It is time, in my opinion as the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms, that we should recognize one of our own with an elevation in rank.
@Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat has served for quite some time as The Fulbright Fellow. I hope the Dean and others in the Coletx will agree with me that is is time to promote Carlus to the rank of Pursuivant. With that, Carlus, a Pursuivant is able to choose his title. Ordinarily it is based on a geographical location. So for example, I was The Kingsbridge Pursuivant (and I always signed my posts as -Kingsbridge). I chose my title based on a fictional location, but one that had great meaning to me. Please take some time and think about what title you would like and let's have a discussion!
I'd love to include your promotion in my upcoming Accession Honours so you have a little time on this. Congrats!
This is a great honour, and I thank the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms as well as the Dean for consideration!
I will think of some options for an appropriate title.
Thank you again!
I have done a lot of brainstorming on this and I have come up with the following top 3, more or less in order or preference:
- Green Town: The setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes. The first Bradbury novel I ever read. Still one of my favorites and a formative one from my youth.
- Lakewood: The Lakewood Theatre in Dallas, TX (I don't think it's there anymore) was a formative place in my young adulthood where I learned a love of performance and amateur musical theater.
- Joyland: The titular setting of the Stephen King novel. Another one of my favorites, and a coming of age story that really hits home for me. I read it every year.
Fun fact; in TCAT terminology a poursuivant (someone who pursues, i.e. a chaser) is a rider ahead of the peloton but behind the front rider/group. Often, someone who attacked from the peloton in an attempt to get to the front of the race.
Anyway, congratulations Carlüs!
Quote from: Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat on September 30, 2024, 10:11:19 AMI have done a lot of brainstorming on this and I have come up with the following top 3, more or less in order or preference:
- Green Town: The setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes. The first Bradbury novel I ever read. Still one of my favorites and a formative one from my youth.
- Lakewood: The Lakewood Theatre in Dallas, TX (I don't think it's there anymore) was a formative place in my young adulthood where I learned a love of performance and amateur musical theater.
- Joyland: The titular setting of the Stephen King novel. Another one of my favorites, and a coming of age story that really hits home for me. I read it every year.
Any of those sound awesome. The Green Town Pursuivant or The Lakewood Pursuivant or The Joyland Pursuivant all have nice rings to them.
I concur with the Rouge Elephant.
Wonderful! In that case I would like: The Green Town Pursuivant
Quote from: Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat on October 01, 2024, 08:37:26 AMWonderful! In that case I would like: The Green Town Pursuivant
Expect a promotion at the next Honours! Until then, I don't see why you can't begin using the new title Green Town. Congrats!
Wonderful! Thank you again for this great honour!
-Green Town