
El Ziu/The Ziu => La Cosă/The Cosa => Topic started by: King Txec on July 01, 2021, 10:42:42 AM

Title: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: King Txec on July 01, 2021, 10:42:42 AM
C'e va plaschair à pußidar dels Membreux dal Cosă à votar sür el próxim Seneschal per la 56:téă Cosă.
It is my pleasure to call Members of the Cosa to vote on the next Seneschal for the 56th Cosa.

Membreux dal Cosă dal 1:dă Juliă dallas 2021/XLII
Members of the Cosa as of July 1, 2021:

- @Sir X. Pol Briga
- @Dixhet Fira
- @Munditenens Tresplet
- @Miestrâ Schivâ
- @Antaghla Somelieir
- @Françal Lux
- @Txoteu Davinescu
- @Cresti Nouacastra-Läxhirescu
- @Glüc da Dhi
- @Txosue Rôibeardescù
- @Jordan Placie
- @Iason Taiwos
- @Marcel Tafial
- @Muhammed Yasir

El Legeu Orgänic relevint isch quotat aicì bäts
The relevant Organic Law is quoted below:

- The method of election of a Seneschál shall be Ranked Choice Voting. Each member of the Cosâ shall have as many votes in the election as the seats which he hold in the Cosâ, but shall cast his votes as one bloc and have no divided conscience. The candidates for each such election shall be nominated by each political party which shall have earned representation in the Cosâ at the most recent general election. (54RZ23) (55RZ22)
- No member of the Cosâ may abstain in the election of a Seneschál, and shall rank on his ballot at least two distinct preferences, which itself shall be made public. (54RZ23)
- Whichever candidate shall have earned a majority of the votes in his election, as according to the method of Ranked Choice Voting, shall be appointed subsequently and forthwith by the King to serve as Seneschál, and the results of the election shall be published at large in the Clark. (54RZ23)

Procedançeux dal Eleziun
Election Procedures

- Each member of the Cosa that is seated prior to July 1, 2021, shall receive via email and via Wittenberg this ballot.
- Members of the Cosa have until 1930 TST on July 21, 2021 to place their vote publicly via the thread.
- Each MC must vote via Ranked Choice and MAY NOT abstain and MUST make at least two ranked choices.
- At the conclusion of the voting period, the Secretár d'Estat will tabulate the final results and name the winner.

Candidätsilor per el Seneschal (in l'uorden fortupt)
Candidates for Seneschal (in random order)

Txoteu Davinescu
Glüc da Dhi
Iac Marscheir
Dixhet Fira

Exampal da Respuns da Votă
Sample Vote Response (cut and paste for ease of voting if desired)

I ________ cast my ballots as such:

1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______


Current Vote Tally

| MC                         | Seats | Vote 1           | Vote 2           | Vote 3           | Vote 4      |
| Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù  | 12    | Txoteu Davinescù | Glüc da Dhi      |                  |             |
| Iason Taiwos               | 11    | Glüc da Dhi      | Iac Marscheir    |                  |             |
| Txoteu Davinescù           | 17    | Txoteu Davinescù | Dixhet Fira      |                  |             |
| Muhammed Yasir             | 19    | Txoteu Davinescù | Iac Marscheir    | Glüc da Dhi      | Dixhet Fira |
| Marcel Tafial              | 5     | Iac Marscheir    | Glüc da Dhi      | Txoteu Davinescù |             |
| Françal Lux                | 17    | Txoteu Davinescù | Glüc da Dhi      |                  |             |
| Miestra Schiva             | 17    | Txoteu Davinescù | Iac Marscheir    |                  |             |
| Glüc da Dhi                | 11    | Iac Marscheir    | Dixhet Fira      |                  |             |
| Antaglha Somelieir         | 17    | Txoteu Davinescù | Iac Marscheir    |                  |             |
| Munditenens Tresplet       | 14    | Glüc da Dhi      | Txoteu Davinescù |                  |             |
| X. Pol Briga               | 17    | Dixhet Fira      | Glüc da Dhi      |                  |             |
| Cresti Nouacastra          | 17    | Txoteu Davinescù | Iac Marscheir    |                  |             |
| Jordan Placie              | 10    | Txoteu Davinescù |                  |                  |             |

Dr. Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretár d'Estat

Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on July 01, 2021, 11:24:39 AM
I, Txoteu Davinescu, cast my ballots as such:

1. Txoteu Davinescu
2. Dixhet Fira
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: King Txec on July 01, 2021, 12:08:36 PM
I noticed in the original thread I neglected to include the end date of July 21, 2021. I've updated it.
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Muhammed Yasir on July 01, 2021, 12:09:18 PM
I, Muhammed Yasir, cast my ballots as such:

Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on July 01, 2021, 12:21:51 PM
Éu, Marcel Tafial, votéu talmint:

1. Iac Marscheir
2. Glüc da Dhi
3. Txoteu Davinescu.
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Françal I. Lux on July 01, 2021, 12:28:38 PM
I, Françal Ian Lux, cast my ballots as such:

1. Txoteu Davinescu
2. Glüc da Dhi
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC on July 01, 2021, 04:47:10 PM
1. Txoteu Davinescù
2. Iac Marscheir
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Glüc on July 01, 2021, 05:50:09 PM
1. Iac Marscheir
2. Dixhet Fira
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on July 01, 2021, 07:22:22 PM
I Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir cast my ballots as such:

1. Txoteu Davinescù
2. Iac Marscheir
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Munditenens Tresplet on July 01, 2021, 09:05:01 PM
1. Glüc da Dhi
2. Txoteu Davinescù
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: xpb on July 02, 2021, 10:31:38 PM
1. Dixhet Fira
2. Glüc da Dhi
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Iason Taiwos on July 04, 2021, 07:16:06 AM
1. Glüc da Dhi
2. Iac Marscheir
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Tierçéu Rôibeardescù on July 04, 2021, 12:57:23 PM
I Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù cast my ballots as such:

1. Txoteu Davinescù
2. Glüc da Dhi
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: C.d.I. Nouacastra-Läxhirescu, MSC on July 11, 2021, 07:14:42 PM
Deepest apologies for the delayed vote.

1. Txoteu Davinescù
2. Iac Marscheir
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: Placiej on July 20, 2021, 02:52:24 PM

1. Txoteu Davinescu
Title: Re: [Cosa Only] Seneschal Election
Post by: King Txec on July 21, 2021, 07:44:57 PM
Seneschal Election Results

First Choice

Txoteu Davinescù - 126 votes
Glüc da Dhi - 25 votes
Iac Marscheir - 16 votes
Dixhet Fira -  17 votes

Dixhet Fira did not vote.

Txoteu Davinescù received 126 votes on the first round. 101 votes were needed to win. Txoteu Davinescù is the winner and the new Seneschal for the 56th Cosa. Congratulations!


Dr. Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretary of State