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Messages - Iason Taiwos

I second that nomination
Per on all, Non on VoC
Per on all
Could I interest somebody from the esteemed body of SIGN to take a look at our Ohio Cjováni lexicon? We have attempted to make new Talossan words when we couldn't find them in the Oversteier. We have words like baeóuc, balineu, branocea, Caxhiesc, and cofeu, among others. I'd like if someone with more knowledge would peruse our lexicon, and maybe make suggestions/improvements. (I've just entered a few words in the Oversteiers' suggestion box.) All I need is your email address and the promise that you won't go crazy and try to destroy everything us poor Ohio Benitians have been working on. (This thing is in Google Docs)
Benito / Re: *Cough Cough*
April 16, 2020, 06:25:25 PM
I'm here. I've attempted to get Vitxalmour Conductour to create an account on New Witt, but he doesn't seem to be in a Talossan mood lately. (We're both still doing our Cjováni thing off Witt, anyway.)
Wittenberg / Cartoonist Laureate?
April 03, 2020, 03:26:57 PM
As many of you may well be aware, I love comic books. Recently, a comics artist/writer who's work I immensely like, Rick Veitch, was appointed Vermont's Cartoonist Laureate. (Cartoonist Laureate? Who knew there was such a thing? And why doesn't Talossa have one?) As Secretary of Cultural Development (boy, I sure do like repeating that title, don't I?), I thought it would be a fun idea to do a search for Talossa's own Cartoonist Laureate. Any cartoonists in the house? Submit some of your work, we'll present it and have people vote on it. Maybe YOU can be recognized as Talossa's Official Cartoonist!  (We used to have a Poet Laureate, don't know what ever became of that.) I'll come up with some rules and stuff for this later on. (Today was my last day at work, my place is shutting down for at least two weeks because of the Rona, so I'll have plenty of free time for cultural projects.) (Miestra has suggested we do a Talossan recipe contest, which I will make a thread about later, after I've given some thought into how to do it.)
Wittenberg / Re: Happy Mindless Patriotism Day!
March 31, 2020, 06:02:33 PM
I was pantsless when I made this post. (Seriously, who wears pants when you don't have to? I lose mine soon as I get home from work.)
Wittenberg / Happy Mindless Patriotism Day!
March 31, 2020, 02:09:50 PM
As Secretary of Cultural Development, it is my duty to remind you all that today is Mindless Patriotism Day! So, if you can, do something patriotic (whatever that means to you.) (Preferably indoors, and six feet away from other people.)
I apologise for forgetting to do the VoC. I give that a hesitating üc. I mean, we're in the middle of a global pandemic, Talossan stuff is regrettably not high on my priority list right now
I vote per on all
I already informed Miestra of this, but I contacted the fellow by email and sent him a link to where I purchased my own flag:
There it is if anyone else is interested in getting one.