
Xheneral/General => Wittenberg => Topic started by: Ián S.G. Txaglh on September 24, 2020, 04:25:21 AM

Title: upcoming battle of the autumn semester 2020
Post by: Ián S.G. Txaglh on September 24, 2020, 04:25:21 AM
as the populistic epidemiology continues to worsen the situation here under brilliant leadership of our local PM (similar kind of idiot as bojo or trump), effectively, the whole new semester is going to be taught on all unis online and we expect another lock-down (they expect to lose the grip over the situation in two weeks; prague is already without any ICU for covid patients). moreover, my parents-in-law are in not an easy situation, both recover after surgery, nothing fatal, but still serious, so i am very much consumed by all this stuff. being deputy for study on our institute and myself a reader of 6 lectures and two seminars, i have to fully move to online teaching, which i only improvised in the half of the period during spring (we had 6 weeks of total lock-down). to prepare such stuff that it makes sense and can be attained by students who are cut off involuntarily due to health and technical issues is a big challenge.

so, my attention to talossan matters is weakened, i hardly read witt in the last week and hardly pick up any strength to participate. "fortunately", talossa is not a boiling pot right now, which fact sets me a bit at ease ;) just to let you know.

hopefully, i have tons of books to read, films to see, perfect wife to survive the cabin fever, large garden and two funny cats (funny, but serious, yesterday, zaerti has brought us a weasel, and ate half of the poor sodder, which explained the mystery of strange shit found all over our lantifundiae and strange sounds too. she also brings snakes, time to time. aneru is more specialised in birds. lovable killers).

mouse over :)
Title: Re: upcoming battle of the autumn semester 2020
Post by: King Txec on September 24, 2020, 08:49:56 AM
Teaching online is far more difficult I have found than doing so in person!
Title: Re: upcoming battle of the autumn semester 2020
Post by: esbornatfiglheu on September 24, 2020, 09:23:24 AM
Boy howdy you're right.  Though with the theatre closed, my workload has pretty much evened out.
Title: Re: upcoming battle of the autumn semester 2020
Post by: Ián S.G. Txaglh on September 25, 2020, 01:59:30 AM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on September 24, 2020, 08:49:56 AM
Teaching online is far more difficult I have found than doing so in person!

it is very tiresome. one would say sitting at home would make it comfortable, but the brain is not used to read peoples faces and speech in the even tiny tiny time-delayed visual comparing to live talk. i feel like a squeezed lemon after a videocon lecture or seminar, but i am never sure if my juice made a good gin fizz or just spoiled a milk. what is even worse, the commented ppt presentation. i envy all actors to be able to do that, but speaking to "faceless" microphone is the worst psychotorture i ever went through, considering talking to people when i was a teenager.

Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on September 24, 2020, 09:23:24 AM
Boy howdy you're right.  Though with the theatre closed, my workload has pretty much evened out.

i hope your theatre will be open soon and people will be coming back for plays. here, they are allowed to play live, but only with proper social distances around 2 m and face masks, meaning four to six time less people come than when at full capacity. i also feel with all those who had to work or study with face masks whole day on. this monday i sat like that for 10 h during theses defence and i had quite a difficulty to keep myself focused due to the limited breathing.

i am really worry about the people, who are vitally dependent on the vivid society and human contact - actors, small & local business, teachers on elementary schools. it is not that bad in europe (and AUS or NZ, afaik) with all the social backing from government (but even that might be better, imho, at least here), but e.g. india and similar countries are going to suffer greatly. 謝謝小熊維尼主席...

Title: Re: upcoming battle of the autumn semester 2020
Post by: King Txec on September 25, 2020, 09:10:17 AM
I am going to spend the rest of my 12 years before I retire dreaming "you're muted" and teaching to little black boxes with a name and no face!