Voting on the January 2025 Clark (the 5th of the 60th Cosă) is now open.
You can find the Clark at: ( (webpage) or ( (PDF)
You can vote here (MCs), in the equivalent Senate thread (Senators), or on the Database (both): (
Voting is open until the 21st of the month, at 19h30 TST.
Senators are allowed to create a single thread in the Senate chamber to post all of the Senate Votes that are not cast in this thread. Any votes not posted either using the form above, the current thread or the Senate thread might be ignored and void. Please do not vote by email or private messages.
When you vote, do not indicate any conditions which may make it sound like this vote isn't final: you can always change your vote later.
Please do not vote by email: We've had problems with email votes being caught in the spam filter.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State
My votes for January 2025
Austanar regarding RZ19 The Judge Cjantscheir Retirement Act
Non regarding Vote of Confidence
Contra on RZ19, The Judge Cjantscheir Retirement Act.
Non on the VoC.
RZ19 - Për
VoC - Üc
RZ19: Aus
VoC: Üc
Results of the 5th Clark of the 60th Cosa
RZ19 Passed the Cosa 130-25-20, In the Senate 7-1-0
The VoC passed 140-35
The following MZs did not vote: Dame Litz Cjantscheir MC and S:r Flip Molinar MC.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State
It is with a heavy heart that I state, el Regeu en volt.
-Txec R