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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

Some more pictures
Estimated results with different-sized Cosas

41 seats: LCC 5, FreeDems 17, NPW 2, TNC 4, Balancéu 7, Dien 3, KLüP 2, Tafial 1
21 seats: LCC 2, FreeDems 9, NPW 1, TNC 2, Balancéu 4, Dien 1, KLüP 1, Tafial 1
15 seats: LCC 2, FreeDems 6, NPW 1, TNC 1, Balancéu 3, Dien 1, KLüP 1

15 seats would therefore be the point at which 2 votes wouldn't get you a Cosa seat. Something to think about for those inclined to Cosa-size reforms.

I am sad to announce that @Adam Grigoriu has expressed his wish to resign as Interior Minister, having found that his heart really isn't in politics. I am happy to announce that cxhn. Grigoriu has expressed the wish to resume his former role as Permanent Secretary for Immigration.

To whit, under El Lexhátx C.1.1, as Seneschál and acting Minister of the Interior, I recommend to the King that @Adam Grigoriu be appointed to the role of Permanent Secretary for Immigration, with a job description as follows:

QuoteProcessing requests for immigration to Talossa, which includes:

    Sending form emails to immigrants
    Posting applications and approving new Wittenberg accounts
    Terminating applications and disabling accounts
    Updating the database of immigrants and new citizens
    Other duties as directed by the Minister of the Interior
Wittenberg / Re: FreeDem Announcement
June 01, 2021, 11:19:13 PM
Interested parties are welcome to contact @Txoteu or @myself and we'll see where this goes
In pictures:
Fiôvâ / Re: Fiova Praisidïeu election results
June 01, 2021, 08:42:37 PM
Raw votes with names attached for ease of reference:

Schiva, Valcadach
Schiva, Valcadach
Schiva, Valcadach
Schiva, Valcadach
Xheraltescù, Schiva, Vercária
Valcadach, Schiva
Valcadach, Schiva
Valcadach, Schiva
Valcadach, Schiva
Valcadach, Schiva, Higraff, Tärfa, Xheraltescù
Schiva, Valcadach, Vercaria, Higgs, dal Nava
Fiôvâ / Re: Fiova Praisidïeu election results
June 01, 2021, 08:24:46 PM
That final result again: @Miestra Schiva, @GV and C. Carlüs Xheraltescù are the first duly elected Praisidïeu of Fiova (although it went to a tiebreaker on the last seat and @Gjermund Higraff almost took it!)
Fiôvâ / Re: Fiova Praisidïeu election results
June 01, 2021, 08:22:54 PM
OpaVote Election Results (

Fiova Praisidïeu election

There are 8 candidates competing for 3 seats. The number of voters is 11 and
there were 11 valid votes and 0 empty votes.

Counting votes using N. Ireland STV.

R|Schiva|Valcád|Vercár|Higgs |dal Na|Xheral|Higraf|Tärfa |Exhaus|Surplu|Thresh
  |      |ac'h  |ia    |      |va    |tescù |f     |      |ted   |s     |old   
1|  5.00|  5.00|  0.00|  0.00|  0.00|  1.00|  0.00|  0.00|  0.00|  4.00|  3.00
  | Count of first choices. Candidates Schiva and Valcádac'h have reached the
  | threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes
  | will be transferred for the next round.
2|  5.00|  3.00|  0.00|  0.00|  0.00|  1.00|  1.00|  0.00|  1.00|  2.00|  3.00
  | Count after transferring surplus votes from Valcádac'h. Candidates Schiva
  | and Valcádac'h were tied when choosing surplus to transfer. Candidate
  | Valcádac'h was chosen by breaking the tie randomly. Candidates have surplus
  | votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
3|  3.00|  3.00|  1.00|  0.00|  0.00|  1.00|  1.00|  0.00|  2.00|  0.00|  3.00
  | Count after transferring surplus votes from Schiva. No candidates have
  | surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred
  | for the next round.
4|  3.00|  3.00|      |      |      |  1.00|  1.00|      |  3.00|  0.00|  3.00
  | Count after eliminating Vercária, Higgs, dal Nava, and Tärfa and
  | transferring votes. All losing candidates are eliminated. Candidates
  | Vercária, Xheraltescù, and Higraff were tied when choosing candidates to
  | eliminate. Candidate Vercária was chosen by breaking the tie at round 2. No
  | candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their
  | votes transferred for the next round.
5|  3.00|  3.00|      |      |      |  2.00|      |      |  3.00|  0.00|  3.00
  | Count after eliminating Higraff and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated. Candidates Xheraltescù and Higraff were tied
  | when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Higraff was chosen by
  | breaking the tie at round 1. Candidate Xheraltescù is elected.

Winners are Schiva, Valcádac'h, and Xheraltescù.
Fiôvâ / Fiova Praisidïeu election results
June 01, 2021, 08:11:20 PM
See raw votes here, under "Summary of Provincial Votes" / Fiova

Total votes: 11
Quota for a seat on the Praisidïeu: 2.76

First Preference votes:

Miestra Schiva 5
Gödafrïeu Valcádac'h 5
C. Carlüs Xheraltescù 1

Schiva and Valcádac'h are elected.

Count for the last seat progresses.
HA HA HA HA lolwut?

The FreeDems did better than I expected but not as well as I hoped. I am surprised that Balançéu didn't do better with their vigorous campaign, and that the TNC and Dien did so well. I would like to congratulate the LCC on sticking to their principles even though taking an electoral beating for it; and commiserate with Marcel T on getting an extra vote and his whole shtick being ruined. Glüc and Eric also certainly existed :D (just joking guys, I love you, well done)

The four parties who supported the Historic Compromise as contained in 55RZ21 got 120 seats, short of the 2/3 majority to push it through. However, as mentioned before the election, discussions have been going on with the monarchist parties and I think there is still a good chance that Talossa will choose its king, this term - in one way or another.

As for the Senäts, the result in Cézembre is unexpected but gratifying: the result in Florencia is hilarious, but I believe since one of the candidates is also Florencia's premier, he gets to break the tie in favour of himself :D

Free Democrats have a mandate to take the lead on forming a new Government, and making Txoteu Davinescù the new Seneschál; but there needs to be a lot of discussion before we finalise who will be in that government. I don't get a final say in anything, but I'd really prefer a Cabinet of People Who Will Actually Do The Work this time - which might include people from all across the political spectrum. We shall all see.
Wittenberg / Re: A reminder to King John
June 01, 2021, 07:27:22 PM
Quote from: mpf on May 31, 2021, 06:57:29 AM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 31, 2021, 02:07:49 AM
I am informed by citizen B. Higgs of Fiova, who is an IT professional, that there is a problem with SSL injection (or something like that?) with the automated Chancery emails, which gets them trashed by Gmail accounts in particular. I see that a majority of those who haven't voted yet have Gmail accounts. It may well be that Gmail spam detection has been "souped up" since the last election;

Could I get more information? If I do, I might be able to fix it quickly.

"There's SSL mismatched content on the page, SSL validation breaks partially with this, it'll help delivery if link destinations are all perfect. 🙂" - Brad
I am informed by citizen B. Higgs of Fiova, who is an IT professional, that there is a problem with SSL injection (or something like that?) with the automated Chancery emails, which gets them trashed by Gmail accounts in particular. I see that a majority of those who haven't voted yet have Gmail accounts. It may well be that Gmail spam detection has been "souped up" since the last election; if so, this means that bugs in the National Database (of great venerability) have gotten to the point where they are actively sabotaging Talossan democracy.

If I am part of the next Government, bringing the database into "present time" technically speaking, and integrating it with the National Webspace, will be a matter of very great importance.

(Of course, I have an alternative theory on turnout, and that is that the proliferation of barely-distinguishable centrist parties is just confusing less-active voters. Certainly the most clearly ideologically defined parties, the Free Dems and Balançéu, don't seem to be having turnout problems.)
4 of the 8 parties running in this election are brand new. It's hard to get information out when there's only 1 or 2 people in the party.
Wittenberg / Re: Charity work
May 30, 2021, 07:15:34 PM