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Messages - Eðo Grischun

Thread hijack and off-topic alert.

I'm currently* working on a couple of EDM (trancey-ish) cover versions.  One is Bob Seger's Still the Same and the other is Friends of Mr Cairo by Jon & Vangelis.  Aye, they will probably end up sounding as bonkers as you are thinking. 

* I say currently.  I've been working on them for most of the year and spend about 15 minutes per fortnight on it (aka when I can feel like being arsed with it).

I'm liking that more and more versions of the National Anthem keep popping up.  Good stuff. 

I'd like to add my own important clarification.  I was also in the minority on this decision.  I would still vote in favour unless the material circumstances grossly change from where we stand today.  I have no issue over questions of qualification and I am not wholly convinced that a 'not fit and proper' test has been satisfied.  My own personal feelings and problems with AD are not reason enough for me to stand opposed to his nomination.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on September 22, 2020, 12:43:52 AM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on September 21, 2020, 08:51:40 PM
2.10 The Minister of Stuff, heading the Ministry of Stuff (Ministrà del Sanavar da Talossa al Ultra-Fiôvân Folâs), which shall be responsible for the internal and external promotion of the Kingdom, all events therein and all things Talossan through public relations, and shall dutifully ensure that the Kingdom and it's events are regularly publicised and may use any means and media available to them to achieve this.


(This is the kind of stuff the Legislative Janitor will be in charge of finding one day!)

Oops.  I've made that exact same typo millions of times. Nearly every time I go to type "its" my fingers bash out "it's". Bad muscle memory or something. A LOT of my edited posts going back years have been because of that same typo.

Fixed. Thanks.
Updated with references to El Lex.
WHEREAS as the new Minister of Stuff it is my duty to review the sections of law that relate to my office, and

WHEREAS in doing so, I found bits that would better off just being repealed, and

WHEREAS most of it was fine, but just needed a bit of spring cleaning and streamlining, and

WHEREAS LEX.D.2.10.1 is old, unused and likely never to be used therefore it just a waste of ink, and

WHEREAS LEX.D.2.10.2 is superfluous as these kind of posts can be created under the provisions of LEX.C.1.1.1 (Permanant Secretaries)

WHEREAS LEX.D.2.10.5 and LEX.D.2.10.6 and LEX.D.2.10.7 could really all just be one paragraph, and

WHEREAS the Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Stuff recognise a need for a secure and central location to hold all the various account access passwords that are out there, so

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Ziu assembled that of El Lexhatx D.2.10 and all of its subsections, which currently read:

2.10. The Minister of Stuff, heading the Ministry of Stuff, which shall be responsible for the promotion of the Kingdom through public relations. The Ministrà del Sanavar da Talossa al Ultra-Fiôvân Folâs (Ministry of Stuff) shall dutifully ensure that the Kingdom and events therein are regularly publicized in any and all worldwide media, and shall produce and circulate on a regular basis a national publication for internal and external promotion of all things Talossan.
2.10.1. A national radio and television network for Talossans, called "RTV" (Regipäts Televiziun), is also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Stuff. (6RC7)
2.10.2. The Minister of Stuff may from time to time appoint or dismiss "Social Media Ambassadors", with the power and responsibility to promote Talossa on one or several named website, forum or social media service.
2.10.3. As part of their duties as described in D.2.10 above, the Ministry of Stuff shall be responsible for the content of the publicly-readable Internet presence of the Kingdom, excluding those websites under the jurisdiction of other entities of the Kingdom as described in El Lexhátx A.20 or elsewhere in El Lexhátx. They shall be directly responsible for the content of one or more websites named as the 'official' website(s) of the Kingdom, and ensuring the availability for all Talossans of the following: a) the records of the Scribery as described in C.1.2; b) up-to-date information on the personnel of all Government, Royal Household, Civil Service and Chancery office-holders. (49RZ1)
2.10.4. and are the property of the government and shall be run by the ministry of STUFF. (50RZ31)
2.10.5. The Talossan Web Registrant is the officer within the Ministry of STUFF who acts as the domain name registrant of The Talossan Web Registrant can be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of STUFF.
2.10.6. The Talossan Web Registrant shall inform the government of any payments made towards domain registration and hosting of, and other government run websites.
2.10.7. The Ministry of STUFF shall reimburse the Talossan Web Registrant for any payments towards domain registration and hosting of and other government run websites no later than during the Third Clark of the next Cosa term provided the Ministry has been properly informed.

are hereby stricken in full and replaced with the following:

2.10 The Minister of Stuff, heading the Ministry of Stuff (Ministrà del Sanavar da Talossa al Ultra-Fiôvân Folâs), which shall be responsible for the internal and external promotion of the Kingdom, all events therein and all things Talossan through public relations, and shall dutifully ensure that the Kingdom and its events are regularly publicised and may use any means and media available to them to achieve this.

2.10.1 The Ministry of Stuff shall be responsible for the content and administration of the publicly-readable Internet presence of the Kingdom, excluding those websites under explicit jurisdiction of other entities of the Kingdom as described in El Lexhátx A.20 or elsewhere in El Lexhátx. They shall be directly responsible for the content of one or more websites named as the 'official' website(s) of the Kingdom, and ensuring the availability, for all Talossans, of the following: a) the records of the Scribery as described in C.1.2; b) up-to-date information on the personnel of all Government, Royal Household, Civil Service and Chancery office-holders.

2.10.2 and are the property of the government and shall be operated by the ministry of STUFF.

2.10.3 There shall exist within the Ministry of Stuff an officer to be known as The Talossan Web Registrant who shall act as the domain name registrant for the domains stated in D.2.10.2 and any other government operated domains as required. The Talossan Web Registrant shall be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of STUFF.  The Talossan Web Registrant shall inform the government of any payments due or made towards domain registration and hosting of any government operated websites and domains and shall be reimbursed for any payments made as soon as is practicably possible and in accordance with all law relating to the governmental budget.

2.10.4 The Minister of Stuff shall ensure that access details for all official internet accounts are held in a secure and central location and shall ensure the continuity and smooth handover of these details between changes of government.

Noi urent q'estadra så,
The Right Honourable Éovart Grischun - Senator (Vuode) and Minister of Stuff
The Most Honourable Seneschal Dame Miestrâ Schivâ, UrN - Member of Cosa
Wittenberg / Re: On Anarchism
September 21, 2020, 05:32:57 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on September 21, 2020, 05:22:57 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on September 21, 2020, 05:08:27 PM
Rosie Kane?

That's probably the one, name sounds familiar. The SSP had so much promise before Sheridan sacrificed it on the altar of his ego. Still, I don't approve of their SWERFy politics.

Sorry. I deleted my Rosie Kane post after the SoS's warning.  Yeah, the SSP in the early to mid 00's could have went on to be a real game changer for Scotland.  A strong SSP could have ended up filling the void that the collapse of Scottish Labour have created.  I wonder what things would be like today had the SSP, SNP and Greens, together, became the dominant forces in Scottish politics.
El Senäts/The Senate / Re: Do we have a Mencei?
September 21, 2020, 04:45:55 PM
You can also just type @ and the first few letters of a name and it pops up with names to click.  Sometimes bugs out, but it often works fine.

That said, complaining about not being tagged in the thread is not the issue to focus on here.  It's totally the job of a Senator to actually come to the Senate and keep apprised of the business of the House.
Wittenberg / Re: On Anarchism
September 21, 2020, 04:22:12 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on September 21, 2020, 05:30:59 AM
Etho, name another time a citizen has been blocked from immigration. Bonus points if it was by members of our old party.

I can't.  It's not so much that individual applications ever got "blocked"; rather more a case of the RUMP created and defended laws that had the effect of not letting things get to that point in the first place.  The blanket ban on Talossan citizens holding dual micronational citizenships, the crafting and defending of the oath of allegiance to the Crown, the cult-like attitude surrounding the protection of the 1997 OrgLaw where anybody that held differing views to the status quo were labelled as a danger to the nation. 

There was also a brief minute during Reunision where things could have teetered in the other direction because of the wording of the citizenship oath where some RUMP members were about to have an aneurysm over people not wanting to swear allegiance to the King, saying they would return amended oaths with bits they found offensive missing or promising to deliver oaths with a clenched fist in protest like Tommy Sheridan or deliver oaths with a preface to the people like Welsh and Scottish anti-monarchists do.

The same sort of thing is happening here. 

I am confident that the prospective is doing nothing more than goofing around right now and (and I really hope I am right about this) having a right good laugh at the state you are getting yourself twisted up into over this.

Wittenberg / Re: On Anarchism
September 21, 2020, 12:27:16 AM
We also had a party in the last cosa which had a platform of civic nationalism coupled with some Peculiarism. 

The reaction seen in the immigration thread is the exact reaction we have grown used to seeing come from the Talossan Conservative Right.  Blocking immigration applications for failure to swear absolute, unwavering, undying and blind allegiance to the King or for holding citizenship in "bug" or micronations or for holding political views that didn't exactly match the status quo is the exact kind of thing the old RUMP would do.
Wittenberg / Re: JOBS BOARD - Onboarding now
September 20, 2020, 08:39:37 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on September 20, 2020, 03:35:49 PM
Perhaps an employer account for the Chancery and the Scribery?

Done.  You have a few emails for access.

Just another thing, if any "employer" doesn't wish to deal with posting jobs or doesn't want to have to have an account (say for a one off vacancy that will never need future updates or whatever) then the Ministry of Stuff is able to post jobs from the admin panel on your behalf.
Wittenberg / Re: JOBS BOARD - Onboarding now
September 20, 2020, 05:43:28 PM
Quote from: Adam Grigoriu on September 20, 2020, 05:32:51 PM
I feel kinda cheated that I didn't get to play with the new system and got mine the old-fashioned way. It looks very well done!

Ha :)

The other night when I manually created your account the old way was because I was also creating a special access group at the same time specifically for "PermSecWebMonkey".  It just made sense to do the two things at the same time rather than making the group then waiting for you to register for me to have to go back in and assign the permissions.
Wittenberg / Re: JOBS BOARD - Onboarding now
September 20, 2020, 03:44:59 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on September 20, 2020, 03:35:49 PM
Perhaps an employer account for the Chancery and the Scribery?

Yep!  Will get that set up for you.
Wittenberg / JOBS BOARD - Onboarding now
September 20, 2020, 03:24:45 PM

The Talossan Job Centre is now fully live and ready to be used.

To make use of the job board please register a 'jobseekers' account.  The government will begin populating the site with job listings very shortly, but please still head over and register so that everything is ready for you at time of launch.  Note that user accounts are tied to WordPress accounts, so if you already had a user account on then your account has already been moved to Jobseeker status.

Features of the site for jobseekers are:

- Create and store resume/cv
- Create and store cover letters
- Create and store multiple resumes and cover letters for different types of jobs (say a political one and a cultural one)
- View jobs by category (governmental, cultural, military, journalism, etc)
- View jobs by "political" or "non-political"
- Search tool for finding jobs
- Apply for jobs by sending resume/CV direct to employer (or by whatever application process the employer specifies)

Features of the site for employers are:

- Post and edit jobs
- Receive applications
- Search the resume/CV bank for headhunting

So, yeah, head on over and make sure your existing accounts can access the control panel or to register an account.  Play around with the resume/CV builder and get ready for the government (and hopefully other organisations) to start posting jobs. As time goes on be sure to regularly check for new postings that you may be interested in!

I will get in touch with Cabinet Ministers after the new government formation and provide details for accessing your "employer" accounts. 

Any other organisation that thinks they would like to make use of the site for posting job vacancies please get in touch and I'll get you set up.

As ever, a reminder that I am human and some mistakes may be present here or there.  If you spot anything that needs tweaked or fixed please let me know!

(A note about jobseeker accounts vs employer accounts:  I've tried every way that I can think of to make the site work in such a way that a single user account could act as both a jobseeker and employer, but it seems impossible to make it actually workable. There are too many conflicts in trying to make a single account be able to access two very different control dashboards.  As a result the two groups require to be segregated.  Everybody should just have a jobseeker account while "employers" should have a second and separate employers account.  For example, I would have a personal account in the name of Eovart Grischun, which is my jobseekers account and separate to that I will also have a second employers account in the name of Minister of Stuff.  This actually has a longer term benefit in that when I no longer hold the office of MinStuff the account can be passed on to the next Minister and I would still be able to continue on as a jobseeker with my personal account later on.  So, regardless of whether you will be using the job board to post jobs or not, you should still make sure to have a regular jobseekers account for personal use. Registration is open for jobseekers now, however to limit confusion and mistakes I have disallowed registration for employers.  Employer accounts will need to be made manually by site admins.  In the first instance, I have created employer accounts for all Cabinet Ministries.  Any other organisation that requires an employers account please get in touch.  This is not limited to governmental or official business by the way.  Any and all organisations may make use of this site including cultural groups, newspaper and media outlets, anything.
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: [TERP] INTERIOR
September 19, 2020, 09:36:10 PM
S:rs Speakers,

Can I first say to the Honourable gentleman that I appreciate his level of participation and engagement with the immigration process.  I wish more people would reach out to our prospective citizens in the way that he has been doing.

The questionnaire was created using the well known technique of blatant plagiarism.  Almost all of the questions were taken from questions asked in the two recent Judicial appointment hearings that took place in the Senate.  This was primarily due to the complete lack of imagination and inspiration on my part and due to some haste in my wanting to get it published as quick as possible.

I would add that I am aware that some questions may be seen as useless fluff, but it's all mostly subjective stuff anyway.  What may seem an important question to one prospective citizen may appear completely useless to another, and vice versa. As long as the primary goal is being met in that at least one or two of the questionnaire answers manage to spur some level of discussion then I'd say it doesn't really matter what all the other answers are. 

Somewhat arguably, and definitely facetiously, the particular questions that the Honourable gentleman mentions may actually be providing very valuable information about applicants.  Everybody knows that Rocky IV is the best and to have no opinion on the correct ranking of the Rocky movies is a serious issue and possible red flag. 

I do agree that the questions should be reviewed and improved though.  This is maybe something that will happen over time and may even happen many times.  I am about to leave this Ministry, but maybe the next Minister would take the same stance as I would and say that suggestions for questions to be included are completely welcome.
Wittenberg / Re: No political arguments = Happier Talossa?
September 17, 2020, 11:31:53 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on September 17, 2020, 11:14:14 PM
One more point: I oppose the idea of abolishing the Chat Room because I think it's good for there to be a "Talossans-only" discussion forum. A group needs to have an internal space for discussions if it is to develop a healthy culture. The citizens-only fora in Penguinea were where all the good things happen; and as GV says in the History Project, private forums were crucial to allow the free debate which led to the end of KR1's tyranny.

Also, how about bringing back a forum along the lines of the old Republic's "Landing Pier" - a subforum open to Friends of Talossa as well as citizens, so we can get input from the outside world?

+1 for landing pier