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Messages - GV

I find it odd BenArd did not vote for himself.  At any rate, given a vote of 5-0 in favor of ESB, I declare this election done and Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu to be our new Mençei! 

Congratulations and all the best to all of us in the term to come.

GV, now-former-Mençei
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 19, 2021, 01:19:38 PM

Such a fine could be 'paid' by way of a contribution to any non-religious charitable organization with proof of contribution being sufficient as the 'fine' having been 'paid'.
Making this a general rule seems like it could lead to problems, with people deliberately donating to abhorrent causes to "stick it" to those who force them to pay a penalty.  Maybe it might make more sense to adapt it into a provision in the law which directs that BHAID issue recommendations on what part of a fine might be donated by the state and to which charities, where they deem appropriate?  Same result with more flexibility and less risk.

Three specific charities could be chosen in advance by Talossa for all manner of charitable-donations-by-Talossans.

One thing we must keep in mind is what Ben Madison at his best wanted Talossa to always remain as: free, fun, and fair.
As MinCulture (assuming appointment), one of my portfolio items is thus: "We will work with SIGN to create new Talossan language learning materials and to create both translated and original literature."

In the context of what SIGN needs as well as my conversation with Tafial in last week's Europe/Africa videoconference, I now know the above is moot.  SIGN is already taking the lead on all of this.

That being said, I can think of one thing I could do: make non-SIGN / "in cooperation with SIGN" videos, and that I will do.  I can also bring together a basic wordlist, and one of my goals for this week is to find one and run with it.

Anyway, what is SIGN's overall roadmap for, say, the next two years?

Many thanks for all you do!

GV, presumed incoming MinCulture

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 17, 2021, 08:30:03 PM
Still thinking about this. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

We need a durable and specific definition of 'treason'.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 09, 2021, 10:05:27 PM
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on June 09, 2021, 10:03:27 PM
without the class system, there are no maximum lengths for civil disability or maximum amounts for fines now.

ESB got 18 years civil disability, which was later overturned, which IMHO was ridiculous. 5 years maximum civil disability? 500 louis maximum fine (which would be half our total treasury)?

Perjury definition corrected.

Such a fine could be 'paid' by way of a contribution to any non-religious charitable organization with proof of contribution being sufficient as the 'fine' having been 'paid'. 
No more 'Kafetegia Talossa' name for Europe/Africa...unless having that different name for Europe/Africa works well.

28 June 2021:
1400 Central / 1900 UTC Café Talossa (Europe-Africa)
1900 Central / Café Talossa (Americas)

Zoom links for each to be posted no earlier than one hour to the Chat Room (this forum).

This past Tuesday was wonderful, and I look forward to more fun on Monday the 28th!

GV, presumed incoming MinCulture/Defence
Voting for the new Mençei has begun tonight Wednesday 16 June 2021 at 2000 CDT and concludes on Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 2000 CDT.  This per

This is the one place where you can cast your vote (unless I've got the standing orders wrong).  Yes, all, you may change your vote as often as you like until the deadline next Wecnesday evening (Talossan time).

Nominations received: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu and Béneditsch Ardpresteir

Let the games...begin.

Wittenberg / Re: Republic Records
June 16, 2021, 07:40:02 AM
Quote from: Ián S.G. Txaglh on June 16, 2021, 07:29:08 AM
if interested, i have in my personal archive some stuff from republic times.

i have all three of my small side projects & contributions archived (el verbånd talossán dal ficziun siensiâ & whisky; cxhn. inâ és cxhn. minâ - comicseu de talossa d'iens vidançeu suôrschár; el gac'hláivasqåb ¡büvetz-noi és cîntetz-noi!) + plus some stuff from my ministerial times (i was like two times cultmin in republic) - some immigration posters, one historical proclamation and suchs. i was also the peculiarist (NPW) who advocated non-derivativist looks at republic of talossa (movamáintsch për l'estat da talossa).

Put everything you have to  If you need access, send me a PM, and I'll drop you an invite.

Thank you so much!
Wittenberg / What a beautiful videoconference...
June 15, 2021, 05:25:27 PM
Once I realized I had lost track of time and was an hour late, I joined the meeting, though Ián Tamoran had to start his own Zoom meeting, but the first installment of Kafetegia Talossa (Europe/Africa) was a rousing success in every respect.

Ián Tamoran, Danihel Txechescu, and Tafial started things off at 2pm Central.  I showed up promptly at 3pm Central (smh), and Txescuoah (sp?????) came on at about 4pm Central.  Ián had to leave at about 4:30pm Central, and we ended our festivities at about 5:15pm Central. 

This whole thing could not have gone any better, and I can't wait for Café Talossa tonight!  Thanks be to God for self-starters Ián T., Danihel T., and Tafial!

GV - presumed incoming MinCulture-Defence

Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on June 15, 2021, 11:14:48 AM
Keep in mind this thread, being on Wittenberg instead of the Chat Room, is visible to non-citizens. You might want to redact the link just to be safe.

Done.  Thanks!
Quote from: mpf on June 14, 2021, 04:37:52 AM
I vote for ESB for Mencei

Vote noted and will become official on Wednesday when nominations run out.
Hee, hee...  I'm from Texas, too!
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on June 12, 2021, 07:37:35 PM
19:00 UTC = 14:00 CDT = 21:00 CEST = 07:00 NZST
(Here's a link to the timezone converter I used)

This would work for me (and maybe Kiwis if they wake up early enough). Though I must say, I'm a bit disappointed that we have to split up these calls by timezones for practical reasons...

Anyone is welcome on any Zoom/video meetup.  But yes, we must be practical, alas.
[Invite link on Chat Room forum]

At last, a video meetup for Talossans across the Pond.  For Asia-Pacific, if I can get some interest there, I'll set up a third separate Zoom meetup.

I will eventually want permanent undersecretaries (MinCulture) for Kafetegia Talossa (café in Basque) and Kawhe Talossa (café in Maori) who can handle all things about those events including platform, time, frequency, and whatever else.

For now, my next Tuesday will be spent doing Talossa with friends over videoconferencing with my horrible camera and mic.

For Kafetegia Talossa, I will post a Zoom link to Witt and the Chat Room at Noon Central for the 1pm Central meetup. 

The hope is for a 1900 Greenwich meetup.  If someone could let me know if my timezone calculations are working... 

Can't wait, all!

GV, presumed incoming MinCulture