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Messages - Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 24, 2020, 06:42:48 PM
Let me be clear: I might consider being elected Head of State, but not if it comes with the title of "King". I'm allergic to that. "Regent" I could just about handle.

(Talossan conservatives suddenly switch to insisting we keep the title "King" to keep me out of it :D )

You'd seriously pass up the opportunity to become the second female King in Talossan history? Who knows, maybe you'd also get a province named after yourself eight years later! It'd also be a fitting end to the Republic arc, imho.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 24, 2020, 06:09:00 PM
On the use of the term "Republic". For reasons of historical continuity, I'm shying away from that, as too much of a hutsch-tú to our monarchist citizens. My preferred solution would be for Talossa to remain a Kingdom with a Permanently Empty Throne, powers to be held by an elected Regent or perhaps Steward. I did consider whether changing to "the Realm of Talossa" might be nice, but I found out that the Talossan word for realm is reic'h, so no thanks.

Assuming things ever get this far, what would stop us from calling that future elected head of state "King"? The Talossan monarchy has always been de facto elective, how far off would it be to impose a fixed term on the office as well?
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Ár glheþ in direct
October 24, 2020, 05:52:28 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 24, 2020, 05:43:13 PMI don't think an ALL-glheþ broadcast is necessary or possible, but just one in which we show off the pronunciation of some commonly used words. I don't know if you were watching, but the Leader of the Opposition pronounced "Ziu" in two different ways in his rebuttal, lol.

It should be a live dialogue at best, because honestly I don't know whether you guys pronounce the same way as I do.
Fair enough. Perhaps it'd help to combat the Cestourats' tendency to pronounce the L in azul and other such things, and I think I heard some pronunciation errors in your oath as well? Error might be too strong of a word, but I believe you stressed the adverbial ending -mint at some point, I missed your speech so I cant verify that until the VoD is uploaded.

(I remember that I always used to pronounce the O in Talossa in the same way as in English "loss" until I was forcibly corrected.)
Hey, I also do that!
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Ár glheþ in direct
October 24, 2020, 05:35:13 PM
I'm all in favour. The only problem with that would be that the vast majority of Ladintschen are nowhere near fluent enough for this to work live (at least I'm certainly not, I have to look up every other word). What we could do in the meantime would be to have some kind of (semi-)scripted show, not sure what that would look like in practice though.
Is there a reason why the logo has the flag upside down? I've been subscribed to the channel for years and I've only just realised it...
Wittenberg / Re: Can an Absent Ruler Still Be a Ruler?
October 14, 2020, 05:02:14 PM
Quote from: Éovart Andrinescù on October 14, 2020, 03:53:42 PM
How do you say 'bruh' in Talossan?

Slang does not translate well at all. If you must, you could say "frat" or something.
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on October 13, 2020, 12:44:44 PM
The alternative being that you end up restricted by a document written a couple of hundred years ago in a different age with different needs and without foresight of what the future may bring.  I have a lot of problems with Westminster, but the ad hoc and pragmatic nature of British constitutional affairs is not one of them.

Constitutions can be (and are) regularly updated and patched. The American notion of treating their Constitution almost like a holy text is as alien to me as it is to you, I'm sure.

But I do believe that there must be barriers against abuse, and a written constitition seems to me like the best way of setting them up. The German constitution for example can be changed with a supermajority in both chambers of Parliament, no problem, except for its first and twentieth article, which deal with the inviolability of human dignity and the concepts of republicanism, democracy, federalism, popular sovereignty, rule of law and the right to resist against anyone planning to undermine or overthrow this liberal democratic basic order, respectively. Everything else is fair game. Of course, it helps that the German constitution isnt hundreds of years old, but you get the idea.
Honestly parliamentary supremacy is probably one of the worst concepts of the British political system. It basically means everything is ad hoc, and the only thing that prevents abuse on a massive scale is either precedent (which can always be disregarded since Parliament is supreme) or the good will of every actor involved. It's a recipe for disaster.
I found something:

Quote from: Miestră in 2014Eric: the Talossan word I chose for Opposition leader - amazed that there was none in the formal dictionary - was tanáischteu, from the Irish meaning "successor" or "alternative".

I think Tanaischteu (no accent mark since leaving it out wouldnt change the pronunciation) is good.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 12, 2020, 05:21:15 PM
Possibly. The latter is the spelling we used in the Republic, but you're right that the former looks more linguistically correct.

Ah, if it's been in use already then I of course rescind my objection.

Wait, TalossaWiki says the spelling was Tanáischteu. What gives?
El Glheþ Talossan / Översteir 1.1.0
October 12, 2020, 06:10:32 PM
Attention all Ladintschen and Ladintschen-to-be: the New Översteir has just gotten a big new update!

It now automatically inflect nouns and adjectives for number and gender so you don't have to go through the complicated pluralisation rules all by yourself (trust me, setting it up was the stuff of nightmares, and I still feel bad for subjecting Lüc to them...)

Another new nifty feature is having the choice between using the New Översteir in English or Talossan, it's all translated and fully functional (except the update info that I'm in the middle of translating as I type this).

There are a few other changes as well so if you want to know what else is new, or which features are planned for future releases (like pronunciation guides, fancy!), follow the link above and read the aforementioned update info.

I'd like to thank Lüc da Schir as always for his excellent work, for which he still doesnt credit himself properly for some reason. Without his continued efforts, this project literally wouldn't exist. You think I could just write a new Översteir from scratch??

Please let me know if you find any bugs or errors (as they're probably my fault) or if you have a comment you'd like me to see. Use the Bug Report / Word Suggestion form for that, it's linked at the New Översteir. Also keep in mind that these comments and bug reports are completely anonymous, so if you want me to get back to you, include contact details of some kind in your report. I've actually gotten a translation request for an app through that form and to this day I have no idea who sent it.

Anyway, that is all. Enjoy the New Översteir 1.1.0!
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Syllabification?
October 12, 2020, 04:50:05 PM
Sure. Syllabification is useful when writing blocks of text with a fixed width for example.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 12, 2020, 04:26:07 PM
Can we get an opinion on Tanaïschteu (m) "leader of the opposition"?

Thats from tánaiste ['t̪ˠaːn̪ˠəʃtʲə], right? Considering the Irish pronunciation, wouldnt *Tánischteu ['taniʃtɪu] make more sense than Tanaïschteu [tana.'iʃtɪu]?
Since no one objects, I'll consider these words accepted.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: [ISSUE] More stress rule fun
October 12, 2020, 12:10:57 PM
Quote from: Iac Marscheir on October 12, 2020, 11:40:54 AM
I just think every word should be stressmarked, "regular" stress or not. Rules like this aren't conducive to creating a badly-behaved conlang.

Besides, everybody knows that the more diacritics there are, the cooler the language.

I'd like to avoid the pre-2007 anarchy if at all possible. (Also too many diacritics at once are ugly as sin)