The October 2024 Clark is now here.
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Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State
As to RZ14, The Making SoS Succession Easier Act, I vote per.
As to RZ15, BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act, I vote per.
As to RZ16, The Immigration Reform (Quality over Quantity), I vote non. It is a bad idea to have a Government minister render a private judgment about a subjective standard for each potential immigrant, even though it is good that the bill now requires some disclosure.
As to the Vote of Confidence, I vote contra.
As to RZ14, The Making SoS Succession Easier Act, I vote per
As to RZ15, BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act, I vote per
As to RZ16, The Immigration Reform (Quality over Quantity), I vote contra
As to the Vote of Confidence, I vote non
As to RZ14, The Making SoS Succession Easier Act, I vote per
As to RZ15, BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act, I abstain (austaneu), I don't disagree but I think a debate on how to allocate our charity funds would be more democratic than "who proposes first has the right to choose"
As to RZ16, The Immigration Reform (Quality over Quantity), I vote contra. >I think that all applications should be visible for discussion to the people, without a filtering based on an personnal assessment, this is too much power (and work) for a MinImm.
As to the Vote of Confidence, I vote non
RZ14 - Con
RZ15 - Për
RZ16 - Për
VoC - Üc
RZ14: Aus
RZ15: Con - I believe the intended recipient a worthwhile place to be donating money to, but I think it makes the most sense to spend the money already allocated for foreign aid before we go allocating something else.
RZ16: Për
VoC: Üc
My votes regarding 60th Cosâ, Clark #3
Për on RZ14The Making SoS Succession Easier Act
Për on RZ15BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act
Contrâ on RZ16The Immigration Reform (Quality over Quantity) Bill
Non on Vote of Confidence
I also note instructions received by email direct voters
QuoteYou can also vote on Wittenberg on the official Clark thread in the Ziu board
in error rather than this thread.
I voted through the Database as follows.
On RZ14, I vote Contră. Reading its plain language, the bill does not do what it purports to do, as is made blatant by comparing this clause in the preamble:
Quotechange the current rules so [deputies] may be allowed to succeed the SoS on his or her leaving
with this clause in the amended legislation:
Quotewith the ability to replace the Secretary should he become unavailable
and noting that unavailable does not mean the SoS has vacated his office.
This therefore would only serve to sow the seeds of a constitutional crisis if a DySoS were to decide the SoS was unavailable and act in their stead without any kind of delegation, such as the one I received to run the current referendum.
I suppose we needed confirming that people don't read what they vote in favour of.
On RZ15, I vote Contră. As I noted several times, I support the donation but vehemently disagree with this umpteenth botching of proper practice.
On RZ16, I vote Per.On confidence, I vote Üc.
Results of the 3rd Clark of the 60th Cosa
RZ14 Failed the Cosa 70-100-30, In the Senate 2-5-0
RZ15 Passed the Cosa 149-46-5, in the Senate 6-1-0
RZ16 Passed the Cosa 130-70-0, in the Senate 6-1-0
The VoC passed 160-40
All MCs voted. Senator Glüc da Dhi did not vote.
Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State