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Topics - mximo

Miestră Schivă seems not to understand that we are all volunteers here. She often denounces the apathy of citizens in political participation. Her way of destroying initiatives by not participating in the process and then criticizing the lack of results in a matter that did not interest her initially. I tried to start a new project. I accepted two ministerial roles because no one else was available to take on the responsibilities. I tried to initiate a project and now she questions me as if I were being paid to do the work. Her attitude is exactly what destroys the pleasure of participating in the construction of the national state that is Talossa. What do you propose regarding foreign affairs and defense in the context of this 60th election?

Mximo Carbonèl
Wittenberg / You couldn't just leave or resign
May 03, 2024, 11:25:52 PM
Azul John,

You couldn't just leave or resign. I've been back in the kingdom for over 10 years now. In those 10 years, I have no good memories of you. Just endless vetoes, even more absences, and no real participation other than showcasing your dominance as king. Not even giving a speech for our independence day, a tradition of ours.

Now what do I see behind closed doors? You're exerting pressure to appoint your successor. Of course, you tell us your advisors approve of this. We understand, some advisors dream of becoming the caliph instead of the caliph, just like good old Iznogood. It's disheartening to see even my republican friends in the Cosa scheming in the shadows to push through a succession law after blocking parliament and shutting us out  of participating in this important debate. Here comes our dear former prime minister, tinkering with a fine succession law for us, and of course, giving the king the power to choose his successor. Why not hold an election to find a new king or queen? Why not consulted? Do we really need a king? Isn't it time for a debate? And you, Mr. Absent King, couldn't you just abdicate and finally give us some fresh air?

I demand a democratic debate on the future of the monarchy. Besides, don't we have an election starting? We've been living without a king for years, and we're doing just fine. Couldn't we have waited to have the debate during the election? Was there really an urgency?

Therefore, I will vote against this law, even if the king, of course, might not abdicate if things don't go his way again.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia


Rekindling the Flame: Embracing the League of Secessionist States

Here is my announcement.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs of Talossa, I stand before you with a proposition that not only ignites the spirit of our nation but also fosters a renewed sense of unity among secessionist entities worldwide. It is time for Talossa to lead once more by championing the revival of the League of Secessionist States.

The League of Secessionist States represents a beacon of solidarity for micronations and peoples who strive for self-determination and sovereignty. In an era where the global political landscape is ever-evolving, it is imperative that we create avenues for dialogue and collaboration among like-minded entities.

Our proposal is simple yet profound: to convene the inaugural conference of the League of Secessionist States via video conference. This conference will serve as a platform for impassioned discourse and the presentation of a comprehensive action plan for the League's resurgence.

At the heart of our agenda lies a commitment to principles of autonomy, democracy, and mutual respect. We envision a League that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences, uniting disparate voices in pursuit of a common goal: the recognition and empowerment of micronations entities worldwide.

Through constructive dialogue and strategic cooperation, we aim to amplify the voices of micronations and peoples who have long been marginalized on the world stage. By fostering alliances and forging partnerships, we can pave the way for a future where Talossa is a leader.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I call upon my fellow Talossians to embrace this bold initiative and stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the League of Secessionist States. Together, let us reignite the flame of sovereignty.

The League will have no intention of opening channels of communication with recognized states, but only with other micronations. In addition, micronations that want to join the league must be more than 2 years old to join the league and must have at least five citizens.

In the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration, let us seize this momentous opportunity to shape the future of secessionist micronation movements worldwide. The time for action is now, and Talossa is ready to lead the way.

I therefore declare the consultation period open from February 18, 2024 to March 18, 2024.

Mximo Carbonèl
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Senator from Florencia
Wittenberg / Sweeden
February 01, 2024, 12:16:46 PM

I need help from somebody in Sweeden.

I need and Inquiry about Northvolt.

PM me

Wittenberg / Please come back home.
January 06, 2024, 11:53:05 PM
Talossans, but most important friends.

Today, I stand before you to speak about Talossa, a nation often defined by its vibrant political life. But let's not forget, Talossa is more than just politics. Politics can, at times, divide us, drawing lines between friends, and creating rifts within our community. But we must remember, there is a profound difference between stepping away from politics for a time and renouncing one's citizenship.

Leaving the political arena does not mean abandoning our shared culture, history, and the bonds that make us Talossan. It is about seeking respite from the often turbulent waters of political discourse, perhaps to find peace or to reflect on our collective journey. Our citizenship, however, is a testament to our commitment to this projet of nation building. It's a bond that transcends the realm of political debates and disagreements.

Our citizenship is about embracing the rich tapestry of our culture, the shared laughter, the festivals, the musical count down, the only place where poker can make one a Senator and the deep conversations that define our community. It's about remembering that despite our political differences, we are united by something far greater - our love for Talossa. So let us cherish our citizenship, let us embrace our diversity, and let's work together to ensure that Talossa remains a beacon of culture, friendship, and unity, far beyond the confines of political discourse.

More than 20 years separate us from the Halloween Crisis. It was a challenging time for many, myself included. I was sidelined, and in the aftermath, I took a long hiatus from the active political life. However, let me be clear, my love for Talossa never waned.

During those times of reflection and absence, my dreams were still painted in the colors of our flag, resonating with the voices of our citizens. It was this enduring love that drew me back when the great nation called for a reunion years ago. As I re-engaged with the active life of Talossa, it was evident that my journey with this land was far from over.

For over 25 years, through highs and lows, my dreams have been interwoven with the destiny of Talossa. This is a testament not just to my own resilience but to the enduring spirit of all Talossans. Our love for this land doesn't falter with political storms or personal setbacks. It's a continuous flame, burning bright, guiding us back home, time and time again.

Please come back home.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia
Whereas, it is a vital national interest to have an election administration authority free of actual or reasonably perceived partisan partiality, and

Whereas, the below-proposed restrictions (as a part of ensuring this interest are modelled after those written by Dama Miestra Schiva in 53RZ2 The Civil Service (Commissioner Abolition) Bill, and

Whereas, this bill would still allow parties to appoint whoever they choose as national party officers but those officers themselves would not be permitted to serve as Secretary of State simultaneously.

Therefore, be it enacted by the Ziu, that El Lexhatx C.5 which currently reads:

5. The Secretary of State shall hold no seat in the Ziu.

Is amended to read as follows:

5. The Secretary of State shall not hold the offices of Seneschal, Distain, Judge of the Uppermost Cort, Monarch, any cabinet portfolio, or member of the Ziu. The Secretary of State also shall not hold the office of leader, deputy leader, secretary, treasurer, or any other executive position (according to the party's bylaws) of any registered or unregistered political party at the national level.

Ureu q'estadra så,
Mximo Carbonèl (Sen-FL)
El Senäts/The Senate / Maricopa and Cézembre
October 30, 2023, 05:32:45 PM
Dear Acting Mençei,

Sorry for starting a new discussion, but where do we stand with the Senate elections in Cézembre and Maricopa?

Mximo Carbonèl
Wittenberg / Message to your Royal Highness King John I
October 06, 2023, 10:27:53 PM
Your Royal Highness, King John I,

I hope this message finds you in the best of health and spirits. I write to bring to your attention an urgent matter concerning the province of Florencia. It has come to our notice that the province is currently without a constable, which leaves a significant void in the administration and governance of the region.

Considering the importance of Florencia to the kingdom, it is crucial that we address this absence promptly. Therefore, I humbly request that you consider appointing a new governor to ensure stability, uphold the rule of law, and continue the progress and prosperity that the province has enjoyed under your benevolent reign.

Your swift action in this regard will not only safeguard the interests of the people of Florencia but also strengthen the unity and coherence of our great kingdom.

Mximo Carbonèl
Elected Florencia Senator

At the upcoming Nimlet, a new law will be introduced by me. Its primary purpose is to streamline the vetting process for Senate candidacies, aiming to reduce confusion and ensure a clearer selection mechanism. This move is imperative for a more transparent and efficient governance system.
If citizens wish to run for senatorial elections, they are free to do so. However, to enable a democratic debate, their opponents must know against whom they are campaigning.


Senate Election Regulation Act for the Province of Florencia

Section 1. Purpose and Scope

1.1 The purpose of this Act is to ensure the orderly and transparent conduct of senatorial elections within the Province of Florencia.

1.2 This Act governs the registration of senatorial candidates and the voting procedure for the Province of Florencia.

Section 2. Mandatory Candidate Registration

2.1 Any individual wishing to stand as a candidate for the senatorial elections in the Province of Florencia must register their candidacy in advance of the election.

2.2 The final date for registration shall be the day before the commencement date of the general election as determined by the Secretary of State.

2.3 The Secretary of State will be responsible for determining the means by which registration with his office will be conducted.

2.4 If only one candidate registers before the deadline, that candidate will be elected by acclamation.

Section 3. Prohibition of Write-in Candidates

3.1 During the senatorial elections in the Province of Florencia, voters are prohibited from adding or writing any names on the ballot paper that were not previously registered as per Section 2.

3.2 Any ballots found with additional names written in will be deemed invalid for the purposes of the senatorial election.

Section 4. Voting "Present" Option

4.1 Should a voter not wish to support any of the registered candidates, they have the option to vote "present" by marking the designated area on the ballot.

4.2 A vote marked as "present" shall not be counted towards any candidate but will be counted for the purpose of determining voter turnout.

Section 5. Enforcement

5.1 The Secretary of State shall be responsible for the enforcement of this Act.

5.2 For all other regulations pertaining to the senatorial elections not explicitly stated within this Act, the Secretary of State and the Electoral commission shall be the sole authority responsible for interpretation, enforcement, and any necessary amendments.

Section 6. Implementation

6.1 This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval.
Florencia / My last duty as Governor
October 01, 2023, 09:41:15 PM
Dear Residents of Florencia,

The upcoming Nimlet, the assembly of the Province of Florencia, will consist of 7 seats: 6 allocated to the TNC, 1 to the Freedem, 1 to Mximo Carbonèl as Senator, and 1 to the forthcoming Governor. Party leaders are required to nominate their candidates within the next 10 days after the Electoral comission certification, as stipulated by the constitution of Florencia. Timely compliance is anticipated and appreciated.

Best Regards,

Mximo Carbonèl
Outgoing Governor
Florencia / Resignation as Governor of Florencia
October 01, 2023, 09:34:36 PM
Dear Residents of Florencia,

Due to the constitutional provisions of Florencia, I cannot concurrently hold the positions of Governor and Senator. Therefore, I will be resigning from my role as Governor once the election results are certified. It's been an honor to serve you, and I will continue to work for the well-being and prosperity of Florencia as your Senator.

Best Regards,

Mximo Carbonèl
Florencia / Many thanks
October 01, 2023, 09:31:48 PM
Dear Fellow Citizens of Florencia,

I am penning down this message with profound gratitude in my heart. It is an immense honor and privilege to have earned your trust and support in the recent election. I am deeply moved by your faith in my vision and my commitment to our beautiful nacho shaped province of Florencia.

I want to express my sincerest thanks for every vote, every word of encouragement, and every expression of support. Your trust fuels my resolve to work even harder and with more dedication for the well-being and prosperity of our community.

As your senator, I am committed to representing your interests and aspirations with integrity, transparency, and determination. I will tirelessly strive to advance the values and ideals that bind us together and to contribute to building a brighter future for all residents of Florencia.

I am eager to work collaboratively with all of you to achieve our shared goals and I remain open to any suggestions, concerns, or ideas that can improve life in our province.

Thank you once again for your trust and support. Together, let's build a stronger, more inclusive, and more prosperous Florencia.

Warm regards,

Mximo Carbonèl
Elected Senator, Province of Florencia
Wittenberg / Many thanks.
October 01, 2023, 09:31:08 PM
Dear Fellow Citizens of Florencia,

I am penning down this message with profound gratitude in my heart. It is an immense honor and privilege to have earned your trust and support in the recent election. I am deeply moved by your faith in my vision and my commitment to our beautiful nacho shaped province of Florencia.

I want to express my sincerest thanks for every vote, every word of encouragement, and every expression of support. Your trust fuels my resolve to work even harder and with more dedication for the well-being and prosperity of our community.

As your senator, I am committed to representing your interests and aspirations with integrity, transparency, and determination. I will tirelessly strive to advance the values and ideals that bind us together and to contribute to building a brighter future for all residents of Florencia.

I am eager to work collaboratively with all of you to achieve our shared goals and I remain open to any suggestions, concerns, or ideas that can improve life in our province.

Thank you once again for your trust and support. Together, let's build a stronger, more inclusive, and more prosperous Florencia.

Warm regards,

Mximo Carbonèl
Elected Senator, Province of Florencia
Florencia / Nomination of a new governor
October 01, 2023, 09:27:26 PM
Dear Constable of Florencia Dame Litz Cjantscheir,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. I am writing to address a matter of great importance concerning the administration of the province of Florencia. It is with a sense of responsibility and duty that I bring this matter to your esteemed attention.

Following my recent election as a Senator, I am, regrettably, unable to continue in my role as Governor of Florencia, as the constitution of our province clearly stipulates that one individual cannot hold both positions concurrently. As a devoted servant of the people of Florencia, I firmly believe in upholding the constitution and maintaining the integrity of our governance structure.

Given this, I find it imperative to ensure that the province is not left without proper governance and management. Thus, I respectfully and urgently request you, as the Constable of Florencia, to exercise your authority and appoint a new Governor promptly. This action will ensure the continuation of effective governance, maintaining stability, and serving the best interests of our citizens.

I have every confidence in your judgment to select a qualified and dedicated individual who will diligently serve the people of Florencia and uphold the values and principles that guide our province. I am willing to offer my assistance and support during this transition to ensure a smooth and effective handover of responsibilities to the new Governor.

Thank you very much for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter. I believe that under your wise leadership, the province of Florencia will continue to thrive and serve as a beacon of good governance within the Kingdom of Talossa.

Yours sincerely,

Mximo Carbonèl
Dear Constable of Florencia Dame Litz Cjantscheir,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. I am writing to address a matter of great importance concerning the administration of the province of Florencia. It is with a sense of responsibility and duty that I bring this matter to your esteemed attention.

Following my recent election as a Senator, I am, regrettably, unable to continue in my role as Governor of Florencia, as the constitution of our province clearly stipulates that one individual cannot hold both positions concurrently. As a devoted servant of the people of Florencia, I firmly believe in upholding the constitution and maintaining the integrity of our governance structure.

Given this, I find it imperative to ensure that the province is not left without proper governance and management. Thus, I respectfully and urgently request you, as the Constable of Florencia, to exercise your authority and appoint a new Governor promptly. This action will ensure the continuation of effective governance, maintaining stability, and serving the best interests of our citizens.

I have every confidence in your judgment to select a qualified and dedicated individual who will diligently serve the people of Florencia and uphold the values and principles that guide our province. I am willing to offer my assistance and support during this transition to ensure a smooth and effective handover of responsibilities to the new Governor.

Thank you very much for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter. I believe that under your wise leadership, the province of Florencia will continue to thrive and serve as a beacon of good governance within the Kingdom of Talossa.

Yours sincerely,

Mximo Carbonèl

Wittenberg / An elected Monarch for Talossa: Why Not?
September 21, 2023, 09:43:04 PM

In the tranquil and picturesque realm of Talossa, a spirited debate has arisen, centered around the prospect of selecting a new monarch to lead this micronation. At the heart of this discussion lies a crucial argument: the need to uphold constitutional principles and the voice of the people through a referendum.

Talossa, a unique micronation with a rich history, has long thrived under the reign of its monarch, King John I. However, time has brought us to a crossroads, where the question of succession demands our attention. It is not a call to abandon tradition but rather a call to ensure that the choice of a new monarch aligns with the will of the people and the constitution.

First and foremost, the constitution of Talossa serves as the cornerstone of its governance. It explicitly outlines the rules and principles by which this nation is to be governed, including the order of succession. It's a testament to the importance of respecting constitutional norms and due process. Changing the line of succession should not be taken lightly and requires a constitutional amendment, which, in turn, necessitates a referendum. This approach is vital to preserve the integrity and legality of the process.

Moreover, the choice of a new monarch should be a collective decision, reflective of the entire Talossan population. The concept of popular sovereignty is fundamental in any democratic society, and Talossa is no exception. Allowing citizens to vote on the selection of a new monarch ensures that their voices are heard and their preferences respected. It reinforces the idea that the monarchy exists for the people, and their consent is crucial to maintaining its legitimacy.

It is worth noting that the people of Talossa have already decided on the fate of the monarchy in a previous referendum. This historical precedent underscores the significance of discussing succession as a natural and democratic process within any monarchy. The referendum serves as a reminder that the ultimate authority in Talossa rests with its citizens, and their participation in choosing a new monarch is not only reasonable but in line with their constitutional rights.

In conclusion, the call for a new monarch in Talossa is not a radical departure from tradition, but rather a reaffirmation of democratic principles and constitutional governance. To modify the order of succession, a constitutional amendment and a subsequent referendum are essential to maintain the nation's integrity. Allowing the citizens to have a say in this decision aligns with the spirit of popular sovereignty and ensures that Talossa's monarchy continues to reflect the will of its people. In doing so, we honor the legacy of the past while looking towards a more inclusive and democratic future for our beloved micronation.
Wittenberg / Why I endorse Excelsio for Prime Minister!
September 10, 2023, 08:12:03 PM
In the realm of Talossa, there emerges a candidate who embodies the qualities of charm, openness, and a thirst for innovation. Excelsio, the prime ministerial hopeful, stands as a beacon of hope for a new era in Talossa, offering a refreshing perspective and a robust political platform.

One of Excelsio's most striking qualities is his genuine and approachable demeanor. He effortlessly connects with people from all walks of life, exuding a warm and inviting charisma that makes him a beloved figure in the political landscape. This affability allows him to bridge gaps, fostering unity and understanding among the diverse voices of Talossa.

Excelsio's openness is a testament to his commitment to transparency and inclusivity. He values the input and concerns of every citizen, creating a space where ideas can flourish. His willingness to listen and learn from others is a testament to his dedication to the principles of democracy and collaborative governance.

What truly sets Excelsio apart is his unwavering commitment to innovation and fresh perspectives. He recognizes that Talossa, like any other nation, must evolve and adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of its citizens. Excelsio's bold and forward-thinking approach promises a new dawn for Talossa, where innovation is embraced, and traditional norms are reevaluated for the benefit of all.

Excelsio's political platform is built on a solid foundation, carefully crafted to address the pressing issues facing Talossa today. He understands the importance of fiscal responsibility, social justice, and environmental sustainability. His policies are not just a collection of promises but a comprehensive plan designed to create a better future for Talossa and its citizens.

In summary, Excelsio, the TNC candidate for Prime Minister, embodies the qualities of charm, openness, and a forward-thinking mindset. He offers Talossa a fresh perspective, a renewed sense of hope, and a robust political platform that addresses the nation's most pressing challenges. With Excelsio at the helm, Talossa is poised for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Mximo Carbonèl

Florencia / My pledge to Florencia
August 21, 2023, 10:50:06 PM
Dear esteemed citizens of Florencia Province,

I am deeply honored and profoundly excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Senator in the forthcoming term. Serving as your Senator will be an immensely rewarding privilege, and I am wholeheartedly committed to embarking on this journey towards fostering a more inclusive, open, and profoundly prosperous Talossa.

I have observed the compelling and transformative power of open dialogue, fruitful collaboration, and genuine engagement within our great nation. It is with this profound understanding that I enter the arena, resolved to elevate the political climate within our cherished province and extend this spirit of harmony throughout our great nation. By ardently championing a culture that reveres and facilitates respectful discourse and constructive debate, we can surmount even the most formidable challenges and seize upon the bountiful opportunities that lie before us. I pledge to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to the noble cause of creating an environment where every voice, no matter how softly spoken, is not only heard but reverberates as a powerful force, and where every opinion, however divergent, is accorded the respect it deserves.

Talossa stands as a beacon of diversity, a vibrant tapestry woven from myriad threads of culture, heritage, and thought. It is my fervent belief that our collective strength and resilience are rooted in this very diversity. Drawing upon the wealth of experience I have gained through my service in public office, I am resolutely committed to harnessing the power of this diversity to our collective advantage. I pledge to utilize my extensive experience and hard-earned knowledge in the service of our beloved province and, by extension, the broader nation. Together, we can forge an even more unbreakable Talossan spirit, one that remains firmly united in its determination to surmount any obstacle that stands in our path.

In the spirit of progress, I also acknowledge the paramount importance of engaging with our newly arrived citizens, who bring with them fresh perspectives, boundless enthusiasm, and a wealth of untapped potential. It is absolutely crucial that we invest the necessary time and effort to get to know these valued newcomers, ensuring that they feel welcomed, embraced, and integral to our Talossan family. I am steadfast in my commitment to reaching out to our new citizens, attentively listening to their concerns, and actively involving them in our collective decision-making process.

Furthermore, in addition to championing open discourse within our province, I am steadfastly dedicated to the concept of organizing regularly scheduled town hall meetings. These communal gatherings will serve as a dynamic platform through which you, the esteemed citizens of Florencia, can freely express your concerns, proffer your innovative ideas, and hold me accountable for my actions and decisions. Together, we can inaugurate an era defined by unprecedented transparency and governmental responsiveness, one that genuinely fulfills its mandate to cater to the needs and aspirations of its cherished citizenry.

Finally, I am resolutely committed to the pursuit of an audience with His Majesty, seeking to engage in a meaningful dialogue to advance our mutual agreement. The collaboration between our province and the Crown is nothing short of indispensable, for it is upon this alliance that the very bedrock of Talossan prosperity and stability firmly rests. By synergizing our efforts in concert with His Majesty, we can adeptly navigate the complex currents of governance, ensuring that the unique interests and noble aspirations of our beloved Florencia Province find an influential and robust representation at the national echelon.

In conclusion, I humbly and earnestly beseech your invaluable support and unwavering trust as I embark on this auspicious journey to serve you, my fellow citizens, as the Senator of Florencia Province. Together, we can forge a future for Talossa that shines ever more brilliantly, marked by an unshakable unity, boundless prosperity, and unceasing progress. With eager anticipation, I look forward to the opportunity to toil alongside each and every one of you in our shared pursuit of these noble and aspirational objectives.

With heartfelt gratitude, and many thanks to google translate.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senatorial Candidate for Florencia Province
Wittenberg / My pledge to Talossa
August 21, 2023, 10:48:35 PM
Dear esteemed citizens of Florencia Province,

I am deeply honored and profoundly excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Senator in the forthcoming term. Serving as your Senator will be an immensely rewarding privilege, and I am wholeheartedly committed to embarking on this journey towards fostering a more inclusive, open, and profoundly prosperous Talossa.

I have observed the compelling and transformative power of open dialogue, fruitful collaboration, and genuine engagement within our great nation. It is with this profound understanding that I enter the arena, resolved to elevate the political climate within our cherished province and extend this spirit of harmony throughout our great nation. By ardently championing a culture that reveres and facilitates respectful discourse and constructive debate, we can surmount even the most formidable challenges and seize upon the bountiful opportunities that lie before us. I pledge to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to the noble cause of creating an environment where every voice, no matter how softly spoken, is not only heard but reverberates as a powerful force, and where every opinion, however divergent, is accorded the respect it deserves.

Talossa stands as a beacon of diversity, a vibrant tapestry woven from myriad threads of culture, heritage, and thought. It is my fervent belief that our collective strength and resilience are rooted in this very diversity. Drawing upon the wealth of experience I have gained through my service in public office, I am resolutely committed to harnessing the power of this diversity to our collective advantage. I pledge to utilize my extensive experience and hard-earned knowledge in the service of our beloved province and, by extension, the broader nation. Together, we can forge an even more unbreakable Talossan spirit, one that remains firmly united in its determination to surmount any obstacle that stands in our path.

In the spirit of progress, I also acknowledge the paramount importance of engaging with our newly arrived citizens, who bring with them fresh perspectives, boundless enthusiasm, and a wealth of untapped potential. It is absolutely crucial that we invest the necessary time and effort to get to know these valued newcomers, ensuring that they feel welcomed, embraced, and integral to our Talossan family. I am steadfast in my commitment to reaching out to our new citizens, attentively listening to their concerns, and actively involving them in our collective decision-making process.

Furthermore, in addition to championing open discourse within our province, I am steadfastly dedicated to the concept of organizing regularly scheduled town hall meetings. These communal gatherings will serve as a dynamic platform through which you, the esteemed citizens of Florencia, can freely express your concerns, proffer your innovative ideas, and hold me accountable for my actions and decisions. Together, we can inaugurate an era defined by unprecedented transparency and governmental responsiveness, one that genuinely fulfills its mandate to cater to the needs and aspirations of its cherished citizenry.

Finally, I am resolutely committed to the pursuit of an audience with His Majesty, seeking to engage in a meaningful dialogue to advance our mutual agreement. The collaboration between our province and the Crown is nothing short of indispensable, for it is upon this alliance that the very bedrock of Talossan prosperity and stability firmly rests. By synergizing our efforts in concert with His Majesty, we can adeptly navigate the complex currents of governance, ensuring that the unique interests and noble aspirations of our beloved Florencia Province find an influential and robust representation at the national echelon.

In conclusion, I humbly and earnestly beseech your invaluable support and unwavering trust as I embark on this auspicious journey to serve you, my fellow citizens, as the Senator of Florencia Province. Together, we can forge a future for Talossa that shines ever more brilliantly, marked by an unshakable unity, boundless prosperity, and unceasing progress. With eager anticipation, I look forward to the opportunity to toil alongside each and every one of you in our shared pursuit of these noble and aspirational objectives.

With heartfelt gratitude, and many thanks to google translate.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senatorial Candidate for Florencia Province
Wittenberg / Why I love Talossa !
August 20, 2023, 09:56:17 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow Talossans,

Today, I stand before you to share my deep and abiding love for Talossa, a micronation that has captured my heart and soul. Talossa, for me, is not just a virtual nation; it is a vibrant tapestry woven from threads of fun, democracy, friendship, language, history, ambition, environmental consciousness, electoral excitement, personal growth, and global connections. It is a place where I have found my passion, purpose, and a profound sense of belonging. Join me on this journey as I delve into the reasons why I love Talossa.

For the Fun:

First and foremost, Talossa is a realm of endless fun and entertainment. Whether it's engaging in political debates, participating in cultural activities, or simply sharing light-hearted banter with fellow citizens, Talossa offers a refuge from the stresses of the real world. It's a place where our imaginations can run wild, where we can create, explore, and enjoy without boundaries.

For Democracy:

Talossa embodies the spirit of democracy in its purest form. We have a government elected by the people, for the people. Our citizens have the power to shape the nation's future through their votes and participation in the legislative process. This democratic ethos empowers us, instilling a sense of responsibility and pride in our civic duties.

For Friendship:

One of the most beautiful aspects of Talossa is the genuine friendships that blossom within its virtual borders. We come from different walks of life, from different corners of the world, yet we forge connections that transcend distance and time. The bonds of friendship formed here are enduring, founded on shared interests, trust, and a mutual love for this unique nation.

For Its Language:

Talossa boasts its own language, a beautiful and intricate construct known as Talossan. This linguistic gem enriches our cultural identity and fosters a sense of unity among us. Learning and using Talossan is not just an exercise in linguistic prowess; it's a way of preserving our cultural heritage and connecting with our roots.

For So Long in Action:

Talossa's enduring presence on the micronational stage is a testament to its resilience and adaptability. It has weathered the storms of time, evolving and growing, all the while retaining its core values and traditions. This history of perseverance and progress is a source of inspiration for us all.

For the Prospect to Build Something New:

In Talossa, we are not just passive participants; we are architects of our own destiny. We have the opportunity to create and shape the nation according to our vision. The prospect of building something new and exciting is a driving force that fuels our collective ambition.

To Protect the Beauty of the World:

While Talossa is a virtual nation, its commitment to environmental consciousness is very real. We take our responsibility towards the environment seriously and are dedicated to protecting the beauty of our world. This commitment serves as a reminder that our actions, even in a virtual realm, can have a positive impact on the real world.

For the Election Fun:

Election season in Talossa is a thrilling time. It's a chance for citizens to engage in passionate debates, campaign for their chosen candidates, and exercise their right to vote. The excitement that surrounds our elections is infectious, reminding us of the vitality of our democratic process.

To Be a Better Person:

Talossa encourages personal growth and self-improvement. It challenges us to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop leadership skills. It fosters a spirit of continuous learning and self-reflection, making us better individuals both within and beyond its borders.

To Learn New Things:

Talossa is a treasure trove of knowledge and diverse experiences. Whether it's delving into the intricacies of Talossan law, exploring the rich history of our nation, or simply engaging in enlightening conversations, there are endless opportunities to learn and expand one's horizons here.

To Know People All Around the World:

Last but certainly not least, Talossa offers us a unique window to the world. It brings together individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, fostering a global community that transcends geographical boundaries. The friendships and connections formed here allow us to broaden our worldview and appreciate the richness of human diversity.

In conclusion, my love for Talossa runs deep, fueled by the myriad experiences and connections it has offered me. It's a place of joy, democracy, friendship, language, history, ambition, environmental responsibility, electoral excitement, personal growth, and global connections. It's a testament to the human capacity for imagination, innovation, and cooperation. Talossa, to me, is not just a virtual nation; it's a vibrant, thriving, and ever-evolving community of like-minded individuals who have come together to create something truly special.

Thank you, fellow Talossans, for sharing this remarkable journey with me. Long live Talossa!