Restoring the requirement for a financial report in the month before the election (as well as one with the Budget)
Please find below the financial report for the 59th Cosa
Please note that the amounts in this report use the traditional ¤60 bence to the louis ℓ see: rounded up from US$ divided by 1.5
The current funds of the Kingdom consist of a checking account, a savings account, and a Paypal account.
On report from the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue as of 30 June 2024, these accounts stand at the following balances:
- Checking: 31¤04 (US$46.60)
- Savings: 826¤39 (US$1,239.97)
- PayPal: 380¤24 (US$570.59)
Total: 1238¤06 (US$1,857.16)
As of 30 November 2023, the balances for these accounts were :
- Checking: 31¤04 (US$46.60)
- Savings: 806¤41 (US$1,210.04)
- PayPal: 326¤15 (US$489.38)
Total: ℓ1,164 (US$1,746.02)
Between the two situations, the following changes have occurred:
- Checking: unchanged
- Savings: + 19¤57 (US$29.93) from interests on deposits
- PayPal: + 54¤08 (US$81.21) from 2 citizens' contributions ($15 gross) and sales of coins, stamps and items on
Total : + 74¤06 (US$111.14)
There have been no expenditures as DoRoyal had credited us for use of their system due to problems.
The Burgermeister has donated shipping and postage for coin and stamp sales.
Note that I did not have information at the time of this reporting for RZ19 - The Supporting the Arts Act as having passed, so there will be a $50 donation made accordingly from the PayPal account. Since the start of July, fees for party registrations and senate seats have been posted.
BE IT ENACTED etc. that El Lexhatx C.1.5.6., which currently reads:
Quote1.5. The Royal Treasury, headed by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue. The function of the treasury is to
1.5.6. provide, upon request of the Minister of Finance and any other time stated in law, a Financial Report containing the following information: the amount, location, liquidity, and availability of all funds held by or for the Royal Treasury, a detailed list of all changes in the account balances of the Royal Treasury since the last Report, a balance sheet which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative sheet items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa, the total amount of louise and postal items in circulation;
amended to read:
Quote1.5. The Royal Treasury, headed by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue. The function of the treasury is to
1.5.6. provide and publish, during the 14 days before Balloting Day in any Cosă election, and at any other time stated in law or at the request of the Minister of Finance, a Financial Report containing the following information: the amount, location, liquidity, and availability of all funds held by or for the Royal Treasury, a detailed list of all changes in the account balances of the Royal Treasury since the last Report, an expense statement which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative sheet items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa, the total amount of louise and postal items in circulation;
Can we move this on to the CRL?
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 17, 2024, 07:56:38 PMBE IT ENACTED etc. that El Lexhatx C.1.5.6., which currently reads:
Quote1.5. The Royal Treasury, headed by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue. The function of the treasury is to
1.5.6. provide, upon request of the Minister of Finance and any other time stated in law, a Financial Report containing the following information: the amount, location, liquidity, and availability of all funds held by or for the Royal Treasury, a detailed list of all changes in the account balances of the Royal Treasury since the last Report, a balance sheet which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative sheet items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa, the total amount of louise and postal items in circulation;
be amended to read:
Quote1.5. The Royal Treasury, headed by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue. The function of the treasury is to
1.5.6. provide and publish, during the 14 days before Balloting Day in any Cosă election, and at any other time stated in law or at the request of the Minister of Finance, a Financial Report containing the following information: the amount, location, liquidity, and availability of all funds held by or for the Royal Treasury, a detailed list of all changes in the account balances of the Royal Treasury since the last Report, a balance sheet which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative sheet items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa, the total amount of louise and postal items in circulation;
Technically, a balance sheet details assets and liabilities.
I would therefore correct the sentence " a balance sheet which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative sheet items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa," as :
" an expense statement which clearly lists all expenses linking them to the relative expense items in the budget bills approved in the Cosa,"
Apart from this wording issue, OK for me.
Can I ask that either Attorney-General
@Ian Plätschisch or Mençéi
@Glüc da Dhi S.H. weigh in on this one?
Approved (I agree with the above request though)