
Las Provinçuns/The Provinces => Atatürk => Topic started by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 08, 2019, 06:37:40 PM

Title: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 08, 2019, 06:37:40 PM
Anthem of the Peaceful Army
by Greta Van Fleet


I love these guys and, unlike many of the critics, have zero problems with their clear influences from Led Zeppelin and Rush. It's still the kind of music I would want from those bands if they were still producing.

Solid album. As good as but different from their double EP From The Fires.

Exception: the song "You're The One" is... terrible. Awful. Trite and embarrassing. But the rest of the record is great, and only better with repeated listening.
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 13, 2019, 10:30:12 AM
by Three Days Grace

With the success of their debut album (which was imbued with telling themes of abuse and rage), vocalist and songwriter Adam Gontier spiralled headlong into self-destructive behaviour, necessitating a trip to rehab. The soul searching during that process materialized on this album. While in the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Gontier wrote "Pain", "Animal I Have Become", "Get Out Alive", "Over and Over", "Gone Forever", and  "Never Too Late", which was co-written by his then-wife, Naomi Brewer.

Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 14, 2019, 04:11:42 PM
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 14, 2019, 04:39:36 PM
by Kings of Leon

There isn't a standout hit song on this record, but like the previous albums I've shared in this thread, it's one that you can listen to from start to finish and enjoy throughout. It's a throwback to their earlier work, before their post-punk phase that saw songs like "Sex On Fire" dominate the charts. But a hit song doesn't make a great album. Piracy on file sharing networks took root precisely because record companies got very good at pushing artists to churn out hits on albums padded with filler.  This is just great work from beginning to end, which is why (along with the previous albums I've shared in this thread) I bought the whole record (well, CD. I'm old school).

Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 14, 2019, 04:39:57 PM
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 27, 2019, 10:19:30 AM
Earthly Days
by William Prince

While not a country fan by any stretch, I do love a good storyteller with folk stylings. That's William.

My wife  -- who dislikes and actively ridicules country music -- was  first to discover and recommend him to the family. We saw him live at the 2019 Ottawa Bluesfest and were utterly captivated. I bought his album because it's great, and because he deserves more than the fractional pennies that streaming services pay.

A warm baritone voice, earnest lyrics, beautiful songs. I could post an official video, but I think it's more telling to follow this up with one of his live performances. In the studio, he's the kind of artist that can nail it in one take, and it's clear that the studio offers no magic he doesn't already possess.

Stream or Download: https://sixshooterrecords.lnk.to/EarthlyDaysWE
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on December 27, 2019, 10:20:05 AM
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on January 06, 2020, 01:23:46 PM
Welcome to the Night Sky
by Wintersleep

Another one from my actual collection. I think this thread will only be full albums that I own and love.

"Weighty Ghost" and "Oblivion" were the singles I heard on alternative radio when this one was released. In the ~12 years since, this album is still a wellspring that I return to often, and it's all the amazing unreleased songs that give me the most joy.

I recall submitting "Dead Letter & the Infinite Yes" to at least one running of the Talossan Music Top 20, knowing full-well it wasn't the correct formula for the prize. Why? I thought you might listen to it and think, "Wow, this is dark. What the hell is this guy talking about?" In my opinion, it's probably the most beautiful and honest song about mental illness I've ever heard. Play it at my funeral.

I also hoped you might be curious enough to listen further, and in adding the Spotify link I'm doing it again. Start out with the singles, or play the whole thing all the way through without skipping. Turn the lights down. Lie still. Sip on a drink or vape or whatever. Grab the lyrics from Genius and try to follow along.

Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sevastáin Pinátsch on January 06, 2020, 01:25:13 PM
Title: Re: Currently listening to...
Post by: Sir Ian Plätschisch on January 29, 2021, 01:09:54 PM