@Sir Lüc I am re-proposing this legislation as it still seems like a good idea.
Whereas, the Chancery is one of the most important offices in the Kingdom, and
Whereas, it has been frequently stated that filling the position of Secretary of State has been a troublesome task in the recent past, and
Whereas, this statutory revision is offered in the spirit of reform as a process or act of fundamental problem-solving or iterative improvement.
Therefore, be it resolved, that the following changes are made to Title C of El Lex:
The existing 1.2.1 is replaced with: One member of the Chancery shall be the Deputy Secretary of State. The Deputy Secretary of State shall be appointed under the same procedure as the Secretary of State in addition to advice and consultation from the current Secretary of State. The Deputy Secretary of State shall immediately succeed the Secretary of State upon their death, resignation, or removal. The Deputy Secretary of State shall fulfill responsibilities to assist the effective operation of the Chancery as assigned or delegated by the Secretary of State.
The existing 1.2.1 is renumbered to 1.2.2 and revised and following subsections are renumbered: Another member of the Chancery shall be the Royal Data Clerk, heading the Office of Dynamic Data Management. The function of the Office of Dynamic Data Management is to manage all computer records owned by the Kingdom of Talossa for its official functions and delegated to its care in order to help other Royal Households, Ministries or any other organization of the Kingdom which needs data management. The Royal Data Clerk may be the same person as the Secretary of State. The Royal Data Clerk shall be considered an Officer of the Royal Household.
1.2.3. is revised to read as follows: The Royal Data Clerk is appointed by the Secretary of State. The Deputy Secretary of State and/or the Royal Data Clerk may perform official business as delegated to them by the Secretary. Both the Deputy Secretary of State and the Royal Data Clerk shall have all the access required to carry out the Chancery's functions under this section.
Uréu q'estadra så:
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-IND/Open Society)
@Sir Lüc I'd like this moved to the CRL. Grazie!
A couple of points:
* As usual I think it would be preferable to include the text of the current lexhatx in order to compare. Also perhaps quotation marks could be used for the bits of lexhatx. That might make it a bit easier to read.
* This bit:
QuoteThe existing 1.2.1 is renumbered to 1.2.2 and revised and following subsections are renumbered:
is difficult for me to understand. It might be better to phrase it something like this:
Quote1.2.1 is renumbered to 1.2.2 and revised to read as follows: "[revised 1.2.2]"
The following subsections are renumbered accordingly.
Similarly I think for the new 1.2.1. it might be better to say the section is added in front of the old 1.2.1. rather than replacing it, because it's not really being replaced. To me that would make things clearer.
* I worry the bit about succeeding the SoS conflicts with Lex.C.3.1. which states the King appoints the SoS on the advice of the Seneschal. That article probably needs to be amended as well to reflect this change.
I have no further recommendations
Is the current 1.2.2 related to the Bureau of the Census replaced by the current 1.2.1 ? i.e. is this bill also about the suppression of the Bureau of Census ?
if not, the current 1.2.2 should be renumbered 1.2.3, and a new 1.2.4 should be created with your proposal of replacement for 1.2.3