¡Defisetz qualse'cosă denă!
Twenty years ago today, the Talossan Republic was founded when eleven citizens seized control of Wittenberg X (https://wiki.talossa.com/Declaration_of_Independence_of_the_Republic_of_Talossa), in reaction to the increasing intolerance and abuse of King Robert I. A full history of events in the lead-up to that time is found in A Nation Sundered (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tkPfJZWnop153bl1Djy3bgUib6LOrHQ3/view?usp=sharing), by Gödafrïeu Valcádac'h (@GV) who took part in these events.These events marked the first time in history when Talossa as a nation not only asserted itself against its King, but succeeded. Many more such events (the abdication of KR1 in August 2005, Reunision in April 2012, and of course this year's monarchy reform) have emphasised this - but the Revolution of
Calondă Gün was the first to succeed.
QuoteI'm proud to say I was a part of a Talossan republic. And I'm proud of all those who worked hard to make such a republic. On this, the twentieth anniversary of our revolution, we should honor those who fought for true Talossan ideals of freedom, independence, and the dignity of the Talossan people. Long live Talossa!
Sir Tamorán dal Navă (@grubi), first President of the Talossan Republic
Happy Calonda Gun and Happy Republic Day!
I'd love it if some of those who were around in the early days could provide their memories. Sir Tamorán unfortunately can't be with us so he asked me to pass on his thoughts. But I'd love to hear more from
@GV or
@Gjermund Higraff, who were among the original revolutionaries, or
@mpf or
@anglatzara who (like me) jumped on board in the first month or so.
This holiday is passing by with a whisper sadly.
My memories are hazy at best. I was far from the most active participant leading up to it, and as everything went down, I was away in very rural Scotland, and had no clue how things had gone before I came back a week later. But I have an impression of it not being planned to happen on that date, as I seem to remember being (at least a little bit) surprised when I finally got online. But as I said, hazy, so I could be wrong about this.
Quote from: Gjermund Higraff on June 03, 2024, 06:46:44 AMMy memories are hazy at best. I was far from the most active participant leading up to it, and as everything went down, I was away in very rural Scotland, and had no clue how things had gone before I came back a week later. But I have an impression of it not being planned to happen on that date, as I seem to remember being (at least a little bit) surprised when I finally got online. But as I said, hazy, so I could be wrong about this.
Mike P. put together the Compact on 19 May 2004, and in the next few days, we signed it. The date of 1 June was chosen very quickly and because it was easy to remember.
Oh my, completely forgot this memorable holiday. At the time I was an ex-citizen, having been blackballed by King Ben (completely unconstiutional, of course) for being a "troublemaker" (which meant that I was a peacemaker and not a warmonger). A couple of days before the event, I was tipped off that something would happen on June 1, and lo and behold! A revolution! I joined the Republic at once.
Ah, those were glorious days. However, the Kingdom was more exotic to Americans, being a monarchy, and outperformed us in the long run when it came to immigration. A pity.