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Messages - anglatzara

Wittenberg / Re: Two things about this forum
May 11, 2021, 10:14:36 AM
Stöds inte Münchens élite och Rhôneviner återkommande? Un più.

In other words, this board supports UTF-8, as far as I can tell. You need to make sure your OS and keyboard can create special characters and diacritics. If they do, you just type them like I did above.
Wittenberg / Re: Caution: Election results ahead!
August 10, 2020, 02:18:34 AM
I'm not overly concerned with the lack of links from the referenda to Witt. I am the very definition of a "less active citizen" these days, and I had no problem forming an opinion on the referenda, which included voting Contrâ on a couple of them.
Wittenberg / Re: Sad news for all Talossans
January 29, 2020, 12:20:06 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. My condelences to his friends and kin.