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Messages - Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

I like it. Incorporating the fez was a good move.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on May 16, 2022, 02:16:58 PM
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, MoFA on May 16, 2022, 01:38:26 PM
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since @Aleksandr Belkin first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has in that time demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and language, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

THEREFORE I, Mic'haglh Autófil, a citizen in good standing of the Province of Benito and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by these presents petition the Secretary of State @Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM to issue a grant of citizenship to Aleksandr Belkin, as specified by law.

His first post was on May 2, 2022. A petition can only be accepted once the prospective citizen has at least 15 days (counting the day of the first post). This petition is one day early, and instead of rejecting it outright, I will therefore act on this petition tomorrow, May 17, 2022.

Ah, Ian's initial post said it was the 16th, sorry.
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since @Aleksandr Belkin first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has in that time demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and language, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

THEREFORE I, Mic'haglh Autófil, a citizen in good standing of the Province of Benito and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by these presents petition the Secretary of State @Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM to issue a grant of citizenship to Aleksandr Belkin, as specified by law.
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
May 16, 2022, 02:13:09 AM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 15, 2022, 03:58:48 PM
Ha ha, Kerry scoring a goal on the hated Dubs, many of my Irish friends will like that

Always been for Galway more myself, but I figured Gaelic football is probably actually closer to what futbol Talossan looks like. H-shaped goal, spherical ball, etc.
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
May 15, 2022, 03:10:00 PM
Talossan Football Association
Week 6

Aquilăs da Benito 19 – 13 Capitais d'Atatürk
Canards da Cézembre 10 – 16 Repúblicánistaes da Fiôvâ
Squilats da Cjovaní 10 – 19 Pastours da Florencia
Soleiglhen da Maricopa 17 – 11 Nevitsch da Péngöpäts

North Division
POS    Team                    GP   Pts    W    L    PF    PA   Diff    Win %
  1    Cézembre                 6     9    3    3   102   123    -21    0.500
  2    Atatürk                  4     6    2    2    78    50    +28    0.500
  3    Vuode                    4     6    2    2    69    78     -9    0.500
  4    Cjovaní                  5     6    2    3    74    98    -24    0.400
  5    Benito                   5     3    1    4    77   112    -35    0.200

South Division
  1    Maritiimi-Maxhestic      5    12    4    1    99    70    +29    0.800
  2    Péngöpäts                5     9    3    2    82    87     -5    0.600
  3    Maricopa                 6     9    3    3   122    83    +38    0.500
  4    Florencia                4     6    2    2    81    64    +17    0.500
  5    Fiôvâ                    4     6    2    2    58    77    -19    0.500

On head-to-head points, Atatürk beats Vuode and Florencia beats Fiôvâ.
I hereby assign the PdR's two seats to myself, since I'm definitely the only Benitian in the party :P
The certified election results are:

TNC    2
PDR    1

Votes for PRESENT, are not used for allocating seats, so five votes were cast for seats. There are no apparent issues of interpretation. Therefore, using the Hare-Niemeyer method:

Talossan National Congress: 3 of 5 votes: (3/5) * 11 = 6.6
Free Democrats of Talossa: 1 of 5 votes: (1/5) * 11 = 2.2
Partì da Reformaziun: 1 of 5 votes: (1/5) * 11 = 2.2

That's 6 initial seats for TNC, 2 each for FreeDems and PdR. TNC has the highest remainder (0.6 to the 0.2 of the other parties), so they get the as-yet-unassigned eleventh and final seat.

7 seats for TNC
2 for FreeDems
2 for PdR

I invite party leaders to name their Members of the Assembly. (paging @Breneir Tzaracomprada and @Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM )
Wittenberg / Re: Some More Fun with Flags
May 11, 2022, 05:04:21 PM
Howdy folks! Back again with another vaguely-discussed merger proposal and what it could mean for Talossan vexillology. In this case, we have a union of Benito and Vuode, which I have tentatively referred to as Gjandă. A Talossanization of ghianda -- the Italian word for acorn -- the name is chosen to refer to the area's historic role as the seat of the Oldest-Growth Talossans, using a term meant to evoke the national mammal, the squirrel, while also nodding to the Italian-heavy population of the Benito area in particular. Acorns are very small objects that can become very large, sturdy oak trees, and it is hoped that Talossa shall endure in similar fashion despite the humility of its beginnings.

So what then of Vuode? Taken from the Finnish word for bed (albeit a butchered pronunciation), the province appears to only survive in fairly abstract terms. Hence, to strengthen this association somewhat, I chose to go fairly hard in this direction with the flag design. While not taken from the flag of Vuode itself, the flag is an explicit nod to the province's "mother tongue", as well as that of the national motto and even that of the nation's name itself. Utilizing the exact proportions of the flag of Finland (including the unusual 11:18 ratio), the flag consists of the Bicoloreu overlaid with a white Nordic cross. An alternate design, also shown below, positions this division of the field as a vertical one, evoking the Italian tricolor in another nod to Benitian influence.


Cantonal Flags

Garibaldi Canton
Keeping the gear/star emblem from the previous entry, now using the 5-3-10 stripe widths from the Finnish flag (in other words, these cantonal flags also all utilize the 11:18 ratio)

Mazzini Canton
Similarly keeping the eagle/star emblem, ported to the new design theme.

Vuode Canton
The historic seat of Talossa gets something slightly different. As you all may have noticed ( :P ), I'm a fan of somewhat modernist, geometric flag design. Especially considering that this sort of design school was more in vogue when Talossa was founded, it seems fitting to apply it to the historic heart of the nation. As a result -- and to fit the theme -- I created a design inspired by the Sami flag, tweaked to fit the overall template.

Dun Cestour Canton
Dun Cestour Canton is comprised of three parishes, one of which is named in reference to Fritz von Buchholtz, Baron of Capitol & Locust. A key figure in Talossan history, both "ancient" and more modern, von Buchholtz's arms are represented in a minimalist interpretation on the division of the field here.
I support this amendment, with the ambiguity-reducing changes recommended.
I don't know why there's no Like button on this post, but there should be. Consider this my surrogate. :P
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
May 08, 2022, 04:54:26 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 08, 2022, 04:39:47 PM
This is an unfair travesty, the referee showed blatant favoritism, they were offsides, etc

Sounds like me watching the Stanley Cup playoffs sometimes
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
May 08, 2022, 04:14:54 PM
Talossan Football Association
Week 5

Squilats da Cjovaní 19 – 20 Canards da Cézembre
Repúblicánistaes da Fiôvâ 16 – 17 Nevitsch da Péngöpäts
Soleiglhen da Maricopa 16 – 6 Escunăs da Maritiimi-Maxhestic
Rexhitaes da Vuode 22 – 14 Aquilăs da Benito

Down goes #1!

North Division
POS    Team                    GP   Pts    W    L    PF    PA   Diff    Win %
  1    Cézembre                 5     9    3    2    92   107    -14    0.600
  2    Atatürk                  3     6    2    1    65    31    +34    0.667
  3    Cjovaní                  4     6    2    2    64    79    -15    0.500
  4    Vuode                    4     6    2    2    69    78     -9    0.500
  5    Benito                   4     0    0    4    58    99    -41    0.000

South Division
  1    Maritiimi-Maxhestic      5    12    4    1    99    70    +29    0.800
  2    Péngöpäts                4     9    3    1    71    70     +1    0.750
  3    Maricopa                 5     6    2    3   105    72    +33    0.400
  4    Florencia                3     3    1    2    62    54     +8    0.333
  5    Fiôvâ                    3     3    1    2    42    67    -25    0.333

On head-to-head points, Cjovaní beats Vuode and Florencia beats Fiôvâ.
If "badges and banners may be adopted by armigers at will," does that mean only armigerous Talossans may register badges?
I think the "Cultural Failure", "Rarity", and "Not Advanced Enough" reasons all sort of blend together a bit -- to me it would seem that it's likely a combination of them.

We may not be advanced enough, but the rarity of species that achieve some sort of interstellar communication also makes it more likely that whatever alien life does exist is trapped in a similar isolating box due to their own insufficient advancement.