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Messages - Eðo Grischun

Istefan has paid the bill.  Transfers are now in process.
The Webspace / Notice of possible downtime on domains
October 18, 2020, 10:03:57 AM
The domain transfer process is about to go ahead.

This is notice that there will likely be a little bit of downtime on the incoming domain names during the transfer.

The affected domains are:

The main website at (along with all subdomains: Wittenberg, Wiki, Oversteir, et al) will be unaffected.
Oh. Many thanks, and also apologies to the Regent.  I had actually forgot that the Royal nod for these appointments were still outstanding.
Thanks to both.  I have contacted the Burgermeister about paying the invoice.  Once that is dealt with, the domain transfer process will happen.
Éu requestéu, piaçar.

The Civil Service pages have now been updated with the same "quantum entanglement" system along with some other general cleaning up.

* All civil service pages have been married to their wiki page infoboxes, so whenever a change of office occurs in the Civil Service that change only needs to be updated on the Wiki and the website will automatically update itself with same.
* The Royal Society didn't have a page on the website, so that has been created.
* The College of Arms page was a bit of a mess with broken links and bad layout (all unsettled issues from the previous migration from old website).  This page has been cleaned up and brought up to date with as much info as I could find.
* The Royal Talossan Bar page has been brought up to date and changed to be the National Bar of Talossa.  Again, as much up to date info as could be found has been used here.
* All Civil Service pages have had a facelift and general tidy up.

Next tasks will be dealing with the Ziu and Judiciary pages.
Staff of the Royal Society,

The webpage on for the Royal Society has been updated with as much verifiable and up to date information that could be easily found.

Please review this update and let me know if anything needs changed, added, removed, etc.

Staff of the College of Arms,

The webpage on for the college has been updated with as much verifiable and up to date information that could be easily found.

Please review this update and let me know if anything needs changed, added, removed, etc.

This would be great to see and I wish you a lot of success with it! 

It isn't actually too late to stop the legislative repeal, no.  However, I think I will still put the repeal Bill forward anyway.  I really think this kind of endeavour would be much better handled in the hands of private enterprise.

That said, the Ministry is entirely open to providing assistance wherever it can.  Just let us know how we can help and we will see what we can do (including promotion of the channel via our social media or other web assets).  Just because this YouTube channel won't be officially endorsed, doesn't mean it can't benefit from government assistance.
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 11:05:02 AM
His Majesty got back to me and says that he has no problem with the Government using its access to transfer over the domain names.  I get the impression that he was not aware there was a problem with it at this point -- maybe just waiting until he got back would have been the best course?

Thank you for helping get this sorted.

The King being unaware of the issue is a problem in itself, by the way.
Indeed. The Regent does have all the powers that the Head of State has. If the Regent doesn't feel like exercising the duties of the Monarchy then one needs to ask what is the point in the King appointing a Regent?  Just more layers of non-feasance if you ask me.

All the excuses made above for the King's own non-feasance don't cut it.  We have all been experiencing similar events.  If the Monarch is truly unable to carry out the duties of his office then it is simply time for the House of Lupul to abdicate.
Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
October 15, 2020, 12:27:48 AM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 14, 2020, 11:59:04 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on October 14, 2020, 11:49:23 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 14, 2020, 11:32:21 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on October 14, 2020, 11:02:54 PM
Maritiimi-Maxhestic:  @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, am I correct to assume that as GGS of M-M you will be filling the M-M seat on this council?
What is the council for?  I don't know much about it.

LEX.D.9 has everything on the Council there is to know, which isn't much, admittedly.  The Interior Minister has a statutory obligation to call the Council to order by the first day of the first Clark and it is composed of the executive officer (be that a Governor, a Premier, a Seneschal, etc.) of each province.  LEX doesn't actually go as far as to say what it's actual purpose is or what it's mission is supposed to be, just that it needs to exist.  It can basically operate in whichever way it likes once it has formed, but I have generally assumed its remit is to discuss intra-provincial matters.

If you are the M-M executive then I would need for you to accept your seat by the end of this month, otherwise I have the power to name any M-M citizen to fill it in place of an absent executive.
Well then, I accept this great responsibility.

Roll call updated.  Thanks.

So, it's just Cezembre outstanding then.  If the exec office hasn't been filled by the deadline then I guess I'll take a look through the sub-forum and just appoint whoever appears to be the most active Cezembrean on a provincial level.
Wittenberg / Re: Regency
October 15, 2020, 12:23:49 AM
The Monarchy webpage has been updated to reflect this appointment:
I just want to add to this for the sake of onlookers wondering about the status of the law surrounding this.

50RZ31 (The Lannister Act and Sense of the Ziu) was the Act that amended the section of El Lex I quoted before.  That Bill was passed into law in 2017 by the MRPT.  The kingdomoftalossa domain stopped being the King's private property at that point and became property of the government under Talossan law.  It should have been transferred at that point, which was roughly three years ago.
Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
October 14, 2020, 11:49:23 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 14, 2020, 11:32:21 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on October 14, 2020, 11:02:54 PM
Maritiimi-Maxhestic:  @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, am I correct to assume that as GGS of M-M you will be filling the M-M seat on this council?
What is the council for?  I don't know much about it.

LEX.D.9 has everything on the Council there is to know, which isn't much, admittedly.  The Interior Minister has a statutory obligation to call the Council to order by the first day of the first Clark and it is composed of the executive officer (be that a Governor, a Premier, a Seneschal, etc.) of each province.  LEX doesn't actually go as far as to say what it's actual purpose is or what it's mission is supposed to be, just that it needs to exist.  It can basically operate in whichever way it likes once it has formed, but I have generally assumed its remit is to discuss intra-provincial matters.

If you are the M-M executive then I would need for you to accept your seat by the end of this month, otherwise I have the power to name any M-M citizen to fill it in place of an absent executive.