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Messages - Ian Plätschisch

Wittenberg / Ending the Boycott of TNC Legislation
July 24, 2022, 12:23:36 PM
Boycotting the TNC legislation over their failure to make any statement on promised Monarchy reform was not the right thing to do.

Not because it didn't produce any results, or that I've been convinced it's not an appropriate tactic. We knew going in that the TNC might not respond, and I stand by ethics of our decision.

It wasn't the right thing to do because it has made participating in Talossa way less enjoyable for everyone. I expected everyone to get spirited, instead everyone got downright pissed at each other and it's made Wittenberg a real drag. I've gotten several reports from my Ministers that it's more and more difficult to get motivated to be engaged, and I don't imagine that having to read through lots of people yelling at each other is fun for anyone. I can see my own posts getting snarkier and angrier and I don't like it; that's not the person I want to be.

It's my duty as Seneschal to make people want to be Talossans; all that the boycott has accomplished is make people want to flee for the hills. It's not healthy, and so it's ending now.

Based on their willingness to agree to the joint statement here, I believe that the TNC will accept this olive branch. I hope they recognize that a lot of their discourse has come off as either plainly contemptuous or slyly calculated to push the FreeDem's buttons. I know this gets said a lot, but everyone (including me) needs to remember that there are real people behind the screen. Talossa is not a role playing game; being a jerk has consequences.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." -Matthew 5:9

Long live Talossa! Long live the King!

Ian Plätschisch,
The FreeDems, PdR, and TNC recognize that all parties have at times failed to treat each other with respect and kindness, and that Talossa is less fun for us all as a result. We commit to raising the level of political discourse as we continually seek to grow and improve the Kingdom.

Free Democrats of Talossa
Partì da Reformaziun
Talossan National Congress
Wittenberg / 57PD06: National Gimme Shelter Day
July 23, 2022, 11:01:20 AM
WHEREAS The Talossan Music Top 20 is one of Talossa's oldest continually operating cultural institutions, being held every year since 2015, and

WHEREAS The Song "Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones has achieved a nearly unparalleled level of success in these contests, bring the only song to place in the Top 3 four consecutive times, and one of only two songs to win more than once, most recently this year, and

WHEREAS "Gimme Shelter" has a strong claim to the unofficial title of "Talossa's favorite song", and

WHEREAS The budget for the 57th Cosa authorizes a $25 donation in John Eiffler's (Art Verbotten's) name to a "fitting organization"

THEREFORE I hereby declare July 24th, 2022 to be "National Gimme Shelter Day"

FURTHERMORE, upon the King's assent to the budget, I authorize the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to make a $25 donation to the Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity in memory of Art Verbotten.

Ian Plätschisch,
Wittenberg / [FINANCE] Burgermeister Update
July 23, 2022, 10:09:59 AM
After a long search that yielded few volunteers, our excellent Secretary of State, Txec dal Nordselva, has agreed to step in as interim Burgermeister of Inland Revenue. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing Burgermeister, Istefan Perþonest, for a job well done over many years.

Of course, there are justifiable concerns about vesting the same individual with two offices of vital importance. That is why S:reu Nordselva will only serve as Butgermeister on an interim basis. Specifically, he will not still be Burgermeister by the next budget. If necessary, I myself will volunteer to be Burgermeister once my term as Seneschal is complete.

Ian Plätschisch,
Seneschal and Minister of Finance
Quote from: Tric'hard Lenxheir on July 22, 2022, 09:26:15 PM
I find it a bit sad that so few seem to agree with the sentiment of this post. 3 publicly and 1 in a private message express agreement and so many others apparently wish to keep the current trend of mudslinging, insults and generally treating each other with complete disrespect alive and well. Very sad day.
Don't jump to conclusions too soon.
Just so everyone knows, this offer is repeatable. Another 20 edits, another Day of Observance.
Wittenberg / Re: 57PD05: Talossan Coffee Day
July 22, 2022, 12:12:48 PM
This morning I enjoyed a coffee and banana smoothie.
Wittenberg / Re: 57PD05: Talossan Coffee Day
July 21, 2022, 09:55:19 PM
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on July 20, 2022, 09:55:27 PM
Azul, citizen Ian Plätschisch, Seneschal.

I have completed 20 wiki edits and request a day of observance entitled "Feïra d'el cafè Talossan", or "Talossan Coffee Day".

On this day, citizens that wish to conmemorate the ocassion shall share and enjoy a cup of coffee with someone at any time of the day.

During "Feïra d'el cafè Talossan" (or the day after) citizens would be encouraged to share a picture of the cups of coffee they had that day with this information:
* Who was the coffee shared with and at what time.
* How was the coffee made.
* From which region of the world was that particular coffee.

Even though none of this information is mandatory, a Thread shall be made, titled "(Year) Feïra d'el cafè Talossan" where citizens can share their pictures.

This I think will enhance our days and would create a moment of peace that allows us to be in the moment. No distractions (as the "enjoy the cup of coffee" part IS mandatory).

Also it would make us connect with each other in Talossa and with our immediate surroundings, improving our general physical and mental health.

Pictures related as I took them while thinking of this proposal.
Wittenberg / 57PD05: Talossan Coffee Day
July 21, 2022, 09:55:14 PM
WHEREAS Bråneu Excelsio has made 20 edits to the wiki and is thus entitled to a Day of Observance of his choosing, and

WHEREAS he has requested a day to celebrate enjoying coffee with others

THEREFORE I declare July 22nd, 2022 to be Talossan Coffee Day

Ian Plätschisch
Wittenberg / Re: 57PD04: Peacebuilders Day
July 19, 2022, 09:46:08 PM
Fun fact: the modern "peace sign" is a combination of the semaphore signals for "N" and "D", for "Nuclear Disarmament"
Wittenberg / 57PD04: Peacebuilders Day
July 19, 2022, 09:43:28 PM
WHEREAS Breneir Tzaracomprada has made 20 edits to the wiki and is thus entitled to a Day of Observance of his choosing, and

WHEREAS he has requested a day in honor of advocates of non-violence

THEREFORE I declare July 20th, 2022 to be "Peacebuilders Day"

Ian Plätschisch
Honorable Tuischac'h,

The Minister of Defense has made this declaration:

QuoteThe Honours System will be posted in the Defence Section for review on August 1st along with the Ranks. I will have the spelling corrections completed and ready for the Ziu in a month from today, if not before. The Request for Arms is almost finished and will be submitted this week. And lastly, the Captain will have a rank structure and org table for approval by August 1.

If any of these projects are not completed by the promised time, the Honorable Minister will be dismissed and replaced immediately.

Ian Plätschisch,
Wittenberg / Re: 57PD03: Day of the Teacher
July 18, 2022, 09:06:13 PM
Back during lockdown times, a math youtuber I follow streamed a series of live lectures. They were aimed at high schoolers, but I enjoyed watching some of them as well, especially this one:
Wittenberg / 57PD03: Day of the Teacher
July 18, 2022, 09:00:22 PM
WHEREAS To encourage citizens to update the wiki, I have promised to declare a day of observance at the request of any citizen who makes twenty updates, and

WHEREAS Our Secretary of State Txec dal Nordselva has made twenty edits and requested that I proclaim a day in celebration of teachers

THEREFORE I declare July 19th, 2022 the Day of the Teacher

Ian Plätschisch,
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on July 18, 2022, 07:57:47 PM
Azul! I want to know if there's like an Organization Chart  with the current state of affairs about Talossan Positions in the Government.

I found this list and just want to know if is up to date so I can edit a few thingys in the Wiki :)

I won't touch anything related to it until I'm told its safe to do it.

Thank you!
That link is mostly not up to date. The most recent cabinet appointments are here: