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Messages - Sir Lüc

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 09, 2023, 08:35:53 AMWhat color are mutes?

Usually silvery. Except for practice mutes, which are plastic doodads.
Wittenberg / Re: CENTRASEIRĂ - Watchalong May 27?
June 08, 2023, 09:09:11 AM
Not creating a new thread for this but I just wanted to point out that Tour de France Unchained, a series documenting the 2022 Tour, is now available on Netflix.

If you have Netflix, this should be a fun way to bridge the gap to the second leg of TCAT 2023, Tour de France, starting on July 1st.
Wittenberg / Re: Happy Pride Month!
June 07, 2023, 10:40:52 AM
Sure :)
Wittenberg / Re: Happy Pride Month!
June 07, 2023, 09:22:34 AM
Feliçeu mes da Pridă ^^

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I appreciate the change. Approved.
We'll definitely do it again for Tour, and who knows, maybe we can play some Discord minigames again before then since they're only free until mid-June.
Thanks to everyone who turned out! I definitely didn't expect to see as many as 7(!) TCAT directeurs turning up, it was a very nice pleasure to chat with you all.
Thank you. Approved.
Quote from: Audrada Roibeardet on May 19, 2023, 05:01:59 PMWhere are we watching this?

I thought I'd stream the Rai feed on our Discord server.
Tagging TCAT team leaders because I'm last and my consolation prize is harassing you all: @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu @Breneir Tzaracomprada @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat @Tric'hard Lenxheir @Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP @Audrada Roibeardet @Ian Plätschisch @þerxh Sant-Enogat

(however, non-TCAT people are welcome to participate!)
Wittenberg / CENTRASEIRĂ - Watchalong May 27?
May 19, 2023, 04:01:24 PM
Right, so there was no Centraseiră this week - not that we have a regular schedule - but we did sort of record an episode while watching last Sunday's ITT together. Unfortunately it ended up being not very enjoyable to listen to (we're part describing a time trial that we can't show you, part discussing random TCAT stuff) and also the wave of retirements began a mere couple of hours later, which made all predictions moot.


We've been thinking of watching together the stage 20 climbing time trial, which should hopefully be where Giro and TCAT are decided. Except, we're planning on opening this up to everyone! No need to be a cycling expert to attend, none of us is, and besides, time trials are pretty easy to understand. There's no requirement that the chat is cycling related either, both me and Glüc are very happy to talk about other Talossa-related stuff too.

(This could potentially be a Centraseiră episode for the sake of posterity, but doesn't need to be. We're just trying to have fun and spend time together. No requirement to use voice chat either, we will, but you can use text chat to interact if you wish.)

All are welcome! The only thing is, obviously the stage is at a fixed time so unfortunately we're not very flexible. The time trial is on Saturday May 27th, in the European afternoon. Indicatively we could tune in at about 15:30 CEST, so unfortunately still pretty early in the morning in Talossa - 8:30 I believe?

Let us know if you wish to attend! (And also if you can't be there but like the idea - maybe we can stage a rewatch later that day.)
Wittenberg / Re: Bye.
May 16, 2023, 10:59:55 AM
Quote from: Viteu on May 16, 2023, 09:34:04 AMThere, you can all celebrate my departure from this shitshow.

Only a wildly overinflated ego could mistake pity for celebration. Good luck in any and all your future endeavours ^^
On RZ11, The Cjovani Ziua Auservada Bill, I vote Per.

On RZ12, SoS Succession Reform Act, I vote an emphatic Contra, and thank the Senate for its existence.
This bill plainly had other, unstated aims when it was originally presented during the last term. I thought it was a bad and misguided bill that would do nothing to solve the issue it was targeting. Sneakily re-Clarking this without any further debate is not going to make me change my mind on that.

On RZ13, The Legal Repair Amendment, I vote Per.
On RZ14, The Unsanctified Act, I vote Per.
On RZ15, The Second Catchment Area Reform Act, I vote Per.
On RZ16, Ün proxhet [legeu] per regular els Prüms Diktats - The This is Not a PD Bill [Act], I vote Per.
On RZ17, Ün proxhet [legeu] per inovar el CRL - The Update of the CRL Bill [Act], I vote Per.
On RZ18, National Skills and Social Connections Survey Act, I vote Per.

On confidence, I abstain.
Team leaders: if you like the team presentation slides and want to grab yours (or any of them), I've put them in a Drive folder:
We're off! In the second episode of Centraseiră, @Glüc da Dhi S.H. and I take you through the eleven teams contesting Leg 1 of the Talossan Cycling Association Tour 2023. (And we still have pretty slides. One for each team, in fact!)

Again, make liberal use of the timestamps! (I forgot about the audio cues but they shouldn't be needed this time -- there's much less random slide switching)

In this episode:
- Glüc decides he really likes naming TCAT teams after dinosaurs, after all;
- Lüc tries and fails to get more Dutch language praise out of Glüc;
- Glüc brags about rigging episode 1's credit prediction game;
- Lüc slags his sister's sprinter pick, said pick proceeds to win the next stage;
- Glüc manages to bait Lüc with terrible pizzas even without meaning to;
- Lüc is a big fan of riders he should really be rooting against.

But mostly:
- we present the rules of TCAT and this year's Giro d'Italia;
- we briefly discuss how the first stage went (...which was last Saturday, because I'm really slow at editing);
- we look ahead at the first week's other stages (...which are mostly all done by now, because I'm really slow at editing).

We hope you enjoy!