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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

El Glheþ Talossan / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 28, 2021, 03:25:50 PM
Thanks for this, this is precisely what SIGN is supposed to do. In defence of Ián Lupúl el Regeu Fäts-Niþil, at least he's trying.
Can I confirm that the OrgLaw amendments to be submitted to referendum in this election will be 55RZ5 (Self-Destructing Senäts), 55RZ22 (Seneschál Election Tweaks) and 55RZ23 (Fifth Covenant reversion)?
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 28, 2021, 03:03:31 PM
Quote from: Wikipedia
Roi fainéant (French pronunciation: ​[ʁwa fɛneɑ̃]), literally "do-nothing king", is a French term primarily used to refer to the later kings of the Merovingian dynasty after they seemed to have lost their initial powers of dominion...

    There was nothing left the King to do but to be content with his name of King, his flowing hair, and long beard, to sit on his throne and play the ruler, to give ear to the ambassadors that came from all quarters, and to dismiss them, as if on his own responsibility, in words that were, in fact, suggested to him, or even imposed upon him. He had nothing that he could call his own beyond this vain title of King and the precarious support allowed by the Mayor of the Palace in his discretion, except a single country seat, that brought him but a very small income.

During the century of the rois fainéants, the Merovingian kings were increasingly dominated by their mayors of the palace, in the 6th century the office of the manager of the royal household, but in the 7th increasingly the real "power behind the throne" who limited the role of the king to an essentially ceremonial office.

Mayor, Baron, whatever.
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 27, 2021, 10:20:25 PM
Well, let's think happy thoughts. Maybe he is deliberately ignoring the bills so they pass to referendum without his signature, like the Regent did with the bill setting up the referendum. That would be graceful and save everyone a lot of heartache, and take a lot of heat out of the upcoming election.

Or he's going to drop his vetos in precisely 48 hours, just to show that he's going to be obstructive right to the point the National Convocation deprives him of office.
The Free Democrats would love to have new citizens on our party list. Let me know ASAP and if you're not an utter creep and you agree with the Free Democrats platform, you're in.

* Full Party name: Free Democrats of Talossa
* Party Initials: FreeDems
* 50 word statement: The Free Democrats want to lead Talossa's government for a fourth successful term. We need to not just recruit new citizens, but find ways to get existing citizens involved again. We want a Historic Compromise between monarchy and republicanism, and to grow the Talossan-speaking population. Txoteu Davinescu for Seneschál!
* Party Leader(s): @Txoteu Davinescu
* Candidate list (incomplete):
(* also standing for the Senäts)

* Party platform URL:
BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF FIOVA, pursuant to Standing Order 4, that the Fiovan Elections and Referendum Law shall read in its entirety as follows:

Part One

Part Two
BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF FIOVA, pursuant to Standing Order 4, that the Constitution of Fiova shall read in its entirety as follows:

Article I — [Name and territory]
The name of the Province is la Provinçù Liveradă da Fiovă, or in English, the Free Province of Fiova.
The territory of the Province consists of two cantons in south-western Talossa, with the Manaweg as their western and southern border, named (from north to south) el Cantôn Cüféir (Cooper Canton) and Las Înaltàns Maxhéstici (LIM, Majestic Heights). Precise borders shall be those set by the Ziu.
The capital of the Province is the Mitchell Building in LIM Canton.

Article II — [Symbols]
The flag of the Province shall be as below:

The motto of the Province shall be Desfisetz qualsecosă denă (Dare Something Worthy).

Article III — [The General Assembly]
The supreme authority in in Fiovă is the General Assembly of all citizens. The Assembly shall be chaired by a Túischac'h elected by the Assembly.
All debates and votes of the General Assembly are public except in the case of national or provincial security, or involving sensitive personal information.
Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution, the General Assembly may set its own rules for making decisions, including a quorum for any decisions.

Article IV — [Provincial Executive 1]
Executive power in Fiovă is exercised by a Standing Committee, or Praisidíeu in the national language.
The Praisidíeu shall consist of 3 members, elected at large by all citizens, by secret ballot and by principles of proportional representation.  Precise details shall be included in law. The Praisideu shall choose a Chair who shall be given the honorable title of Capitán.
Elections for the Praisidieu shall occur simultaneously with every national Cosă election, or earlier in case of a Vote of Confidence  or the Secretary of State declaring the Praisideu to be vacant. In these latter cases, the Secretary of State may choose a date for an earlier election, or failing that one may be set by resolution of the General Assembly.

Article V — [Provincial Executive 2: Praisideu and General Assembly]
On any issue where the Praisideu and the General Assembly differ, the will of the General Assembly will prevail.
The Praisideu shall, as part of their functions described elsewhere in this Constitution, submit legislative proposals to the General Assembly as and when necessary or useful.

Article VI — [Provincial Executive 3: Government]
The Praisideu may delegate any executive powers to Provincial Ministers. The Ministers are nominated by the Praisideu and confirmed by the Cunstavál. The Ministers are collectively and individually responsible to and may be dismissed by the Praisideu or the General Assembly. The Praisideu and Ministers are collectively known as "the Government".

Article VII — [Legislation and Law]
Provincial Law consists of (in order of precedence) the Organic Law of the Kingdom of Talossa, the laws of the Federal Ziu (except in matters reserved to the provinces), this Constitution, the Laws passed by the General Assembly, decisions of the Landsdoom, and Executive Orders. Executive Orders are issued by the Cunstavál in the name of the Government and must be co-signed by the Capitán upon the advice and consent of the Praisideu before becoming law. They may be overturned by the General Assembly.
The Cunstavál shall promulgate all Amendments to this Constitution passed by a 2/3 majority in the General Assembly, and all other laws passed by a simple majority.

Article VIII — [The Landsdoom]
Judicial power, including jurisdiction over any dispute relevant to this Constitution, is exercised by a Landsdoom, consisting of one or more adjudicators nominated by the Cunstavál and approved by the General Assembly, as and when necessary. Decisions of the Landsdoom may be appealed to Kingdom Corts.

Article IX — [Secretary of State]
Elections and maintenance of provincial governmental and electoral archives are conducted by a Secretary of State, elected by the General Assembly.
The Secretary of State may only be a candidate for the Praisideu if there would otherwise be only two or fewer declared candidates.

Article X — [General Provisions for Officers]
Any officer empowered by this Constitution may nominate a Deputy to fullfil their functions in case of absence, or to act as a provisional replacement in cases of resignation or dismissal.
Any officer empowered by this Constitution shall be considered absent if they fail to confirm their presence to the General Assembly within seven (7) days of being called upon to do so.
All officers empowered by this Constitution may be removed by the General Assembly by means of a Vote of Confidence, which shall require a simple majority to succeed. The Praisideu may be subject to a Vote of Confidence only collectively, not as individuals
An officer empowered by this Constitution, including members of the Praisideu, shall have vacated their office if they resign, lose their Talossan citizenship, are removed by a Vote of Confidence by the General Assembly, or are absent within the meaning of 10.1.1. above for 30 days or more.
If a vacancy arises in the Praisideu the remaining members may co-opt any citizen to the vacant role in the Praisideu, subject to ratification of their choice by the General Assembly. If two or more vacancies arise in this way simultaneously, the Secretary of State shall declare the Praisideu to be vacant.
In a vacancy arises in other any office created under this Constitution, the Praisideu may appoint an Acting holder of that office, who shall function until confirmed or replaced by the Assembly.
In case anyone's asking: Dien's split from the Free Democrats was long-expected and is amicable, and we all wish him the best and hope for future cooperation on non-constitutional issues. I figured that with the LCC pledging neutrality an explicit anti-Compromise, pro-Monarchy party would stand; I must admit to being surprised as to who started it  :D
No objections? Fine. I am Túischac'h of the Fiovan General Assembly until the General Assembly decides otherwise.
Hello, yes, Peculiarist compatriots: just wanting to make sure that you'll continue your support for the Historic Compromise in the next Cosă, should the King decide to waste everyone's time and veto?

I'm also very interested in where Justice Edwards is going re: the constitution of a truly indigenous Talossan system of jurisprudence.
If the LCC is allowing a free vote on the Historic Compromise (should the King veto it and we have to reintroduce it), then the question of exactly who the LCC MCs will be is an important one, so I look forward to seeing their Party List ASAP.