As per RZ19 - The Supporting the Arts Act
Whereas, Talossa has shown an interest in music, and
Whereas, the BHAID traditionally supports the arts, and
Whereas, my father (who was a musician) recently passed away, and
Whereas, I have supported an organization called "Major Chords For Minors" since it's beginning.
Therefore, the Ziu authorises the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid and International Development to make a one-time contribution of $50 (USD), to Major Chords For Minors
Which was adopted in the 5th Clark of the 59th Cosa.
$50 has been sent 8 July 2024 naming the Bureau for Humanitarian Aid and International Development (BHAID) of the Kingdom of Talossa to Major Chords for Minors via PayPal transaction (ID available for audit sent by PM to Minister of Finance)