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Messages - Sir Lüc

On RZ5, Ün proxhet [legeu] per ultimar la coreziun dal lemă, I vote Per.

On RZ6, The Second Talossan Government Transparency Act, I vote Per.

On RZ7, The Land Acknowledgment Act, I abstain.

On RZ8, The One Milestone At A Time Act, I vote Contra, as this is a government initiative that does not require legislation.

On RZ9, Sense of the Ziu: Eurovision Song Contest 2023, I abstain.

On RZ10, the Budget and Financial Planning Bill for the 58th Cosa, I vote Per.

On the Vote of Confidence, I abstain with pomp and neutral Túischac'h-ness.
A quick note that relates to three of the five Terpelaziuns recently posed by M:sr del Val - this one, the one titled "Immigration Fraud" and the one titled "Deletion of Posts on Witt".

In the opinion of the chair, and specifically regarding my interpretation of Lex.H.2.2 and Lex.H.2.8, a Terpelaziun must be asked to a single named Cabinet minister. It is not in order for a Terpelaziun to be directed to "the Seneschal, the Distain, or another appropriate Minister"; such a question could not be regarded as a well-formed Terpelaziun and the Government would have no obligation to reply. (Although they still may choose to, of course -- but I'd still like to encourage Members to submit properly formed Terps.)

As such, I would like to kindly invite M:sr del Val to amend these three sets of questions to identify the specific member of the government they are addressing.

(Edit: apologies, it's three of five Terps, not four.)
Wittenberg / Re: black screen
March 31, 2023, 08:06:17 AM
I switched you over to the light version of the new theme, does that work better for you?
No objections.
For the record, after the first Plätschisch Cabinet took office, the then-Cabinet forum was wiped and its contents turned over to the Archivist. These comprised the private records of the Siervicül Cabinet (in one batch) and the second and third Da Schir Cabinets (in another, separate batch).
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
March 10, 2023, 12:15:00 PM
It's all linked; I haven't investigated in depth yet, merely looked at the error console, but I assume the database has been copied over without updating certain paths, and lots of JS is broken as a result.
Since the statutory deadline for replying to this Terpelaziun is fast approaching, may I reiterate to the Cosă that I have signified elsewhere I would be lax in enforcing timely answers, as long as the current instability in our web hosting persists.

Either way, polite reminder about this question to the Seneschal @Breneir Tzaracomprada.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 09, 2023, 05:28:11 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on March 09, 2023, 02:51:57 PMEstimat Túischac'h, are interjections to formal TERP threads like this permitted? Still awaiting the Minister of STUFF's reply to my supplemental question.

With all due respect to Dama Miestra, in previous terpelaziuns, it has been regarded as perfectly fine. As an example, there is precedent from a few months ago from... well, Dama Miestra.

While I thank the Baron for providing precedent, I must note that all of the examples he provided represent contributions that came either after the supplemental question has been answered, or after the questioner signified their intention not to ask a supplemental question at all.

I do agree with my predecessor's previous ruling that debate in Terp threads is admissible if on topic, but my interpretation of the question-and-answer dynamic is that until the back-and-forth has concluded in one of those two ways, the questioner and the minister responding hold the floor in turn, and it would not be in order for an extraneous contribution to be made, unless it was on a point of order.
Thank you, I only did what I was supposed to, but the gesture is much appreciated.
Wittenberg / Re: Witt outage and data loss recap
March 03, 2023, 05:02:42 PM
So, re. the offer of free hosting:

Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on March 03, 2023, 09:44:16 AMI've spoken with our hosting provider who is very upset this all happened. Because things were still mostly working, he (and we) had no idea of the coming calamity. The small-ish problems we started having were symptoms, but Steven at DoRoyal was working hard with us to figure out the problem. It wasn't until the 1st that he discovered the issue, and by then it was too late. I'm not going to place blame with DoRoyal as it looks like the real problem lies with a vendor used by DoRoyal.

His offer of indefinite free service is very generous and we should seriously consider it.

I tend to agree with Txec's assessment here, and I'm the cleanup guy. DoRoyal has always been pretty quick and helpful in responding to tickets; I'm not sure we can get better support elsewhere, and free hosting is kinda unbeatable.

It's not my call to make, ultimately, and I'll assist the government with implementing whatever they decide.

QuoteWe might also look into a way to do our own backups for the future. I'm not sure this is possible, but I do believe Witt backups can be done.

We did do our own weekly backups, and it didn't help, because those are on the old server we were migrated off of. Meanwhile, the ones on this new server were useless because they were all snapshots of the migrated copy on Feb 14.

Unfortunately, I think GV is the only one who ever used to grab backups and save them locally, and unless he happened to do so after Feb 19, the "old server backups" are probably gone.
Wittenberg / Re: Witt outage and data loss recap
March 03, 2023, 04:26:43 PM
Quote from: Lüc on March 03, 2023, 09:32:34 AMAnything else you (Lüc) need to do before we're 100% back up and running?
Yes, some customizations are missing, such as the favicons (no biggie) and Tapatalk integration. Also, as mentioned, email redirects need to be restored. All shall be done later today.

Done, I think. Do keep reporting issues on this thread as you find them, though!
Wittenberg / Re: CoA
March 03, 2023, 02:46:00 PM
Nevermind, I'm told MinTech Dan T was on it already, and it should be fixed now.
Wittenberg / Re: CoA
March 03, 2023, 02:42:38 PM
Sorry, I was seeing people had avatars up and assumed someone else went in to fix it while I was out for groceries. I'll take a look.
As detailed on Discord, it was just a matter of re-adding those namespaces to the settings file, which has been done.
Wittenberg / Re: Witt outage and data loss recap
March 03, 2023, 09:34:39 AM
Please use this thread to discuss the outage and as a Q&A / error reporting thread of sorts as well. I'll do my best to reply and fix anything that needs fixing.