The King's Speech and
2024/XLIV Accession Honours
To my fellow Talossans, Azul.
First, let me begin by thanking my predecessor, King John. His seventeen years of selfless service to our kingdom place him in the pantheon of notable Talossans. As the reign of John came slowly to a close, it was my great honor and indeed a great shock when His Majesty asked me to become his Heir Presumptive.
I stand now before you as humbly as I possibly can, as the sixth King of Talossa. This dignity to which you, the people, have raised me to serve in will, to the best of my ability be, in the words of His Majesty King John upon his own Accession, "be my best effort of industry, honesty, ingenuity, dedication, and prayer, that the Kingdom of Talossa may grow, prosper, and flourish for many years."
1. Royal HouseIt is our royal will and pleasure that our House by styled "La Casa del Nordselvă". We ourselves shall be styled as His Majesty King Txec in English and Sieu Maxhestà Regeu Txec in El Glheþ. Our royal consort shall henceforth be known as Her Majesty, Queen Chelli. It will be necessary that our Ziu amend the Organic Law to reflect these changes and we trust this will be handled with all appropriate timing.
Our reign shall be reckoned to have begun on November 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM TST.
2. Former MonarchIt is our will and pleasure that henceforth our predecessor on the Throne of Talossa shall be created
Sieu Garp Ian, Düc da Lupul. (His Grace, John, Duke of Lupul.) As it is a custom in many other kingdoms, we are granting Duke John the newly created Duchy of Lupul as a thank you for seventeen years in selfless service to our kingdom. We also desire that the heraldry of Duke John be modified by the Coletx d'Armeux Rexhital in a manner befitting a Duke, and we charge our Squirrel King of Arms, to take up this matter at his earliest convenience.
3. Heraldic MattersWe shall henceforth bear the arms "Quarterly, 1 and 4 argent the Chinese glyph Ben sable, 2 and 3 ermine, a cross engrailed enhanced and offset to dexter and in sinister base a scroll bendwise sinister gules.
We shall make use, as our badge, of "per bend sinister argent and ermine, the Chinese glyph Ben sable and a scroll bendwise sinister separated by a bend sinister engrailed gules."
4. Orders of ChivalryWe desire that the existing
L'Urderi per la Naziun be divided into two ranks, that of
Cnec'ht Cümandour del Úrderi dal Naziun or Damă Cümandour del Úrderi dal Naziun (Knight Commander/Dame Commander) and Cnec'ht del Grült Crutz del Úrderi dal Naziun or Damă del Grült Crutz del Úrderi dal Naziun (Knight Grand Cross/Dame Grand Cross). Henceforth all grants of this order shall distinguish to which rank a new member of the order is admitted. This change shall not be retroactive. We will address changes to L'Urderi in due time for existing members.
5. The Sabor Talossan/Privy CouncilWe name to our Sabor Talossan, from among our worthy and esteemed citizens the following:
First, from among our advisors, a former Seneschal and holder of numerous cabinet posts and seats in the Cosa,
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu, UrN, to whom we confer the L'Urderi per la Naziun rank of Grült Crutz.
Secondly, our esteemed Burgermeister of Inland Revenue and Membreu dal Cosa,
Sir X. Pol Briga - UrN to whom we confer the L'Urderi per la Naziun rank of Grült Crutz.
Thirdly, our most eminent and learned Senior Judge of the Cort pü Inalt and Membra dal Cosa,
Dama Litz Cjantscheir - UrN to whom we confer the L'Urderi per la Naziun rank of Grült Crutz.
Fourth, our Ladintsch Naziunal,
Sir Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP.Finally, we elevate to our Privy Council and admit to the
L'Urderi per la Naziun with a rank of Cnec'ht Cümandour a distinguished lawyer, former Membreu dal Cosa, and current Avocat-Xheneral
Sir Ian Plätschisch, UrN.We are confident that, guided by the wisdom of such eminent Talossans, and others whom we desire to add to their number in time, the Crown and our Kingdom are in good hands. We call upon the nation to congratulate and support them in the arduous task they now undertake.
6. Additional Accession Day HonorsWhereas it has been recommended to us that
Marti-Pair Furxheir is a worthy candidate to be inducted among Our knights, It is therefore our will and pleasure and we graciously condescend to admit
Sir Marti-Pair Furxheir, UrB into L'Urðeri del Bicoloreu.AND ALSO
Whereas is has been our pleasure for these past years to serve as El Capitán da l'Altahál of the Royal Zouaves, with our accession we now appoint, upon the advice of our Minister of Defense, the rank of El Capitán to
Sir Ian Plätschisch, UrN.AND ALSO
Whereas is has been our pleasure to serve as The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms, it is our joy to appoint as the new Viceroy our most faithful fellow Herald,
The Noir Raven Herald, Baron Alexandreu Davinescu.AND ALSO
Whereas one of our Fellow's in the Royal Talossan College of Arms has served with distinction, we now elevate
Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat to the rank of Pursuivant, with the new title of The Green Town Pursuivant / El Coletxüt del Stavour Virt.
7. Closing RemarksTwelve years ago when I first joined the ranks as a citizen of Talossa, I had no inkling of just where my time here would go. I could not imagine, for example, serving as Seneschal early in my tenure, nor could I have even dreamt of joining the ranks of the legal community first as an attorney after passing the bar exam, then ending up as an Uppermost Cort Justice. These past four years as Secretary of State have been quite an interesting period, and while I made a mistake or two along the way, it has been a learning experience that I feel confident has guided me and will remind all of us of possible pitfalls and opportunities for growth as I take up the wildest office I could
never have imagined, that of King.
Speaking as myself, without the royal "we," I promise once more that I shall remain apolitical to a fault, neither favoring nor showing bias against any party or political point of view. My general election and any referendum votes, and those of my household, henceforth shall always be present, and I will always use my democratically granted royal powers with respect and well-thought out reasoning, above all.
Resuming the royal "we," We thank our successor in the Chancery, and all the people of Talossa for their support and trust. It is one of our grandest wishes that more virtual meetings and gatherings take place. When we see and recognize each other in a more personal way, many of our divisions blur into the background. One of our fondest memories is meeting with King John, the Count Thord, and Sir Trotxâ in Denver many years back. We can count many of you among our friends, and to those we do not have the pleasure of knowing well, we pray that our time on the throne will strengthen us all. Dieu salvadra el Regipäts Talossán!
- Txec R, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk
Gratüleschaziuns àl noveu regeu. Qe sieu röin estadra lung es prosperös.
I accept these offices and trusts with gratitude. I doubt not that Your Majesty will have a peaceful reign that stretches far into the future.
I just realized the sheer number of pages on the Wiki and elsewhere that will need updating!
Felicitations to La Casa del Nordselvă! I appreciate the honor of service to the realm.
Congratulations to all honourees! All these honours are very well deserved. And of course congratulations to our new King.
¡Så vivadra el Regeu!