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Messages - Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Maricopa / Re: Electing a Premieir - 59th Cosa
October 18, 2023, 07:18:53 PM
I nominate myself as Premieir of Maricopa.
Maricopa / Re: Opening the Cabana - 59th Cosa
October 18, 2023, 07:18:11 PM
I claim my seat in the Cabana.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on October 18, 2023, 03:39:04 PMI'm not sure I agree with the interpretation of the vote of confidence. It seems to me that legally there has to be a vote of confidence, but also that it could not have any effect either way.

That's entirely possible. This is uncharted territory. :-)
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on October 18, 2023, 01:33:26 PMJust to confirm, votes will be weighted by seats?

Yes, sorry, I meant to add that in.

Edit: I've added it in. I'm also working on a proposed law to codify this process for future Cosas.
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on October 18, 2023, 11:28:18 AMThank you @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB and @Miestră Schivă, UrN  for your proposal, which is a very good proposal

Just for clarification S:reu Sant-Enogat, is this the TNC signing off on the proposed rules? Graschias.
MC's for the 59th Cosa

Name  Party  Seats
Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN  TNC  20
Bråneu Excelsio  TNC  21
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu  TNC  20
Muhammed Yasir  TNC  20
þerxh Sant-Enogat  TNC  20
Munditenens Tresplet  DIEN  15
Miestră Schivă  FreeDems  22
Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir  FreeDems  23
Lüc da Schir  FreeDems  23
Cresti da Nouăcastră  FreeDems  8
Txoteu É. Davinescu  FreeDems  8
It is presumed that under El.Lex.B.2.3, as DIEN did not submit a list of citizens for the Cosa that S:reu Tresplet is the sole seat holder. All that remains is for the Free Democrats to name their MCs. Once that has been accomplished, the Cosa should elect a Túischac'h and proceed with nominations for Seneschal. My suggestion is the Túischac'h from the 58th Cosa begin the discussions.
I've updated the proposed rules to include Dame Miestra's proposed rule for a tie-breaker.
Wittenberg / Re: Senäts SNAFU
October 18, 2023, 06:21:43 AM
The problem is compounded because without a Mençei and a Tuischach, we have no CRL and no bills can be put forward for the first Clark. I'd highly suggest that the current Seneschal call for a month of recess so these issues can be sorted out.

Regardless of whether someone may be claiming a different result Senator, you were declared the winner so you have nothing to worry about. You clearly met the requirements of ranked choice voting and won on the second tally. That election is resolved.
Mximo, you won the election on the second tally, so I fail to see what your issue is other than write-in votes. Why would we disallow that? I may not agree with certain Talossans who use write-ins in the manner they were used, but we also have citizens who are not active or even use Wittenberg. We need to allow write-ins for those citizens so they can still participate. Removing write-ins risks disenfranchising voters, which is distasteful to me.
- Under the provisions of Organic Law Article VI Section 2, should a Seneschal not be appointed prior to the first day of the first Clark, a Ranked Choice Vote to select the Seneschal shall appear on the First Clark.
- As the database is not currently equipped for this purpose, voting for Seneschal shall occur in a thread on Wittenberg concurrently with the First Clark.
- Only MC's may vote for a Seneschal. Senators have no vote.
- As Organic Law is relatively thin on the provisions of ranked choice voting for a Seneschal, the Chancery hereby proposes the following rules for voting:
- Votes shall be weighted by the number of seats assigned to each MC.
- Each party represented in the Cosa shall nominate one candidate for Seneschal prior to the posting of voting on Wittenberg. This should be done even if a Seneschal is elected prior to voting to ensure enough time for the actual vote.
- On the voting thread, there should be NO discussion or comments other than ranked choices.
- MC's will rank the candidates for Seneschal by preference (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) MC's should rank all candidates to avoid their ballots becoming exhausted.
- Should an MC rank the same candidate more than once, only the first appearance of that candidate on their ballot shall be counted.
- Failing to vote in the Seneschal election by an MC shall not count as a missed Clark unless that MC also fails to vote on the Clark itself.
- If a Seneschal candidate wins an outright majority of first-preference votes (50 percent plus 1) he or she will be declared the winner.
- If no Seneschal candidate wins an outright majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated.
- All first-preference votes for the failed candidate are eliminated. Second preference choices on these ballots are then elevated to first-preference.
- A new tally is conducted to determine whether any candidate has won an outright majority of the adjusted votes.
- The process is repeated until either a candidate wins a majority of votes cast or a tie exists.
- If there's a tie after preferences, then we revert to the result of the previous round (which, in the case of only 3 candidates, would be the plurality result, i.e. just whoever gets the most first preferences). Only if it's still a tie then should we go for a revote on the second Clark.

As far as the required Vote of Confidence on each Clark, as there would be no new government in place should this election occur, the Chancery believes that the VoC would apply to the existing Seneschal and his Cabinet that was appointed during the 58th Cosa. However, should the VoC fail, a new election would need to be called.

Discussion should be by MCs only. I don't want this thread to become a free-for-all as it is vital that we have rules in place before the first Clark.

updated to include Miestra's proposed change to the tie-breaker.
TANDI QE Yanier González Amaró tent compiaçat toct i resquiraziuns lexhitais per l'aðmiçiun àl Regipäts Talossan, es tent comvimçat la naziun es noi da sieu intereçù in la citaxhienità Talossan (la Mhiglhor Cosă Qe L'Erxhent Non Put Comprar), da sieu intenziun es desireu à partiçipar in noastră vidă naziunal, es da sieu leialtà àl Coronă, noi sint rat es þonourat àð aðmiçar perventüră Yanier González Amaró àl statüs exaltat del/dal  570-l:t CITAXHIÉN VEITAT/VEITADĂ DEL REGIPÄTS TALOSSAN, es dal provinçù Maritiimi-Maxhestic, cün toct i drepts, privilexhuns, es deveirs qi sint iherinds à ça.

Fäts par va mha in la nómină del Regeu Ian es sub sieu Saxhel Rexhital li 16. Listopäts in l'anneu dal eră comun 2023, in el 14-l:t anneu del röin da noastra soveran cortös Regeu Ian, es el 44-l:t dal independençù da Talossa.

Secretár d'Estat

WHEREAS Yanier González Amaró has completed all the legal requirements for admission to the Kingdom of Talossa, and has satisfied the nation and us of his interest in Talossan citizenship (the Best Thing Money Can't Buy), of his intention and desire to participate in our national life, and of his loyalty to the Crown, we are pleased and honoured hereby to admit Yanier González Amaró to the exalted status of the 570th NATURALISED CITIZEN OF THE KINGDOM OF TALOSSA, and of the province of Maritiimi-Maxhestic , with all the rights, privileges, and duties thereunto appertaining.

Done by my hand in the name of King John and under his Royal Seal this 16th day of October in the year of the common era 2023, in the 14th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 44th.

Secretary of State

We are about two weeks out from the first Clark and we have unresolved business. To date, no party has named MC's (this could be due to the issue of Senate elections in two provinces). Also, no party has publicly began a petition to the King for a new Seneschal.

Our guiding principle here is OrgLaw VI Section 2 which states, "The Seneschal shall be selected by each newly elected Cosâ. When the King is presented with a petition to appoint a Seneschal, signed by MCs who together hold a majority of seats in the Cosâ as then constituted, the person named in the petition shall be appointed by the King to be the Seneschal. Should no such petition be made by the first day of the first Clark, that Clark shall include a Ranked Choice Vote to select the Seneschal. Each party holding seats in the Cosa may nominate one candidate for this election."

Should no party successfully petition for a new Seneschal, the first Clark will include a ranked-choice election for Seneschal. This is a bit unprecedented and, sadly, the database may not be able to handle this particular portion. It is my intent, therefore, to create a thread in this forum dedicated to each MC's votes for Seneschal. It will run the duration of the Clark, but will not be included in the database version. I hope this will not be a problem for any of the parties and we don't need to resort to this option. However, time is short and plans must be made by the Chancery.
Wittenberg / ¡Felicia nadaliça, Dama Miestrâ!!
October 16, 2023, 07:37:17 AM
Happy birthday Dame Miestrâ Schivâ!