
We wouldn't be where we are now without the bravery of Tamorán dal Navă, Mic'haglh Loquatsch,
@GV and so many others.
I'll be remembering our Republican heritage - now especially, since the King has knelt to let his Kingdom rise.