Fellow Talossans,
- We're excited to announce that the Ministry of STUFF is moving forward with the next round of Talossan ID creation and distribution!
- If you have passed the Civic Test (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi2h6bGFI7l7JugZw86Vzh-9_hEujVx_4jBj2-AI7Tf_dJow/viewform?usp=sharing) and submitted your complete information, you're eligible to receive your official Talossan ID.
- Remember that you can also apply for your Talossan ID (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDpTpKlQ7OOAJv4msClX0ZXfQT0L7UYDmAnHbxvYh5Rf_ZQw/viewform?usp=sharing) at any time during October.
Since it's been a while since the Ministry of STUFF received this information, we're trying to update everything altogether, so please check
the list (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ7J0lKT8c3lTrfqT9_6IHICgmEboz8qlKiqDEGW_EBDFf8h4Bs87EIg-PBvI8zah_oMf7aNxSM6Wbq/pubhtml?gid=598385356&single=true) and send your pending information to the STUFF e-mail provided below.
Email for Contact:
stuff@talossa.comLet's make sure we get everything right before the big shipment!
(Also, shoutout to Mic'haglh for condensing my mess into a nice clean looking spreadsheet.)
The Ministry of STUFF
I see that I am on the list. I received mine quite some time ago so I don't really need another.
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on October 17, 2024, 11:56:51 AMI see that I am on the list. I received mine quite some time ago so I don't really need another.
Oh but the design of the IDs will surely change if certain referendum passes certain percentage of votes for a certain big change in the Kingdom, so you may want the new one, Sir Txec. (eyes emoji)
Yes, you are probably right. I hadn't thought of that :-)
I sort of applied during the 59th Cosă (I messaged the person that was back then in charge of the ID cars because I had issues with the application, I believe it was the SoS).
Well, I reapplied now.
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on October 17, 2024, 01:22:43 PMI sort of applied during the 59th Cosă (I messaged the person that was back then in charge of the ID cars because I had issues with the application, I believe it was the SoS).
Well, I reapplied now.
It would have been
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu not the SoS.
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on October 17, 2024, 01:35:36 PMQuote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on October 17, 2024, 01:22:43 PMI sort of applied during the 59th Cosă (I messaged the person that was back then in charge of the ID cars because I had issues with the application, I believe it was the SoS).
Well, I reapplied now.
It would have been @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu not the SoS.
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on October 17, 2024, 01:22:43 PMI sort of applied during the 59th Cosă (I messaged the person that was back then in charge of the ID cars because I had issues with the application, I believe it was the SoS).
Well, I reapplied now.
Should I send proof of me having passed the civics test or is it still saved somewhere?
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on October 17, 2024, 02:13:39 PMShould I send proof of me having passed the civics test or is it still saved somewhere?
I've found your Civic test. You've approved it on January 25.
I have also found just now your ID application, I'll update it today :)
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on October 17, 2024, 02:20:01 PMI have also found just now your ID application, I'll update it today :)
Alright, graschciăs!
Just asking, what's the ETA on the cards?
I think they may be waiting until the change in kings but I could be wrong.
The Ministry of STUFF is finalizing preparations for ID printing, which will begin next week.
If you wish to receive your official Talossan ID, please ensure your information is accurate and complete. Contact the Ministry as soon as possible if you need to verify or update your details.
This is the last opportunity to be included in this round of printing. Thank you for your attention.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on December 13, 2024, 02:53:52 PMThe Ministry of STUFF is finalizing preparations for ID printing, which will begin next week.
If you wish to receive your official Talossan ID, please ensure your information is accurate and complete. Contact the Ministry as soon as possible if you need to verify or update your details.
This is the last opportunity to be included in this round of printing. Thank you for your attention.
This is great news. If you could please post confirmation when the printing is completed and the cards have been mailed. I had planned a follow-up terpelaziun but will just enquire here.
This is the current status on the information the government has about the ID requests.
So please,
@Danihel Forestal ,
@Flip Molinar ,
@BICOSTALAXIS4 (Ivan Mollov),
@Pol dal Timă Lupulescu ,
@Dien Xhorxh , and
@naseerahmed , please write me a DM as soon as possible to give this project the green light.
Or you can send this information to stuff@talossa.com as well.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on December 22, 2024, 04:31:23 PMThis is the current status on the information the government has about the ID requests.
So please, @Danihel Forestal , @Flip Molinar , @BICOSTALAXIS4 (Ivan Mollov), @Pol dal Timă Lupulescu , @Dien Xhorxh , and @naseerahmed , please write me a DM as soon as possible to give this project the green light.
Or you can send this information to stuff@talossa.com as well.
Minister Excelsio,
First, that is a lovely Google spreadsheet. Have folks responded to your alert concerning finalization of details so printing and distribution can start?
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2024, 04:50:24 PMMinister Excelsio,
First, that is a lovely Google spreadsheet. Have folks responded to your alert concerning finalization of details so printing and distribution can start?
I can speak to this somewhat -- we have enough confirmations that the first batch could be prepared and sent to the printer. As a result, the first nine IDs have been laid out and are set for printing. I will be sending them later this week (once the printer is open after the New Year, sort of awkward when holidays are on a Wednesday).
The following citizens' IDs will be printed as part of this batch:@Danihel Forestal @e.iwuagwu @Zilect Uómbat Firă @Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP @Danihel Txechescu @Flip Molinar @Bråneu Excelsio @King Txec @Breneir TzaracompradaCitizens not included in this batch will have their IDs printed in a second round in mid-January, so ideally outstanding address confirmations will be in by then. If not, whatever IDs I
can send to confirmed addresses (S:reu da Mieletz, for example) I will, and can hold the others as necessary.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on December 31, 2024, 01:17:35 AMQuote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 27, 2024, 04:50:24 PMMinister Excelsio,
First, that is a lovely Google spreadsheet. Have folks responded to your alert concerning finalization of details so printing and distribution can start?
I can speak to this somewhat -- we have enough confirmations that the first batch could be prepared and sent to the printer. As a result, the first nine IDs have been laid out and are set for printing. I will be sending them later this week (once the printer is open after the New Year, sort of awkward when holidays are on a Wednesday).
The following citizens' IDs will be printed as part of this batch:
@Danihel Forestal
@Zilect Uómbat Firă
@Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP
@Danihel Txechescu
@Flip Molinar
@Bråneu Excelsio
@King Txec
@Breneir Tzaracomprada
Citizens not included in this batch will have their IDs printed in a second round in mid-January, so ideally outstanding address confirmations will be in by then. If not, whatever IDs I can send to confirmed addresses (S:reu da Mieletz, for example) I will, and can hold the others as necessary.
Thanks Mic'haglh, I was wondering whether I need to tag Braneu or submit a terp.
I am pleased to report that the first batch of ID cards has been received by the printer. ETA for completion is mid-next-week.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 03, 2025, 05:34:00 PMI am pleased to report that the first batch of ID cards has been received by the printer. ETA for completion is mid-next-week.
Excellent update Mic'haglh. Looking forward to seeing these in the mail soon.
I must admit excitement and curiosity of the new design :-)
I am pleased to report that the first batch of IDs were sent out over the weekend. If those in this batch will forgive another ping, I would like to notify them that their IDs are on the way and request that they inform the Ministry when their cards arrive. They are:
@Danihel Forestal@e.iwuagwu @Zilect Uómbat Firă @Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP @Danihel Txechescu @Flip Molinar @Bråneu Excelsio @King Txec @Breneir Tzaracomprada IDs in the second batch will be sent to the printer by the end of this week, and I anticipate being able to get them in the mail by the end of next week. The following citizens in the second batch still need to respond to the Ministry's request to confirm their addresses:
@BICOSTALAXIS4 (Ivan Mollov)
@Pol dal Timă Lupulescu @Dien Xhorxh@naseerahmed @Éovart Castiglhă
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 13, 2025, 02:45:36 PMI am pleased to report that the first batch of IDs were sent out over the weekend. If those in this batch will forgive another ping, I would like to notify them that their IDs are on the way and request that they inform the Ministry when their cards arrive. They are:
@Danihel Forestal
@Zilect Uómbat Firă
@Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP
@Danihel Txechescu
@Flip Molinar
@Bråneu Excelsio
@King Txec
@Breneir Tzaracomprada
IDs in the second batch will be sent to the printer by the end of this week, and I anticipate being able to get them in the mail by the end of next week. The following citizens in the second batch still need to respond to the Ministry's request to confirm their addresses:
@BICOSTALAXIS4 (Ivan Mollov)
@Pol dal Timă Lupulescu
@Dien Xhorxh
@Éovart Castiglhă
Excellent work
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 13, 2025, 02:45:36 PMI am pleased to report that the first batch of IDs were sent out over the weekend. If those in this batch will forgive another ping, I would like to notify them that their IDs are on the way and request that they inform the Ministry when their cards arrive. [...]
What's the expected delivery time to Germany? I tried googling it and the range was from anywhere between 3 and 20 business days.
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 13, 2025, 04:08:47 PMQuote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 13, 2025, 02:45:36 PMI am pleased to report that the first batch of IDs were sent out over the weekend. If those in this batch will forgive another ping, I would like to notify them that their IDs are on the way and request that they inform the Ministry when their cards arrive. [...]
What's the expected delivery time to Germany? I tried googling it and the range was from anywhere between 3 and 20 business days.
They had told me it should be between 1-2 weeks based on weight (these are just regular business-size envelopes, roughly equivalent to your DL size).
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 14, 2025, 12:38:23 AMQuote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 13, 2025, 04:08:47 PMQuote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on January 13, 2025, 02:45:36 PMI am pleased to report that the first batch of IDs were sent out over the weekend. If those in this batch will forgive another ping, I would like to notify them that their IDs are on the way and request that they inform the Ministry when their cards arrive. [...]
What's the expected delivery time to Germany? I tried googling it and the range was from anywhere between 3 and 20 business days.
They had told me it should be between 1-2 weeks based on weight (these are just regular business-size envelopes, roughly equivalent to your DL size).
Okay, good.
Cancel my ID card. I'm renouncing my citizenship.
Sorry if I wasted your time.
I received my new ID card today. Very snazzy and odd to have my name on both sides!
-Txec R
Quote from: King Txec on January 21, 2025, 07:42:57 PMI received my new ID card today. Very snazzy and odd to have my name on both sides!
-Txec R
That's great, I'm very glad they're arriving now!
Got my card today, it looks great!
I received my ID card. Nice work. Even used a classic typewriter for the envelope.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 23, 2025, 09:33:00 PMI received my ID card. Nice work. Even used a classic typewriter for the envelope.
I only have so may opportunities to bust out my Underwood 319; no reason not to take advantage of them!
The Ministry is requesting updates from the following citizens on whether or not they have yet received their ID:
@Danihel Forestal @e.iwuagwu @Zilect Uómbat Firă @Danihel Txechescu @Flip Molinar @Bråneu Excelsio
The following citizens have had their IDs mailed out:
@Iason Taiwos @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu There are a few others that need international postage (a trip to the post office this week will take care of this). Several citizens also still need to confirm their mailing addresses with the Ministry (expect a PM from me shortly on the matter).
I can confirm mine and Bråneu's have been delivered. We have yet to receive them in Mexico, but they are in safe hands.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, O.Be on February 09, 2025, 07:19:45 PMThe Ministry is requesting updates from the following citizens on whether or not they have yet received their ID:
@Danihel Forestal
@Zilect Uómbat Firă
@Danihel Txechescu
@Flip Molinar
@Bråneu Excelsio
Greetz, (Azul)
I haven't gotten my ID yet. Still expecting.
yes, I received mine!
It seems I was one of the "not on file" address information, so I have sent the email to staff@talossa.com with it. Hope to have my ID card in my hands soon.
I got the ID Card today. Thank you.
Hello. The spreadsheet still says "NO" in address on file column. Can you confirm you received my email with my address sent to staff@talossa.com ? Thanks.
Quote from: Pol dal Timă Lupulescu on February 17, 2025, 05:12:50 AMHello. The spreadsheet still says "NO" in address on file column. Can you confirm you received my email with my address sent to staff@talossa.com ? Thanks.
Hi! I just sent you a Direct message!
Since I'm back, will I get my ID card?
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on March 07, 2025, 03:25:17 PMSince I'm back, will I get my ID card?
Your card was not printed because you renounced right as I was finalizing everything for the printer. However, when signups come out in the next Cosa, I would strongly advise whoever is STUFF Minister at that point to make sure you go on the list first.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, O.Be on March 07, 2025, 03:30:35 PMYour card was not printed because you renounced right as I was finalizing everything for the printer.
So I didn't waste your time.
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on March 07, 2025, 03:31:48 PMQuote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, O.Be on March 07, 2025, 03:30:35 PMYour card was not printed because you renounced right as I was finalizing everything for the printer.
So I didn't waste your time.
If anyone would have wasted my time there, it would have been myself.