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Messages - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on July 07, 2022, 10:44:35 PM
Good evening,
In response to your query, the following update:

1) Work with the College of Arms for an Achievement to be granted to the Zouaves incorporating a crown, crossed bedposts, and the official name in Talossan,

This will be completed by next week for submission to the College to begin the process of granting an Achievement for the Zouaves.

2) Work with the current active members of the Zouaves to develop a working, formal structure that will allow efficient, internal management of the Guard,

I plan on getting together with the Captain next week to go over development

3) Work with the Ziu to get legislation through to both correct the spelling in all formal documents as well as enshrine both the Zouaves and the rest of the Talossan military's formal ranks into law,

Currently being drafted. Looking at initial draft to the Ziu for review next month.

4) Develop a formal system of awards and honors for the Defence Ministry, encompassing military and civil awards for service in the Ministry and to the Crown,

Actively under development

5) Move forward with the selection and approval of ranks/insignia of the Zouaves

To be discussed with the Captain next week.

Thank you again for your question. As to curating & promotions, these will also be discussed with the Captain next week.

Senator Davinescu, O.SPM
Minister of Defence

Thank you Minister Davinescu. In the next terpelaziun, I will follow up on the actions you describe occuring in the next week and month.
Updated to add Talossan Pannapictagraphist Society information
July 08, 2022, 02:03:52 AM
8 July 2022

In a democratic society, an attack on a politician is not just an attack on the ideas, values, and policies they propose. It is an attack on the rule of law and the collective right of everyone to peacefully practice and participate in that democracy. We condemn the recent attack on Shinzo Abe in Nara, Japan and express our hopes that his life might be preserved.

Breneir Tzaracomprada
Talossan National Congress
Quote from: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on July 07, 2022, 11:53:18 AM
I thank the Senator for his question, we are due to announce details on this in the next few days, as things are being worked out behind scenes still, but we are almost ready to announce something on this in the next few days. The main progress has been fairly recent, but progress is being made with an announcement coming soon.

Thank you Minister, I look forward to the imminent announcement. I will follow up on this and other matters in next month's terpelaziuns.
Quote from: Tric'hard Lenxheir on July 07, 2022, 12:05:15 PM
Somehow I missed this post. Again I fully agree with you and I would like to cosponsor if I can

Of course, I am once again delighted. I am hoping this is a part of a trend where Talossa speaks confidently and fervently on human rights protection and the defense of human dignity.
Sense of the Ziu: Genocide in Xinjiang

Whereas, genocide is defined by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group, and

Whereas, the People's Republic of China, since 2014, is reported by governments, international human rights organizations, and Uyghur testimony to be engaged in the following acts in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention: Extrajudicial and mass detention, forced cohabitation, destruction of cultural and religious sites, removal of children, forced sterilization and contraception, and forced labor, and

Whereas, it is the duty of members of the international community like the Kingdom of Talossa, under new normative regimes such as the Responsibility to Protect, to at a minimum shine a light on these egregious violations of human dignity and rights.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa:

Joins with the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Czechia, Lithuania, and France in officially designating the treatment of Uyghurs by the People's Republic of China as a genocide, and

Calls on other governments to do the same and commit to words and actions that pressure the People's Republic of China to end its abuses against Uyghurs living in Xinjiang and their families around the world, and

Calls on international institutions such as the International Criminal Court and the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights to seek full access and unflinching analysis and reporting.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Breneir Tzaracomprada (Sen-FL, TNC)
Tric'hard Lenxheir (MC, TNC)
Quote from: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on June 02, 2022, 08:42:56 AM

I thank the member for his question, with organising live gatherings, i am currently coordinating with my deputies to come up with reasonable ways that these could be organised, I hope to make an announcement on the subject when plans are more finalised, Also, i might point out to the member, what was said in the appointment post, is not the full remit of the Culture department, just the goals for the first month. The full remit can be found in the coalition agreement that was posted.

But on the subject of the terp, live gathering plans are being made, and will be announced in due course.

Mr. Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is for the Culture Minister and follows up on her reply. The Minister referred to coordination activities in response to the previous terpelaziun but was not able to give specifics. Can the Minister please update the Ziu with specific details of progress in preparing for live gatherings including elaboration on a clearer timeline beyond "in due course?"

Thank you.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, MoFA on June 02, 2022, 01:16:36 PM
BHAID is admittedly a bit lower of a priority during this term, however, I think the best way to run it would be to have a few months where we collect funds with a particular recipient in mind. It may be easier to get people to donate if they know ahead of time what they are donating to. I would open to suggestions for such recipients, should anyone have them.

Should the Member be interested in hearing some other updates as a sign that the Minister is not simply sitting on his duff, I will point out that I have created a gmail account for the ministry. This is necessary to avoid using my personal email to send Ministry business, as only redirects mail; it cannot send, only receive. This new email has enabled me to reach out to some of my higher targets in terms of micronational relations, namely Westarctica (who are the hosts of MicroCon this year), Molossia, and Ladonia. When I receive replies from them, I would be happy to share them with the Ziu.

Mr. Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is for the Foreign Affairs Minister and follows up on his reply.
Can the Minister please report to the Ziu on progress related to intermicronational contacts, preparations for attending this year's MicroCon, and fundraising for any potential BHAID activities?
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 04, 2022, 08:58:54 PM
Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on June 04, 2022, 04:06:29 PM
My apologizes for the delay as my industry has been insanely busy in recent weeks with all the storms in my part of Maricopa. Now, to the Ministry's plans for the coming term:

1) Work with the College of Arms for an Achievement to be granted to the Zouaves incorporating a crown, crossed bedposts, and the official name in Talossan,

2) Work with the current active members of the Zouaves to develop a working, formal structure that will allow efficient, internal management of the Guard,

3) Work with the Ziu to get legislation through to both correct the spelling in all formal documents as well as enshrine both the Zouaves and the rest of the Talossan military's formal ranks into law,

4) Develop a formal system of awards and honors for the Defence Ministry, encompassing military and civil awards for service in the Ministry and to the Crown,

5) Move forward with the selection and approval of ranks/insignia of the Zouaves ( ) or something of the like.

I am not the original questioner, but I have comment on this reply.  I notice that these plans include five different objectives, but it's not clear to me how any of them would result in more people joining the Zuavs or becoming more active in their ranks.

It's certainly great to choose arms, pick correct spellings and insignia, and create formal structures for things.  But no one is waiting in the wings to join the Zuavs until there's a whole lot of formal ranks or correct spelling.  The Zuavs doesn't actually even need insignia or ranks or spelling at all right now, since every single member of the Zuavs is either a Private or a PSC.  At the current promotion rate, you'll need insignia for lieutenants right around the heat death of the universe.

I would strongly suggest that the first and most important objective should be active curating and promotion -- either on your own efforts or through the Capitan.  Remind enlistees to submit their achievements for recognition, or just award recognition where you notice it's merited.  Publicly and flashily promote people when they hit the necessary benchmarks.  This is the first and most essential purpose of Zuav leadership.

It is entirely possible that this was considered just too obvious to be an objective, but I thought it was still worth saying and emphasizing.  I have nothing but the highest hopes for your success.

Mr. Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is directed to Defence Minister and follows up on his reply. I would request from the Defence Minister a report to the Ziu on progress made in the past month on his stated goals (in bold) as quoted above. And I would request a reply, if any, to the comments from the honorable Túischac'h concerning a potential focus on "active curating and promotion."

Thank you.

My votes are as follows:

RZ4   The Let's Make This Official Act Per
RZ5   The 57th Cosa Budget Con
RZ6   The Let's Make This Official Compromise Bill   Con
RZ7   The Unsanctified Act Per
RZ8   Legal Repair Act Per
Florencia / Re: Senator's Office
July 04, 2022, 05:45:41 PM
First, I want to apologize for my oversight in the first clark.
Bills for the second clark are now being voted on and I wanted to seek feedback from Florencians before casting my votes.

The text for each bill can be found on the Talossan Database System:

RZ4   The Let's Make This Official Act
RZ5   The 57th Cosa Budget
RZ6   The Let's Make This Official Compromise Bill
RZ7   The Unsanctified Act
RZ8   Legal Repair Act
I must say I love seeing Florencia's own Packers representing the nation in American Football.
Quote from: Audrada Roibeardet on June 26, 2022, 02:11:07 PM
Nice work. The only thing I would recommend is adding something at the end like a link to Talossa or some credits. The video abruptly ends.

Completely forgot to add that for this month's video! I am going to put a calendar reminder for the August video.

The third episode of Fora Talossa's history series is now live. In the month of July 1981, a young King Robert discovers that separating himself from Talossa will not improve courtship chances.
The third episode of Fora Talossa's history series is now live. In the month of July 1981, a young King Robert discovers that separating himself from Talossa will not improve courtship chances.
Quote from: xpb on June 30, 2022, 04:13:03 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 30, 2022, 03:32:34 PM
The issue is that the King has not endorsed the PD. We cannot release funds unless the King endorses the PD.

So one issue is release of existing funds to pay, which needs authorization.  Another according to PDR Ltd. is that the registrar provided notice on or about 3 June and it is now 30 June.

XPB, I followed the link and it took me to their general site. I am assuming I need to use the search bar to see the specific website information. Does the site indicate who was the recipient of notice on 3 June?