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Messages - Ian Plätschisch

Quote from: xpb on June 12, 2022, 10:32:27 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 02, 2022, 11:19:22 PM
Quote from: xpb on June 02, 2022, 10:54:17 PM
It is all well and good for anyone to propose changes that a supermajority can agree to in the way the Kingdom functions.  It is another matter to propose changes that would in the opinion of some to be an improvement, while that in the opinion of others is a radical change from one form of government to another entirely. 

And yet, in the face of a stable opposition where one party polled at a level greater than any other single party (at 39% of the whole), a coalition of other parties seeks to achieve changes that the current law of the land does not support based upon that opposition.  Ad hominem attacks seek to deflect away from this core concept.

... I've read this post over and over again and I can't actually work out what it means.

Can the author - a TNC MC - say what he thinks would be a good monarchy reform? "None" is an acceptable answer, and indeed the one I'm expecting.

I believe there are some good technical elements to reform of how a convocation would be conducted, however, that would need to happen only at a time of the demise, abdication, or removal from the throne of the monarch, not as a scheduled event.

When the King has "reigned for at least seven years since the previous Convocation" remains a fundamental change from monarchy to a republican form of government, as the word King in that case is changed in meaning to be equivalent with President or Chief Executive or similar.
Can this be taken to be an official TNC position? If so, the boycott can end.
WHEREAS the Organic Law directs that each government submit a budget by the second Clark of their Cosa term

PART A: Appropriations Request

His Majesty's Government hereby submits to the Ziu a request for the appropriation of funds from the Royal Treasury totaling 216¤42 ($325.05) for the specific purposes and subject to restrictions as outlined herein:


  • Creating physical items of Talossanity: 33¤20 ($50)

  • Webhosting costs: 100¤02 ($150.05)
  • Google ads: 33¤20 ($50)
  • ID Cards: 33¤20 ($50)

  • Donation in John Eiffler's name to a fitting organization: 16¤40 ($25)

FURTHERMORE, notwithstanding the above allocations, no funds shall be disbursed without a notice of disbursement having first been transmitted to the Ziu at least fourteen days prior to the disbursement, except that disbursements solely for the purpose of postage may be made with no less than 24 hours notice. Notices shall contain details of the purchase and a cost estimate for the purchase, or the total amount paid if seeking funds for reimbursement. Copies of receipts and/or invoices will be provided upon request to Members of the Ziu.

FURTHERMORE, any funds allocated by this section shall be retained in the central fund by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue until such time as they are disbursed. Funds not disbursed prior to the end of the government term shall remain in the central fund.

PART B. Fundraiser, Minting, and Other Authorizations

FURTHERMORE, the Minister of Finance, or his appointed deputy shall undertake to create manage and promote a voluntary fundraising campaign,  to the citizens of Talossa and other interested parties over the course of the term. The targeted amount for the campaign shall be ℓ133¤20 ($200). The proceeds of seignorage, sales of stamps, TalossaWare proceeds, and other voluntary contributions shall be included in this total except as provided elsewhere. The expected income for the term is as follows:

    Proceedings of sales (Coins/Stamps/Talossaware) + Donations to the Kingdom: ℓ133¤20 ($200)
    Registration fees for Cosa election: ℓ20 ($30)
    Registration fees for Senäts election: ℓ10 ($15)
    Interest on Talossa's bank accounts: ℓ3¤20 ($5)

Total: +ℓ166¤40 (+$250)

PART C: Investment Policy

FURTHERMORE, His Majesty's Government hereby directs the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to invest all held funds into a high-interest savings account unless or until otherwise directed or advised by act of the Ziu.
Would the evening of the 27th or the 29th work?
We're not in a pickle. We're prepared to keep this going for as long as the TNC isn't forthcoming about their platform. Trust us, anyone who knows the TNC personnel knew this wouldn't be quick  :P
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 04, 2022, 11:04:08 AM
And that's why we will not comply under duress.
Every time you say this, you admit that the TNC is so wimpy that they would rather betray their own voters by not putting forward the proposal they promised than face one iota of pressure from the Free Democrats.
I unfortunately do not have an answer for you.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 03, 2022, 11:26:40 PM
Maybe technically this does mean you didn't just "mention it once," but your problem here is that your method is so extreme and churlish that this just doesn't match up with good-faith efforts to actually engage on this issue.  We weren't even into the first Clark and you start demanding engagement and slinging threats, based on the fact that we didn't roll out a bill in the middle of the campaign in response to campaign debate?
All of our previous attempts to get you to engage on this issue resulted in being ignored; at least this time you had to respond (if only with indignation). As I keep saying, this method is not "extreme," we are requiring you to take five minutes to do something you have promised to do. Also, as I keep saying, the logical connection between this action and future threats is non-existent.

You keep on making assertions as though we have not debunked them many times over. I see now why you are so frustrating to so many people.

It's obvious at this point that the TNC was never going to propose any reform and is going to use "wE wIlL nOt CoMpLy WiTh ThReAtS" as cover to try to save themselves from admitting it.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 03, 2022, 08:06:39 AM
Quote from: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on June 01, 2022, 07:00:01 PM
So once again I ask, what more could we have done?
Well, asking more than once would have been a good start.
Why do you keep saying this when it has been pointed out to you over and over that it isn't true? I found the following four quotes in less than 15 minutes of searching for them (edited for brevity):

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 03, 2022, 03:25:16 PM
Monarchy reform is possible if the TNC and FreeDems agree on one. The ball is therefore now in the TNC court.
It should be abundantly clear what I expect to happen from here: that no proposal will come, because the TNC is almost entirely composed of conservative monarchists who will never support any monarchy reform ever ever ever, and the TNC's 50 word statement was disingenuous. But I allow for the possibility of pleasant surprise.
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on March 16, 2022, 09:59:03 PM

The TNC's 50-word statement claims that they want to "work with King John to implement monarchical reform." I don't see how they can claim this with a straight face:

  • S:reu Breneir Tzaracomprada entered the last government promising to support monarchical reform, then promptly reversed himself and offered no explanation
  • Sir Alexandreu Davinescu has opposed pretty much all monarchical reform in the past seven years
  • King John has vetoed pretty much all monarchical reform in the past seven years

So what reform do they want, exactly?[/b]

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 02, 2022, 09:36:20 PM
The point of resubmitting the bill is precisely to force the TNC to vote against it - to show, in action, what their actions in the last Cosă also showed, that they don't really mean it about monarchy reform.

Some may have forgotten that the Senator from Florencia ran in the previous election explicitly in support of this kind of compromise - then did a 180-degree-turn for reasons that he has never explained, except with personal abuse. It's best for that to be kept in people's minds.

Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on April 02, 2022, 08:44:43 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 02, 2022, 06:58:57 PM
Not a good sign here. Voters sent a message for change and the first thing the potential next government proposes is a twice-failed bill and that is now even more sure of failure a third time.

The bill is not twice-failed, it is once-vetoed. Also, given that the TNC actually put Monarchy reform in their 50-word statement, your voters might now want to know what you have in mind. If the current proposal is not to your liking, you can vote it down and propose something else.

I also sent the TNC leader a private message asking him his stance on Monarchy reform, which was ignored (even though I know he saw it).
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 01, 2022, 10:32:22 PM
Quote from: Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir on June 01, 2022, 08:39:27 PM
however, this was the last option we had to seek clarity from yourselves.
Really?  Because I think "doing literally anything beyond asking once where no one saw it" might have also been an option.

It seems kind of silly to me to claim that the Government was left with no choice.  I admire the simplicity of the two-step process, though:

  • Ask about something once.
  • Escalate immediately to demanding an answer on your own terms by way of threatening to block all legislation, no matter the topic or need, indefinitely, unless your demands are met.
We asked about it several times.
I'm happy to announce the return of the wildly popular

Seneschal's Days of Observance

The rules are simple. Every time you make 20 updates to, I will issue a Prime Dictate to commemorate a Day of Observance of your choosing, and I will post of picture of myself celebrating it.

Get editing,
Ian Plätschisch
In my humble opinion this is exactly the kind of bureaucracy we are trying to get rid of.
I'd like to submit the Seneschal Selection and Reselection Amendment
Mr. Túischac'h:

We have been considering replacements for quite a while, but unfortunately no one who we have offered the position to so far has been available.