
El Ziu/The Ziu => El Funal/The Hopper => El Müstair del Funal/The Hopper Archive => Topic started by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on January 06, 2020, 06:32:22 PM

Title: The Fixing The Fixing The Judicial Deck Clean-Up Bill
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on January 06, 2020, 06:32:22 PM
WHEREAS the Magistrate's Cort was abolished by 47RZ39 (http://wiki.talossa.com/The_Judicial_Merry-Go-Round_Amendment);

and WHEREAS the main reference in El Lexhatx to the Magistrate's Cort was removed by 48RZ26 (http://wiki.talossa.com/The_Fixing_the_Deck_Judicial_Clean-Up_Act);

and WHEREAS I can't believe no-one noticed until now that there are all manner of other references to this defunct Cort floating around in El Lexhatx

and WHEREAS this bill replaces all of them I can find, with the exception of provisions relating to the privileges of former Magistrates:

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosâ and Senäts of Talossa in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx be amended as follows:

1. El Lexhatx A.9.5 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated below:

QuoteAll members of the Ziu, the Cabinet, the Uppermost Court, the Magistrate's Courts, the Chancery, or the Royal Treasury must report the following information to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 15 days of assuming the aforementioned office or of a change in micronational status, whichever is later:

2. El Lexhatx A.17 shall be REMOVED entirely.

3. El Lexhatx D. shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated below:

QuoteThe Ministry of Justice shall not engage in post-hoc review of prior convictions before a magistrate unless the interests of justice are represented in the form of an independent counsel, appointed by the Avocat-Xheneral, who shall be responsible for vigorously contesting this review.

4. El Lexhatx G.4 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteAll appeals, as with other court actions, shall be filed with the Clerk of Courts. Upon official judicial assignment, the Justice(s) , Judge or Magistrate may either dismiss the case, by declining to hear it, or begin hearing opening arguments in the matter as presented by all relevant parties.

5. El Lexhatx G.5.2 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteThe clerk shall then assign the case to a Judge, Magistrate or Justice in the lowest court holding jurisdiction over the matter.

6. El Lexhatx G.5.8 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteThe individual holding the office of Clerk of Courts shall enjoy immunity from civil or criminal suit for any actions performed in the course of his or her official duties while holding this office. This immunity shall be lost upon leaving office. Due to the nature of the Clerk's responsibilities, an individual may not hold the office of Clerk of Courts, or any deputy thereunder, while simultaneously holding office as a Justice , Judge or Magistrate of the Uppermost Cort or any national inferior court.

Title: Re: The Fixing The Fixing The Judicial Deck Clean-Up Bill
Post by: King Txec on January 08, 2020, 07:52:48 AM
Thanks for this. I remember when I first proposed eliminating the magistrates court scouring el lex for references. Good eye! I would also like to co-sponsor.
Title: Re: The Fixing The Fixing The Judicial Deck Clean-Up Bill
Post by: Glüc on January 31, 2020, 08:26:23 AM
Quote from: Miestrâ Schiva, UrN on January 06, 2020, 06:32:22 PMI can't believe no-one noticed until now that there are all manner of other references to this defunct Cort floating around in El Lexhatx
I find that very believable